Sansui AUX 911 DG
Sound Quality
Value For Money
Sansui AUX 911 DG

User Reviews
Sound Quality
Value For Money
Magic Unbelivable Power
I have owned my AUX911DG for approximately 20 years I have yet to find anything that comes close in power and performance I also own a Rotel Michi power pre/amp combo but give me the Sansui any day guess I will take it to my grave.I have run the Sansui against Pioneer and Marantz amplifiers rated at between 200 and 300 watts and the Sansui beat them hands down the bass response is staggering. I run it with 2 pairs of Yamaha NS1200 speakers and at half volume the power, bass response and detail is eye watering. if you get the chance to own one do it , you owe it to yourself after all your a long time dead.
Value For Money
I Think The Sansui Aux 911 Dg Is A Very Good Ampli
I think the Sansui AUX 911 DG is a very good amplifier.
I don't have a userguide of this modern. But I still use Sansui AU-X911DG. If you have any problem about it hit the forums to ask me or reply to on this comment thread.
Great! I need its owner/user manual. I'm in brasil.
Value For Money
I've Been Using It For More Than 9 Years, And The
I've been using it for more than 9 years, and the magic is still here. It works with an Onkyo DX 5700 drive and British marvellous Royd Sapphire monitor speakers. No problems at all. I think I will be quite embarrased the day it will be over. To answer to another reviewer, Sansui doesn't seem to make high quality products nowadays... What a pity!!
The AU X-911DG is a excellent amp.. No more to say than I love it.
Yes, I agree. Sansui made one of the best amplifiers. I'm the lucky owner of an AUD-11, 8yrs old. Now they don't sell Sansui in AussieLand anymore... Shame. Well, stick with my budy for another wee yrs.
How much is it worth now complete with CDX711 remote control?