Chocolate Labradors
Value For Money
Chocolate Labradors
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User Reviews
My Pride And Joy !!
I have a 3yr old choc lab called Wilco who I have raised sine he was 8 weeks old and I can't recommend this breed of dog highly enough (particularly for a family)
Loyal to the hilt , gentle, daft,hilarious and gorgeous would be the words I'd use to describe him. Don't be fooled into thinking this breed is "thick" as some people call them , they understand commands and once you teach the basics they are wonderful to train. Althought it's true they are very hard work as puppies and very needy ! Persevere as you will end up with a friend for life . I run a dog walking company and have walked and known countless breeds over several years but would still put the Chic lab at the top of all f dog breeds
Value For Money
I Love My Choccy !!!
i inherited a 5 month old choc lab,we call her sophie,shes now coming up to a year old,she lives with a 14 month old jack russel.at the start they were enamies for 12 hours,after that they become best of friends.totally devoted to each other,sophie is loveable,daft and very sociable,shes my best friend,my companion,as shes growing up shes learning more how to behave herself as she is a big 'chancer',but now all is calm,they need toys,bones and 100% loyalty from the owner i find.so if you have an unruly daft choc lab pup keep with it, you will find you could never be without them in the end.
Worth All The Work
My chocolate lab was a handful when I brought him home at 4 months. I honestly didn't know what I was getting into. A lab puppy is a full time job and requires a lot of patience.
BUT it was worth every moment. My lab has brought out the best parts of every one in my family. I can't imagine life without my big goofy lab. He goes everywhere we go and I look forward to the next 10 years with him.
Value For Money
Gun Dog. The Akc Describes The Labrador's Temperam
Gun dog. The AKC describes the Labrador's temperament as a kind, pleasant, outgoing and tractable nature. Even tempered, excellent family dog. Very intelligent and full of energy. Frequently trained to aid blind and autistic people; therapy dogs.
Best Friends Ever!
I have two Chocolate Lab puppies, one being 7 Months of age and the other of 3 months. After falling in love with the first and oldest puppy, Brantley, We just HAD to get a second, Colt. They are, by far the MOST AMAZING pets a person could ever ask for. They have completely different personalities but at the end of the day my boyfriend and I love them both the same. Brantley is calm, and very chill until around bed time. Then he's running laps through our home and jumping from couch to couch. Our youngest baby, Colt, thinks he's big and bad, when in reality, he's only 20 pounds. He's a feisty little thing, and can be a handful especially when picking on and beating up our oldest puppy. Our youngest Lab is just like a baby. I carry him around and he wraps his arms around my neck and just rests his head on my shoulder. It's the most precious thing. Brantley is also a cuddler. Both of our puppies sleep on their backs, which we thought was odd at first but now we just get a kick out of it. our labs have taught both of us soo many different things and they bring such joy to our lives. Best dogs in the world!!
Value For Money
Big Bundle Of Fun !
I have a choc lab , 3 yr old , inherited her as a 6 month old pup . Pippa is my first owned dog as an adult , but grew up with border collies , so well used to handling dogs . Have to say she is the goofiest dog i have ever come across , daft as a brush ! but she is the sweetest , well tempered , friendliest dog i have ever met . Loyal !!!! i can,t have a bath or use the toilet without her sitting there with her big hazel eyes staring at me . Too anyone who wants a loving docile family pet , look no further than this breed , they are the BEST .
Value For Money
We Have A 3 Year Old Chocolate Lab Named Penny. As
We have a 3 year old chocolate lab named Penny. As a puppy she was a holy terror. Lol. But one day something clicked and she just suddenly got everything we had been trying to teach her. No accidents. You never have to tell her anything twice. My husband has even trained her to listen to snapping. You don't even have to say a word. Just snap and she knows to go to bed. She is the most loyal and loving dog. She loves the cat we got when she was 2 even though she didn't grow up with her. She's honestly just one big baby. She does require A LOT of attention. And I've noticed when my husband and I have been busy for a few days and haven't gotten to play or really love on her she gets mopey and depressed. She is a huge snuggler. She follows me everywhere. No exaggeration. She can not be alone. She also never barks. we have trained her not to though so idk if that's the breed or training. I honestly don't think you could ever find a more loving, fun, sweet, and goofy dog as a chocolate lab. I had the choice between Penny and a purebred husky. And to this day my mom still thinks I'm crazy for choosing the lab. But I wouldn't go back and change it ever. She is our first and only dog. She honestly requires too much attention for me to be able to handle another dog. Again idk if that's the breed though or just my dog........
Value For Money
I Have A Chocolate Brown Labrador Called Muffin Sh
I have a chocolate brown labrador called muffin shes 5 and is butiful i love my dog me and my family were lucy to get such a good dog our last one would run off at the park and not been seen for days. B ut my dog now is much frendlier and nicer shes realy realy a good dog.
Value For Money
We Got Our Lab From A Sanctuary. He Was From A Pup
We got our lab from a sanctuary. He was from a puppy farm and was totally traumatised. It took 3 months of patient loving to train him but was all worthwhile. He is the most beautiful dog ever. He is so obedient and loving and no trouble at all now.You can take him anywhere. I would recommend a lab to anyone looking for a dog.Why not get one from a rescue centre or sanctuary. They are worth the effort to train.
Value For Money
I Am So Pleased That Everyone Feels The Same As I
i am so pleased that everyone feels the same as i do about their chocolate labs - i have a 14 month old called chester who i totally and utterly adore. he is fantastic with the children, loves to be with other dogs - the more the merrier and makes us laugh every day. so many people have commented on what a lovely dog he is and i am so proud that he is mine. the best 40th birthday present i could ever wish for!
We lost our lovely girl Biscuit, a Chocolate Lab 4 weeks ago with an inoperable tumour on the heart. Biscuit had a lovely nature, but was world class at digging enormous holes in the garden. On Friday I picked our next Choc Lab Polly, who will be with us in a few weeks. We are having the garden re-turfed in preparation, and will scatter Biscuits ashes on it when it is laid.
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