Singlepoint (4U) Ltd
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Value For Money
Singlepoint (4U) Ltd
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User Reviews
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Singlepoint (4u) Ltd Is The Worst, Not Only Do You
Singlepoint (4U) Ltd is the worst, not only do you have to write in to cancel your contract. They said they would cancel the direct debit to my account lo and behold your still billed 2 months later. And they never cancelled your contract. I phoned up and actually got through spoke to a guy who was helpful and managed to cancel it for me. Still didn't get a refund for the two months I was billed but was so thankful to get away from the hard sell of the phone sales men and there shoddy products. I went to Orange and it's a different world, a good happy world. My recommendations don't touch this company with a barge pole.
Value For Money
I Am A Singlepoint Customer (after Originally Havi
I am a Singlepoint customer (after originally having been with Vodaphone) and have always had a problem to contact them. Recently my phone just stopped receiving messages. As it was under warranty, I needed a confirmation letter from Singlepoint. On monday, they told me (after half an hour listening to various non-human voices) it would take them 5 days to send me a fax. Any attempt to discuss why they need 5 days to send a simple fax was dismissed by a rather rude operator. On friday (as the fax never arrived), I called them again and went through the same procedure to be told they needed another serial number from my phone. No apologies they did not ask for it first time around and no apologies for not contacting me. This time they promised to fax me within 48 hours. Some 48 hours later (and no fax) new phone call only to be told they faxed it earlier that day (Monday). Checked all the faxes and there was none. Asked around the office people to see if they mistakenly took mine.... A day later a letter from Singlepoint arrives by mail. Thus they lied. This is the worst company I have ever heard of.
Ever Since Starting My Contract In November 2003 S
Ever since starting my contract in November 2003 Singlepoint have annoyed me. At first it wasn't anything particularly bad, just an annoying level of calls to welcome me and stuff, telling me about the customer service they provide (and then later wouldn't really bother with) and then ringing me up to ask me how I felt the customer service levels in their previous phone calls were. A bit annoying when I didn't even have the phone I'd bought at that point, but it's bearable.
Then they decided to just go into stupidity overdrive. For some reason, no idea why, they decided to change my bank details on their computer (I didn't tell them to, and my bank details stayed exactly the same), but only noticed a few months later. I still got all the statements from them saying my direct debit payments were received, but obviously the person who was actually paying my bill wasn't too happy, complained and then Singlepoint said to me "oh, ok mate, we've had a bit of a problem but we'll spread the cost out of the money you owe us. We won't dump it all on you in one go". Cue a bill for nearly £300 that month. I ring them up and after eventually managing to get hold of someone who wanted to pretend to help me, the general jist of what they said to me was "eh, don't really care mate".
Now I'm trying to get my phone upgraded (god knows why, I should really go get a different phone with a vaguely competent provider) after having paid god knows how much through their phones 4 life scheme, but they're ignoring my emails and I've not had much luck trying to get through on the last few occasions on the phone.
So yeah, Singlepoint. If they were a comedian they'd be Richard Blackwood. if they were a supermarket, they'd be Lidl. If they were a international football team they'd be San Marino. In a word: Rubbish.
I Have Been A Customer Of Singlepoint (4u) For Alm
I have been a customer of Singlepoint (4U) for almost the last 3 years. I am not happy about the customer services. They are not polite and even eager to give information about new opportunities to update handsets. Be careful about the bills, they can charge extra without your information.
The only good thing I will say about Singlepoint is that they have decent hold machine which is important if your on hold post 10 minutes. Believe they have been bought out now from Vodafone so all our problems (relating to Singlepoint that is) are solved in theory.
I Have To Applaud Rookienm And Redrider1za's Attem
I have to applaud RookieNM and RedRider1za's attempts at being helpful. However, unfortunately you cannot detract from people's actual experinces that are occurring daily and their comments are 'bolting the stable door after the horse has gone'. I would like to ask them, would they be willing to help, as they must work for either Singlepoint or Vodafone, next time my or one of my colleagues contract nears the end? After all, if they are this interested in replying to every comment people make on this website, this would show absolute and real life assistance to customers. I would be very willing to supply you with my email and we could take it from there. Perhaps this could be a way to repair all the bad feeling there is. What a demonstration of service this would display. What a window of opportunity! Put your money where your mouths are... Actions speak louder than words...
Not really sure you're answering to the right comment here... Haven't mentioned anything about ending contracts and my comment was aimed at the 2 people mentioned, however your comment provokes me to remind you that not every unsatisfied customer by any means, knows of this website, so I'm sure that there are plenty more out there with greviences, I personally know several that do not know about this site to air their views.
I do appreciate your comments, however, considering that Vodafone took over Singlepoint in Sept 2003 and since that date there have been 65 reviews logged on this site against Singlepoint, and considering that Singlepoint have over 1.5million customers on there base I personally feel that this is a pretty respectable figure. Since the buy out the company has made significant steps in improving the customers experience.
Mistakes happen, I doubt that anyone would be silly enough to suggest they don't, give Singlepoint the opportunity to put their mistakes right.
However we as customers do need share some responsibility in that -
Every phone comes with a contract.
You need to tell the company if you want to end the contract, it doesn't end on its own! Imagine how many complaints there would be if it did!?
You never get a phone for free! There is always a catch!
Some come on guys, let’s keep it in perspective!
Be good!
Singlepoint (4u) Ltd: In April '03 I Started A New
Singlepoint (4U) Ltd: In April '03 I started a new contract with Singlepoint on a Nokia 3650. When this contract ran out I started a more expensive one and kept my original phone. This has started to play up now.
I rang to see if an upgrade was possible and was told that I'd have to wait until Jauary 15th to be in the 10th month of my contract or pay a £50 early upgrade fee. I explained I had kept my phone after the original contract had expired but was told I'd started a fresh one in April '04 and would have to wait.
I asked how much the upgrade would be in January and was told £70, meaning if I did it now it would be £120 with the early upgrade fee, all for a phone which is being given away free with £15.99 per month contracts.
Singlepoint's cheapest tariff is £15 per month so reducing my tariff to this is far cheaper than the upgrade fee! This is what I have done and started a new deal with someone else and got a nice free Siemens SL65. A cheap way around a stupid system!
Thankyou for your advice!
Was you upgrade done in a store?
I know that Singlepoint does honour 14 day returns on its upgrades but only the ones that it actions directly!
If it was done in a store and they are adamant they will not accept it back, the best bet you be to call or write to their head office!
Strictly speaking a 14 days return only applies to a new credit agreement (IE cooling off) or distant selling (IE over the telephone)
Good Luck
Hi Duncan
Where did you have your phone from?
Even if the fone was purchased through singlepoint you are still entitled to the 14 days in which you can return if you are not happy.
I was wondering if anyone could help me please. I purchased an upgrade last week and in doing so agreed to a new 12 month contract starting in February. However, since last week I have been offered a place on a course in Italy where my phone would be useless. On the info I got with the phone it said I have 14 days in which I can return the phone if I'm not happy. However when I took it back they said that the 14 days only applies to new customers and not upgrades despite this not being written- any ideas of what I could do?
sounds like it was a non-hardware deal.
this means that singlepoint would have put u on a new 12 mth contract ( u agreeing to this )but probably at that time u were happy to keep your old fone rather than getting a new one at point of upgrade.
if i was u i would always have a new fone at point of upgrade even if u don't use it u will still have it spare incase anything ever happens to the one u r using
I Bought My Phone Believing It Was With Vodaphone,
I bought my phone believing it was with Vodaphone, however I then recieved a letter from Singlepoint saying my contract was officially through them. Since then I have found it difficult to contact them, the phone lines are always busy and the website does not have an email address were you can contact someone. The "contact us" page merely has a list of queries you can pick from & for some reason there is no listing for complaints??
After a year I have cancelled my contract as they would not do a free phone upgrade. I cancelled the correct way by giving a months notice, however my final bill included another months line rental! When I rang to complain about this they said I would receive a credit for half as they say they did not recieve my letter in time! (I know the post service is bad, but does it really take 15 days for a first class letter??) So I am now being charged for something I have never used & Singlepoint will not do a thing about it.
My only wish is that I had read this page before purchasing a Vodaphone mobile!! I wont be making that mistake again!!
Value For Money
For Gods Sake, No Matter How Good The Deal Is, Do
For gods sake, no matter how good the deal is, do not use Singlepoint, and advise everyone you know against them.
Took me two months to receive phone. Apparently it had been stolen from the delivery depot. Customer services didn't want to know, and were rude and patronising. Almost as if they didn't believe me. And charged me line rental for the two months I didn't have the damn phone.
I've had a whole catalogue of problems with Singlepoint. The company appears to have no morals and are, in my opinion frankly, cowboys ruining Vodafnes name.
Most recently, I got a bill in excess of £100. Why? I had been to the Czech Republic and been charged over £1 each time the call went to receipients voicemail. 1 second phone call = £1. Phoned customer service again and was told it was my fault I had not checked. I thought it was per second billing? None the less, fair enough, but no need for the aggro I got from them AGAIN.
Just for the record, singlepoint don't have any stores, they are purely telephone based.Tthe stores you are referring to are Phones 4 U who admittedly used to be part of the same group (Caudwell) but no longer have anything to do with singlepoint.
Russellyeah...you have really hit the nail on the head with your review on SP. I was with them once and can happily say that I will never go back to those, what I consider, rude, obnoxious bunch of cowboys again. The staff and call centres were obviously trained to a bare minimum, and their manners leave a lot to be desired, as is proved by the numerous comments that SP employees have made here.
By the way, its 356 now and rising ;-)
You're trying to give more than an opinion or an experience as people give here. You're attempting to give constant statistics which is a very different thing. You obviously work in the industry so are biased, whereas we are not. Your commet about 354 out of 2 million customers comment is meaningless. As I'm sure not every unsatisfied customer bothers to put their comments on this website, even you I'm sure can realise that. The views of people here are real life experiences. If you are that conceintious about the company you work for I would be willing to go with you to a SP store or hold a telephone conversation with SP and let you see the kind of disgusting behaviour they display. I doubt you would take me up on it. THAT would be the real world test, rather than text book marketing figures. Although I have better things to do before you say it, this is how strongly I feel on this topic. That's how angry SP has made me feel in the past....
Give you factual evidence? The same could be said for every topic on this site, people are here to give an opinion nothing more, as for evidence this would not be available to you, the methods adapted are vodafone customer care management based, and again run a searh on TRIM scores complaints anything else you can think off that show service providers compared, you might be surprised at the results...
Don't Expect Any Consideration For Loyalty When As
Don't expect any consideration for loyalty when asking for discount on new handset from Singlepoint. They seem happier to let you move to a new network than do a deal on a phone upgrade.
Don't expect them to make it easy for you to change to another network. They are the only ones I know who will only release the PAC code 5 days from the end of the contract! This leaves no time to arrange for a new phone and number transfer.
My advice, take a hint!
Whilst still in contract (before you cancel) an upgrade can cost you money. If you go direct to a shop etc they are paid upto £250 to subsidise your 'new connection' therefore offering a better deal. However when you cancel in writing your name is put into a callback system and a sales rep will call and offer you the 'world on a stick' to keep your business. It makes sense to do it this way as it creates profit for those happy to pay for a phone and those who aren't. Lastly: some model phones aren't free at all irrrespective of the expense of your tariff as some exceed the £450-00 value mark. Most providers work on the same principle.
This is standard on all networks, the only reason it is released at this point of your contract is quite the opposite from what you say, not to make you stay with singlepoint longer but to prevent you leaving before your contract expires, a port takes from 48 hours to 5 days, all networks offer a service of setting up a temporary number for you until it is released from your current provider, nothing to stop anyone setting up their new account before hand in time for the number being released to you.
Quality of service
Layout of shop
Value For Money
I Have Been With Singlepoint Now For Slightly Over
I have been with Singlepoint now for slightly over 2 years, but with reluctance. I bought the phone from a Phones 4u store, assuming that I had purchased a contract directly from o2. It was therefore a bit of a shock to discover that I received a Singlepoint bill at the end of a first month. Not a problem, I thought, it's still the same service.
How wrong could I be?
You see, Singlepoint love nothing more than attracting new customers with good deals and prices. However, when you become one of these customers, Singlepoint seem to put you to the bottom of the priority pile. After being with them for over 2 years, you would think that I would be entitled to some loyalty benefit, such as reduced line rental or free upgrades. Think again.
The straw that has recently broke the camel's back is their upgrade procedure. You see, I opted for this Phones 4 Life scheme. What a waste of time. March this year, 18 months after a joined Singlepoint, I thought I would like a new phone, so I thought I would use the upgrade facility. So off I trundled into my nearest Phones 4u store and spoke to a very nice lady who kindly told me that because Singlepoint had been taken over by Vodafone, all o2 customers were subject to a £50 upgrade charge. 2 things sent alarm bells ringing in my head:
1) When did Singlepoint get taken over and why haven't I been told by Singlepoint my benefits as an o2 customer may change because of this takeover?
2) What about this 'free upgrade' I was promised?
Foolishly, I went along with the upgrade which really was a downgrade (a phone that is to be honest worse than my last one). Apart from this, things seemed to be hunky dory.
That's until recently, when I contacted Singlepoint about another issue. I casually informed them that I wanted to cancel Phones 4 Life as I didn't see any benefit. The guy asked me why, and I told them about my charge. This is where he turned round to me, saying 'I have not heard anything about a charge, it's intermittent and you shouldn't have paid it'. Cheers! Another case of Singlepoint grabbing money out of their 'loyal' customers.
I am now stuck with them til next April, along with bills that seem to be swaying from month to month. I do not go over my free mins and text messages each month, so why is the bill not consistent? At the end of this 12 months I will be cancelling my contract with Singlepoint and going to o2 direct. Although with reading some horror stories on this website, I don't think that will be an easy task!
As POVEYS says, if you hang in there we will proactively contact you through 'AMT' (Account Management Team) or failing that one sales channel up from that the 'Retention Department' who may be able to better the offer even more. Invariably I can argue that you will almost always get a better deal from one of the two departments who handle all sales enquiries and cancellations. Trust this is of help.
As I work for Singlepoint, I believe I am in a good position to advise. Their is always something we can do to keep you happy, if you want to upgrade for free and maybe change your tariff, just call and ask for an account manager in the contract saves dept and generally the deals that we offer often tend to be cheaper over the year than what you would pay if you took a new deal though a phones 4u store. 0870 9000 700
If you want to know why your bill fluctuates, why don't you read them? Singlepoint do not make bills up, if there are extra charges one month they will be detailed!
Did you upgrade at Phones4U or Singlepoint direct? Anything that Phones4u charged you is nothing to do with Singlepoint. They are a separate business and they want your profit too.
Give Singlepoint a break; I find them quite good.
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