AMD Athlon XP 2100

AMD Athlon XP 2100

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AMD Athlon XP 2100

AMD Athlon XP 2100
4.92 6 user reviews

Ease of Set Up


Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money


Ease of Set Up

On The 4th Day God Created The Athlon Cpu , And Sa

On the 4th day God created the Athlon CPU , and said : " Chip , go like stink ! " Paired with 512MB Ram and a Geforce MX440 Agp card , this was one serious high performance PC way back when i build it. I today found the system in the basement , and decided to use it as a cheap media center PC. Primary use will be to provide internet access in the tv room ( paired to the 42" Samsung LCD) and to receive and stream movies and mp3's from my main PC in my bedroom. Lots of people will throw a pc of this spec away without giving it a second thought , but i will rather urge you to reconsider , keep it out of the landfill for at least another year or two ! Besides , it can still be fitted with a better 3D card of Ebay , and attach 4 x 1TB external HDD's for huge amounts of NAS.

Remember , she still provide decent 7.1 audio , can befitted with a Blue-Ray drive , and provide the odd game as well when family with kids visit , keeping them away from your uber rig !


Value For Money


Ease of Set Up

I Have Owned The Athlon Xp 2100 Now For About 2 Ye

I have owned the Athlon XP 2100 now for about 2 years. The processor has been very reliable, and a worthwhile investment as the core of my PC.

The only issue I wanted to illustrate a little more, is the subject of heat. Be warned that if you purchase this processor, you will need to equip it with a good heatsink, as the processor does run very hot. I don't do any overclocking, but I can still reach some worrying temperatures, especially in the summertime, when the ambient temperature can be approaching 30C. I have smoke-tested my PC for airflow, using my webcam and a flourescent light inside the case, and the airflow is perfect. All the warm exhaust air from the processor heatsink and fans, is sucked straight out of the back by 2 80mm cooling fans. There is no conflicting airflow. However even with this setup, and the use of Arctic Silver III as a thermal compound, my XP2100 still idles at about 35C, and at full load it reaches about 58C to 60C. This is with an ambient room temperature of 22C, and the following fan configuration:

CPU = 2 x 60mm fans

Intakes = 2 x 80mm fans

Exhaust = 2 x 80mm fans

On top of that, there is a small 40mm fan on top of the Northbridge chip, 2 40mm fans on the GFX card, and 2 80mm fans in the PSU.

Definitely a very, very good CPU and very reliable, but make sure you keep it cool!


Value For Money

If You Want To Run It Hard Have A Good Fan And I'd

If you want to run it hard have a good fan and i'd suggest an MSI board because they have cooling programs.


Value For Money

The Xp2100+ Is A Very Capable Processor. I Have 2

The xp2100+ is a very capable processor. I have 2 gaming pc's networked in my house both of which are of very high specification.


Pentium 4 2.66 Ghz(running at 2.94 Ghz)

512mb Rambus

Lian Li aluminium case

Geforce 4 Ti 4600 128 mb

120 gb 7,200 rpm

Win xp pro



Athlon xp2100+

512 mb PC 2700

Lian Li Aluminium case

Geforce 4 Ti 4200 128 mb

120 gb 7,200 rpm

win xp pro


Both machines play games without any difference in graphical quality.(you should also bear in mind that the P4 system has a faster gfx card)

You only see the difference when running a benchmarking program e.g. 3DMARK. so my verdict???

Athlon xp everytime....cheaper? yes. better? yes

The P4 cost almost 3 times the price!

I vow to never line the pockets of intel again!


Value For Money

I Switched My Dad's Old Celeron 300a System (w/ Ba

I switched my dad's old celeron 300a system (w/ basic ABit Mobo) for a sweet Gigabyte 7VAXP mobo with an AthlonXP 2100+, DDR333 (cl2), and a GeForce4 64mb MX440. He is more than suprised at fast everything works and loads (and using WinXP Pro).


Value For Money

The Amd Athlon Xp2100 Is An Excellent Processor!!!

The amd Athlon xp2100 is an excellent processor!!!!! It is faster that a p4 and cheaper. Get it!!!!!


My how things can change in just a few months...

I am the proud owner of an AMD XP2100+ T-Bred "B" which is presently OC'd to 2.4Ghz and yes it did whoop any P4 you all were mentioning...until now. I also now own an Intel P4 2.4Ghz "C" with an 800Mhz FSB. Matched up with a good Canterwood chipset motherboard it will own all. It will be able to OC to about 3.6 Ghz on air. Before we said GHz isn't everything....but with the new Hyperthreading and quadpumped FSB which should reach about 1100Mhz FSB when OC'd AMD won't be able to keep up....until they release the 64 bits chips....but that remains to be seen.


this comment is to Angren. I have an Xp2100 clocked at 2.2 ghz with a gig of DDR on an MSI KT4VL MoBo and it whoops ass on my bro-in-laws 2.4 ghz P4 piece of crud ! Its all about AMD chips!.....Yeah the specs on the 2100 say 1.73ghz....but it will clock up to 2.4! oh yeah...also my chip is still running at 89 degrees.... overclocked !!


Yea i recently got my hands on an XP2100 and it was the best thing ive done for my system so far...for the price of it im well impressed and i hvnt ahd a single problem with it at all. I'd recommend an XP to anyone :)


Intel are expensive in comparison to Amd, if you could really see the price/performance difference it would not be so bad; the truth is you can't. My XP 2.2 thrashes the P4 2.5 gig cpu, more to the point it came in at well under half the cost of the intel chip. I personally think there can be no justification for owning Intel processors when AMD have totally nailed down the price/performance sector. I know overclocking the processors via the FSB is not as efficient as unlocking it, has anyone actually successfully unlocked a P4 for multiplyer manipulation ?; thought not!.

The point is you really do get more for your money with AMD equipment, there is the option for unlocking and price/performance wise the AMD chips rule. An N force motherboard and a 2.8 gig XP chip would nail a 3 gig P4 system any day of the week, the added bonus of it costing about half as much. Rather than buy a P4 chip from your local "Stand and deliver!" Intel dealer, get an XP chip; I guarantee you won't regret it !!.


The Intel 3Ghz is a vey fast chip, but for the price of the Intel chip you can build a complete xp2100 box with a ti4200, 256DDR, 40Gb. The Intel is great if you really need the power but unless you have money to burn the AMD is a great gaming platfrom that will happily throw the like of unreal tournament 2003 about at 1280x1024. Why not spend the extra on a topline graphics card

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