Fuji Finepix S5500

Fuji Finepix S5500

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Battery Life


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Fuji Finepix S5500

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Fuji Finepix S5500
4.71 17 user reviews

Battery Life


Ease of Use




Image Quality


Value For Money

User Reviews


Image Quality


Battery Life




Ease of Use


Value For Money

Love This Camera

"Love this camera!"

Does everything it says it will, and then some. Is somewhat pricey and bulky to use for someone who needs a camera seldomly but when you use this, photos turn out perfectly. Best to learn how to use all the features and also on how totaled great photo with an SLR. Look online for great deals or buy from your local camera store if they offer free lessons with your purchase.


Value For Money

I'm An Architect. Our Office Fuji S5500 Has Incred

I'm an architect. Our office Fuji S5500 has incredibly now taken 18,000 shots since April 2005 and is still going strong. That means it's incredibly reliable and robust... it's had to be. It feels great, it has a great zoom. Photos generally are as good as you might expect. Switch-on and shutter lag delay times are OK for cameras of the era, but not as good as I would prefer. In auto mode it's quick and easy to use, but manual settings are fiddly and you'll forget how to use them if you don't use them often. Downsides: The main selection dial can be moved too freely. Photos of dark objects against a white sky will diplay colour fringing. The autofocus struggles in dark situations. The flash is not as powerful as I would like. the rear display is rather small. It can eat batteries, (make sure you carry spare rechargeables). Overall however, I just love this camera.


It had to happen. After over 33000 photos our reliable old Fuji S5500 has given up the ghost. To be more precise, it is virtually unusable due to a minor breakage. the battery compartment door has a small lug that enages on the camera body; the lug has sheared off. If anyone can help, it could be put back into service, but otherwise it will be languishing in a drawer.

It has led a good life, and I never expected it to survive this long. I will miss it.


Update 16 Nov. 2011.

We're now up to image number #21,150 in the six and a half years since it was first used . . . I didn't know they still made cameras that could last like this. The picture quality is still just as good too. Incidentally, (should have mentioned this before), I strongly recommend that you ALWAYS keep the lens hood in place. This has almost certainly been the main reason the camera has lasted so long. Pity that rechargeable batteries don't seem to last quite as well.


Value For Money

Many Years Ago I Had A Top Notch 35mm Ricoh Slr, T

many years ago I had a top notch 35mm ricoh slr, then my enthusiasm waned & I bought a cheap digital compact for snaps.Now this has busted & I purchased Fuji Finepix S5500 off of ebay for £60.

Brilliant! have dug out all my old gear as am enthusiastic again!


I found this review helpful because... indeed the ergonomics are excellent. The camera can easily be used one handed if necessary. I use the 2 or 10 second delay a lot, and this could help offset the lack of remote shutter release.


Value For Money

The Fuji Finepix S5500 Is A Great Camera, Versatil

The Fuji Finepix S5500 is a great camera, versatile, easy to use, acceptable shutter lag, good optics. It offers a range of working options from fully auto to shutter/apeture priority, 10X optical zoom, bracketing, movie option etc. enough to suit everyone from the happy snapper to the serious enthusiast. My only, very small, criticism is that the selection dial can move fairly easily and sometimes ends up unnoticed on a different setting to that expected. A lift then turn option would be great here, but it is a small point and a glance ensures this has not happened.10/10


I found this review helpful because... I also agree with the observation that the selection dial moves too easily.


Value For Money

The Fuji Finepix S5500 Is Pretty Easy To Use When

The Fuji Finepix S5500 is pretty easy to use when first purchased. Can get by only having to learn how to switch it on and press the click button.




Ease of Use


Value For Money


Battery Life


Image Quality

What Can I Say. One Hell Of A Camera I Brought It

What can i say. One hell of a camera i brought it Aug 06 and its the best i've had. I used to take photo's for a dog paper. So i needed a good camera got rid of my hp 5 mp and brought the 5500 Fuji. Fujis leave others standing for the money you wont buy better go and try before you buy. Mine was £145 in Aug 06




Ease of Use


Value For Money


Battery Life


Image Quality

I Bought The Fuji Finepix S5500 Digital Camera Abo

I bought the Fuji Finepix S5500 digital camera about 9 months ago, and I have been very impressed with it! It's my third digital camera, and by far the best. It has all the features and controls you could ask for, and it is a nice size to hold, with a good flash built in.




Ease of Use


Value For Money


Battery Life


Image Quality

I Bought Fuji Finepix S5500 About 5-6 Months Ago.

I bought Fuji FinePix S5500 about 5-6 months ago. I paid for 2000NIS (~430$).

It is my first digital camera.

First impression is great, camera has great design, it's very comfortable to hold, all controls and buttons are on a right place.

It's very easy to use this camera, it is suitable for beginners, and there are features that will please advanced photographers.

The camera can function on fully automatic mode, flexible program or on priority modes such as shutter and aperture. It has good shutter speed range is 15-1/2000, and a bit to narrow range of aperture, only up to 8.

Built-in flash has all traditional modes and makes it's work very well.

It would be a great advantage if this camera had an option to attach an external flash, at least PC-SYNC, but it has no. As far as I know only Minolta has such option in this class (Z models).

The lens is great, it has X10 optical zoom and it's very fast as for such range zoom lens: 1/2.8-1/3.1, colors are great. It has no image stabilizer so you can use long focal length only in very good light conditions.

Camera has great light metering; it has 64 segments TTL meter.

Macro focusing is done from 10cm; it has a big DOF that lets to capture a whole three-dimensional object sharp.

Size of S5500's 4MP CCD sensor is: 1/2.7".

It provides ISO sensitivity in range of 64-400.

In low light conditions pictures are very noisy, that limits uses for this camera. Even in daylight noise can be seen on the pictures.

It requires using special software that can clean the nose.

In summary it's good-featured camera that can be much more than just a P&S.

If not a lot of noise, this camera would be best in its class. I like Fuji S5500 it's very nice camera.




Ease of Use


Value For Money


Battery Life


Image Quality

Upgraded To The Fuji Finepix S5500 From My S3000 W

Upgraded to the Fuji Finepix S5500 from my s3000 which was great unless I needed to have some control over the image. Bought the S5500 for £190 in June 05, and it gives me all that and more! Lens is fast, and zoom is easy to control. If zoomed right in, then auto mode will not always cope, especially in poor light, but shutter priority and higher ISO generally does the job, or else using a tripod is even better. Had considered a camera with IS for this, but couldn't find one I liked, with a focus assist in my price range- find the low light focus to be excellent, again a vast improvement over the s3000.

Camera is fast and responsive enough to do action shots of my kids, which the s3000 choked on. Burst mode, while limited, is helpful for this. On the other hand, the camera can be as auomatic or manual as you like: I like being able to decide exactly how to compose my photos, but on the if there isn't time then you can just snap away to good effect.

Apart from this, image quality is good, perhaps a little soft, but not a great problem. Also camera likes ISO 200 a lot in auto, which can blow out shots at times if you're not careful. Occaisionally have seen chromatic fringing but not as often as some reviews might suggest. Printed images can look great, even at ISO 400 at smaller sizes like 6x4. Flash also seems to be well controlled, which means it's not too obtrusive for darker shots.

Problems? Get used to a slow startup, courtesy of winching that big zoom into position. The EVF could be better, it's a bit grainy, but quite functional. The LCD is small but very clear and seems to refresh quickly. The macro is not too impressive: I found a set of adapter rings online that improve its performance markedly, though.

All in all, this camera is superb value for a very low price, giving plenty of flexibility for not a lot of cash. Now replaced by the s5600, which means that if you can find one, the s5500 will be even better value. Highly recommended!


Thanks for composing this review, Fuji SLR are doing great now. I am planning to buy one and I will use your input as my reference.


All in all a great review...I had this camera prior to my existing Fuji model (S9500)...In some respects I yearn to have my S5500 back in my hands as it was very intuitive and user friendly, admittedly the start up time is very slow compared to my S9500, but once it's up and running it's a joy to use!

I'm onto my 3rd Fuji and can't see myself jumping ship yet. Colours are vibrant and the Lenses are very good indeed. I recommend this camera to anyone interested in one, believe me you won't be dissapointed.




Ease of Use


Value For Money


Battery Life


Image Quality

I Bought My Fuji Finepix S5500 Digital Camera Just

I bought my Fuji Finepix S5500 Digital Camera just a week ago, but I love it already!

I am not a professional photographer, but the quality of the shots are just exciting. I still encounter problems when taking photos in dark conditions, but the problem is my hands I think.

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