Minolta Dimage G400
Battery Life
Ease of Use
Minolta Dimage G400

User Reviews
Ease of Use
Value For Money
Battery Life
Image Quality
Minolta Dimage G400 Review: I Am A Profession
Minolta Dimage G400 Review:
I am a professional photographer, in that I frequently use photographs to enhance my web site, as well as draw in customers, to illustrate my work, and also I work for others with photography.
I have a very nice Sony S85 from a few years back, but I like little pocketable stuff, and so I've been looking at compact and sub-compact cameras for months. I've tried other cameras extensively including the much hyped Sony T1. I eventually settled on the G400 because of its inherent outstanding imaging, coupled with flexibility not seen in nearly any other camera this price or size. The G400 is the current MIRACLE camera on the market, and surpases cameras costing twice as much- like the T1 and others. I've documented a detailed comparison on my web page devoted to this at http://www.neilslade.com/Papers/details.html
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