Resident Evil 2 (PS2)
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Resident Evil 2 (PS2)

User Reviews
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Resident Evil 2 Game Had A Good Graphics And Exele
resident evil 2 game had a good graphics and exelent gameplay but is only for one player
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Resident Evil 2 Is Awsome. Follows Original Story
Resident Evil 2 is awsome. follows original story line. Bad point is chris is suppose to have "dissapered"
Value For Money
Addiction Level
I Love Resident Evil Period! I Think That Everyone
I love Resident Evil period! I think that everyone would love this game above all else. I highly recommend it.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Resident Evil 2 (from Capcom For The Sony Playstat
Resident Evil 2 (from Capcom for the Sony Playstation 2) is a classic game. It is fantastic with a fulfilling story line and a complete game. The ending is kind of ok, needed a little more to it, but all in all this is a wonderful game. All the zombies that you get to kill and the puzzles are challenging. The bosses are very well spread out throughout the game and beiung able to use more than one character is alwayz fantastic! 10 by my vote!
I think this reveiw didn't do justice to the resident evil series. In general re0 is the best game yet for gamecube consels world wide and is only rivald by it's sequel re1 that was released late last year. There will never be a game quite as captivateing for a long time in my opinion, my only hope is that capcom doesn't destroy the religous like story line with a load of prequils and sequels (example star wars and tomb raider)
Value For Money
Addiction Level
In The Game Resident Evil 2 For The Sony Playstati
In the game Resident Evil 2 for the Sony playstation 2, Leon and Claire help move the story along. The cinema scenes are cool and finding all the files, weapons, and evidece eventually reveals the mystery behind RE 2. It also gives a clue about who Nemesis is.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Addiction Level
Capcom Resident Evil 2 Does Not Have A Unique Stor
Capcom Resident Evil 2 does not have a unique story line, it's just like all the others in the series, the evil Umbrella made ZOMBIEZ now you go and stop them. OOOOOOOOOOOOOnOOOOOOOOO! The graphics in this game are nice for playstation. I like the guns (but my personal fave is the pistol). Once I spent an hour tring to find out one simple puzzle
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Addiction Level
This Is A Computer Game That I Think Could Have Be
This is a computer game that i think could have been based on the evil dead series i may be mistaken. However its a brilliant game with a story and it revolves around 2 people trying to find out whats going on in a zombie infested city. The weapons are plenty the cut scenes are plently and it will make you jump plenty. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. This game makes good use of the playstations graphics and there are no visible load times. As with other games of this genre there are puzzles and no percific levels just differant areas this can sometimes have you wandering about because you missed that all important door.
A complete load of pap. I don't think you know what you're talking about.
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