Three Hong Kong -

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Three Hong Kong -
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“Works very good in Canada”


written by on 07/09/2023

Bought their eSim with roaming to Canada and it worked great. I had some problems with real name registration, but I did it and everything worked. The guy from customer support told me that will transfer me to English speaking manager, nobody answered, buy everything worked at the end.

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“awful customer service”


written by travelman007 on 07/06/2023

I just bought a iPhone 14 pro. The customer service it doesn’t have eSIM in HK. I told him it only has eSIM in US. He asked for identification number. I told him I only have my phone number. He asked me again and I told him the same. I asked for refund. He first wrote to me in English and when I ask for refund, he refers me to an English speaking agent. Never again. This company is lousy.

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“Charged for service never provided”


written by AaronWiley on 30/07/2021

I signed up for Three GetAway service for overseas travelling. GetAway service charges you a fixed monthly fee and in return you get international roaming for a certain number of days each year. After paying for this service for many months, the first time I needed it I learnt that it was never turned on for my account. I was being charged international roaming in addition to the unactivated GetAway service. After being caught double billing me for the same service, they claim to have fixed the problem moving forward but steadfastly ignore queries about the previous charges. I have notified three through all available channels. After a week, I still do not see any correction for the billing. Whenever I contact their customer service and mention this, I am put on hold 'for a moment' and they disappear.

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“Not yet been able to connect”


written by Creativity61 on 03/05/2016

I have had my 3 phone for some several weeks now and as yet not been able to use it for the simple reason that, although I was assured that I would have coverage at home, I do not. I have dutifully logged onto their site to register etc and was informed that I would be sent an 'activation code'. Great, but there is no signal. I have taken the phone to work with me in the car and still as yet, nothing. We have GiffGaff, EE, O2 and Vodaphone here but NOT 3. How stupid was I to take up the 'marvelous' offers advertised. Fell for the hype hook line and sinker.

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“Cut my service for 3 days of not paying the bill”


written by RubyWebb on 23/06/2014

It has been happening to me many times Hong kong 3 mobile will cut my service randomly if I haven't pay my bill for 3- 4 days . My service is not an auto pay but they bill me every month . Thats too annoying if you are busy because you have to visit their shop to know whats going on. I will now move out and look for another services.

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Asked by Biancaswart on 14th September 2014 Report this content
I have a three rechargeable sim card. I am currently in South Africa and will return to Hong Kong in the next week. My sim will epire today 14th September 2014. I asked one of my friends in Hong Kong to purchase me airtime to recharges 2 days ago. I have HK100 voucher but don't know how to recharge from here . Can anyone tell me how I can do it?

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