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Stephen King, Misery
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“Misery by Stephen King is an all together gut churning...”


written by ANNE HARRISON on 31/03/2006

Misery by Stephen King is an all together gut churning adrenalin pumping read. Although the film was very good, the book far exceeds expectations.

I definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a scare, a thrill and being made to feel sick.

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“Misery is a great book like all other Stephen Kings...”


written by babyangel94 on 12/01/2006

Misery is a great book like all other Stephen Kings masterpieces.

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“This is one of my favorite King books I've read so...”


written by bojanglesk8 on 13/08/2005

This is one of my favorite King books I've read so far. It's about(Synopsis): A best-selling novelist named Paul Sheldon from his Misery Chastain Romance Novels, who is invlolved in a car accident while driving during the Colorado Winter back home, with his finished manuscript of "Fast Cars." A former nurse by the name of Annie Wilkes, who claims to be his Number 1 fan, rescues him, and nurses him slowly back to health in her little isolated cottage. Paul soon finds out that Annie is very dangerously pyschotic.
Obsessed with Pauls Misery Chastain Romance Novels, she reads each over and over, until finally purchasing the last book in the series at a market, only to realise, that at the end, the protagonist of the series, Misery gets killed off.
Annie suddenly becomes insane, and buys Paul a typewriter, forcing him to resurrect Misery back into life, and continue the series, or else. There are a few ways to spur him on... one is a needle, another is an axe, and then she gets reaaal nasty!
Paul Sheldon used to write for a living, now he's writing to stay alive!
The whole book is 330 pages or so; short and sweet, and is fast paced, and suspenseful, making your blood gush with shivering fear, keeping you on the edge of your seat, eyes bulging.
This book is also funny at times, and terrifyingly scary. It has lots of good character delianation, and great insight, and you'll feel like your actually a part in the story.
Has some good gory scenes in it as well too. Get your badself off the computer and into the bookstore!

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Stephenkingfan3425's Response to bojanglesk8's Review

Written on: 04/12/2005

Thanx you really helped me. I haven't read this one yet, but you've convinced me to.

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“Stephen King's Misery is the story of world famous...”


written by avidreadr on 28/07/2005

Stephen King's Misery is the story of world famous writer Paul Sheldon, who, after suffering a terrible car accident, is held captive and terrorized by his "Number one fan". The book chronicles his life in the home wich has become his hospital/prison.

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