Simple Strip - 3 Step Wallpaper Removal System

Simple Strip - 3 Step Wallpaper Removal System

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Simple Strip - 3 Step Wallpaper Removal System

Simple Strip - 3 Step Wallpaper Removal System
4.79 14 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Its That Good!

Sometimes things are not too good to be true. Now I feel strange getting excited over removing wallpaper, but using this system makes a very tough task that much easier. Different papers and glues require different soaking times so if your paper does not come off in sheets, let it marinate a tad longer and keep the sheets wet. Only 4 more rooms to go!


Value For Money

Used This On 30+ Year Old Woodchip, Which Had Been

Used this on 30+ year old woodchip, which had been painted maybe 6 or 7 times. Having heard all the horror stories about stripping W/C bought this from the internet. My dad slated me for it "gimmicky s*ite". To be honest as I cursed using the sheets and watched the sheen of the 6 or 7 layers of paint I had serious doubts "how the hell could it get through". Which turned to fears as I found out I'd didn't have my scraper anymore and might have to ask my dad for his...

Fortunately all I needed was a screw driver and my hands, actually only hand, even recorded a video to rub it in as I tore off whole sheets! Just makes me sad that I bothered buying plaster and sand paper to fill all the defects I was expecting in the walls!


If only you had mentioned how to get one ?????? Maybe giving the web address perhaps , I too have 30 year old wood chip that is coated with numerous coats of paint to get off my walls


Value For Money

Had Some Old, Heavily Varnished Wallpaper That Not

Had some old, heavily varnished wallpaper that nothing I tried could get off (steamer had no affect at all!). Wallwik shifts the paper fairly effectively (I just have to make sure I have at least one score mark every 5mm or similar). As far as I can tell, it's actually the solution that is most effective, the sheets just help it penetrate effectively. The scorer is fine, but I would recommend a "hedghog" perforator, it covers much more area and scores more effectively with less damage to the underlying plasterwork. As others have said, the scraper is a bit pants, just use a standard metal one.

So overall great product (as otherwise the wallpaper would be stuck on) but could do with better accessories. Not sure I would use this over a steamer on "normal" wallpaper though, it's a bit faffy, but great for difficult wallpapers.


Value For Money

Disclaimer: I Used Wallwick To Remove Wallpaper Fr

DISCLAIMER: I used Wallwick to remove wallpaper from walls that were properly sized before the wallpaper was hung. I don't know how it will work on walls NOT properly sized.

Wallwick is the BEST method I've ever used to removed wallpaper. In the past I've used DIF, homemade concoctions (vinegar, laundry softener), steamers, etc.

Before using Wallwick I very lightly "scored" the walls, sprayed the walls with Wallwick solution/water mix, applied the soaked wet sheets, waited 10 minutes, removed the wet sheets, started peeling the wallpaper and the wallpaper basically came off by itself in entire sheets. AMAZING!!!! I found that it worked so well that I stopped using the wet sheets. I just sprayed the solution onto the walls, waited a few minutes and took the wallpaper off. One bottle of Wallwick solution goes a long way.

I wish I had known about Wallwick 2 houses ago. STRESS FREE process!!!


Value For Money

Wallwik Wallpaper Removal System Is Actually A Rea

Wallwik Wallpaper Removal System is actually a really simple system. Basically, it's interfacing (for us gals who sew you know the stuff) and soapy water and a scratching tool to cut the wallpaper and a pressurised garden plant sprayer. BUT they were the smart cookies that put the whole system together so fair play to them! It works a DREAM!!!!


Value For Money

The Wallwik Wallpaper Removal System Is Fantastic!

The Wallwik Wallpaper Removal System is fantastic! My border was so tightly glued to my wall that I actually kept putting off remodeling the room. I first saw Wallwik on a home improvement show and decided I had nothing to lose. Unbelievable. We scored as directed, put the border soaked sheets on top, misted approx. every five minutes or so. We kept ours on for 30 mins or more. It peeled off like a removal decal with ease. We didn't even have to scrape. The border was twenty years old. A final wipe of the walls and we are ready to paint. I wish I had found this when I had done the rest of the rooms in the house! We opted to use the stronger dose recommended on the bottle from 1 oz. mix to 3 oz. since we thought our paper would be hard to get off. Also, since it was just a border, used a simple garden spray bottle to keep sheets misted. Good Luck! Simple, easy to use. Little mess.


Value For Money

I So Recommend Wallwik Wallpaper Removal System.i

I so recommend Wallwik Wallpaper Removal System.I had 20 year old vinyl wallpaper that I had tried every known trick out there to remove (steamer everything!) all those remedies took hours to remove then left the sheetrock needing repair. I was ready to just call someone to replace the sheetrock before I tackled another room of this paper. Before I did that though I decided to surf the internet for any other remedies I had not tried and came upon your website, for the price I decided to try it before I started tearing out walls, so I sprayed the product on the paper left on the wall after you remove the vinyl and waiting thinking this is not going to work either so I waited a couple of minutes then used the scraper and I was AMAZED this took that paper off like it was just put up left NO marks in my sheetrock! I was so excited I stopped and called all my friends to tell them about it. Now I can't wait to tackle the other rooms! I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND this product to anyone trying to remove wallpaper.


Value For Money

I Love Wallwik. It Works And That's All That Matt

I love Wallwik. It works and that's all that matters. I recommend it to anyone looking to remove wallpaper. Simply use a tiger lightly over the wallpaper to be removed, squirt w/Wallwick liquid, let it set a while, then start scraping.


Value For Money

The Wallwik Wallpaper Removal System Is A Great Pr

The Wallwik Wallpaper Removal System is a great product! I have steamed before and did more damage than removal. With this it was spray and wait and the sheets pulled off the walls in whole pieces without damaging the drywall. It even worked on two layers of paper and one layer was painted over, it took longer but still came off in whole sheets. Love it cannot wait to do my other area!


Value For Money

I Had Wallpaper That Just Would Not Come Off, And

I had wallpaper that just would not come off, and the Wallwik Wallpaper Removal System came to my rescue. After applying the strips, and following the directions, it came right off. I really was amazed! I would recommend this to anyone, in fact, I already have been telling everyone I know who is doing a home project. I know it saved me hours of tedious work. Thanks so much!

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