Alcatel SpeedTouch USB

Alcatel SpeedTouch USB

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Alcatel SpeedTouch USB

Alcatel SpeedTouch USB
1.83 34 user reviews

Ease of Set Up


Ease of Use


Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money


Ease of Use


Ease of Set Up

Although A Friend Of Mine Has A Alcatel Speed Touc

Although a friend of mine has a Alcatel Speed Touch USB and it works fine for him, I've had nothing but trouble with it. I get the error where the SpeedTouch icon in the system tray goes yellow and says "Initializing ADSL Line", and it won't connect. BT's techsupport, as usual, has been unhelpful.

Sometimes, especially when I'm on a BitTorrent download or downloading from a great number of people at once, my Internet-using programs will stall, even so far as to become unresponsive to CTRL-ALT-DEL. Sometimes, I have to restart my computer to get it to working again, or else wait for around twenty full minutes.

I've had the unusual finding that switching off the other computer in my house - which isn't even connected to the network, and is fully three rooms away - temporarily rectifies the problem. Freaky or what?

In short, I advise against using BT Internet's broadband options if you have a choice - it's overpriced, it now caps your monthly bandwidth and their technical support is poor. However, if you do choose BT Internet, note that this modem (which they supply free) has a fair chance of malfunctioning for you as I described above, in which case you may find yourself shelling out around £35 for a proper ADSL modem.

Mouse Nightshirt

Value For Money


Ease of Use


Ease of Set Up

The Alcatel Speed Touch Usb Modem Came Free With M

The Alcatel Speed Touch USB modem came free with my ISP package, but is still reasonably cheap otherwise. An absolute breeze to install, and reliable with good support from the manufacturers.

However, on testing of various systems, this modem will cause regular freezing of many AMD processor systems if you are not using USB 2.0. So if you have an AMD system, with no USB 2.0 support, then either get a different modem or buy a USB 2.0 PCI card (not that expensive and useful anyway).


Value For Money


Ease of Use


Ease of Set Up

The Alcatel Speed Touch Usb Is A Fantastic Little

The Alcatel Speed Touch USB is a fantastic little modem. Extremely fast and very reliable when used with Windows XP.

There is a Driver update available for Windows 98/ME which definitely cures the problems.

It's maximum speed is supposed to be 576.0 Kbps but mine has achieved 615.0 Kbps on a good day but only around 70.0 Kbps when the network is very busy.

I have found it to be a very good and reliable product.


This review refers to the Alcatel Speedtouch 330 USB modem.

If you have problems with it then why not visit the Speedtouch website.

They openly admit that there has been a problem with the original driver when used with Windows 98 and Windows Millenium edition, but they offer you a choice of either a driver update to add to your existing installation, or a completely new version of the driver.

I have used mine on Windows XP for 12 months with no problems whatsoever.

A good tip is to install the driver and then re-start the computer before plugging the modem into the USB socket. This gives the driver a chance to load properly.



Value For Money

On Windows Xp It Always Goes Offline Automaticly,

On windows xp it always goes offline automaticly, the icon in the corner is yellow and it says "intalizing adsl line". My ISP is BT, does anyone else have this problem?


I have the exact same problem as this. I am also using BT (BT Yahoo Internet) and with Win2K.


Me too. I am running the old driver - pre XP, and am unable to install the new ones. I think the problem seemed to occur at a similar time as an XP hotfix or Service Pack 1 install. Used to work fine - doesn't anymore. I can't upload anything at all, whether in an email or FTP. Junked it, went to Computer Exchange and bought a BT Voyager 100 for £28. Fingers crossed. So far so good. I spent an hour on the phone to Microsoft to see if they could help but with no success, I also emailed Speedtouch and my ISP (F2S), no help. I am glad to be rid of it. I do agree with the person who said it slows the system down. As soon as I installed it the time taken to boot increased hugely, although this has not changed since installing BT Voyager 100.

If it works - great. If it doesn't ditch it..


Im experience the same problem.Ive had the modem for about 8months now, and all of a sudden this happens, annoying!I find it if you pull the modem out of the usb port for a little while it'll work fine again, but its happeing too frequently now. Strongly advice to opt for some thing else, mines in the trash can now,where it belongs.


Same problem, but only started recently. Have had it for > 1yr w/o probs till now.


I have to AGREE with you this modem is a peice of dirt. Go for something else.


Value For Money

Got From Pipex March 2002. Came With 1.4 Driver So

Got from pipex March 2002. Came with 1.4 driver so no blue screen probs. Installed ok except didn't read pipex instructions properly and so installed as broadband connection instead of dun conection at first(alcatel connection worked straight away).Rarely disconnects-sometimes requires restart about once a month in order to connect. Used up to 8 hours daily without problems. See for useful tips/comments.


Value For Money

I Got It When Ordered My Bt Openworld Package And

I got it when ordered my BT Openworld package and I paid ~£80 for it. I just realised this thing does not have an Ethernet interface, only USB, and I have to buy another modem when I setup my home network.


could you give me some alternatives as im facing the same thing usb to modem and you cant plug it into most routers as they are ethernet


Value For Money

Well Im Glad I Didnt Have To Pay For This , I Just

Well im glad i didnt have to pay for this , i just feel a little sad that my boss tried to do something nice and now i have to go and buy a real adsl modem/router, thats gonna make my boss feel like he wasted his time and money im sure :-(

I've had the phone company test and then retest my lines , ive had a replacement speedtouch modem , i've had alcatel support on the phone various times , had my ISP involved and guess what , yup it still disconnects randomly and leaving me with a "no dial tone error" and the adsl light flashing due to loss of sync.

Tried updating from the 1.4 driver to the 1.6 driver to the 2.0.1 driver and still does it , if this frog was was real frog and not a ugly looking modem i would of feed it to the french by now. buyers beware thats all i can say.


I've used the Speedtouch modem "Frog" for 18 months now with two different ISPs....and without a problem at all.

I think it's great compared to some of the others I've had the privelege of setting up for friends.

I wish they could get the frog and leave some of the setup heartache behind.

Full marks to Thomson for a great product.


Value For Money

I Joined Btopenworld Broadband Who Supplied Me Wit

I joined BTopenworld broadband who supplied me with the Alcatel SpeedTouch USB Modem which i had to pay an extra £80 for.

I found that the modem was difficult to set up and unless you know really what you are doing it's easy to get confused and install it wrongly. So it's not very "user friendly" as such. It also looks like nothing i have seen before, i was a bit shocked when i opened the box, its looks nothing like a ADSL modem more like some alien creature.

Once set up it was not the end of my problems. Some of the time it would drop the connection. Yep braodband the "always on" connection kept dropping. Also sometimes the modem stops responding ! BTopenworld suggest simply restart your computer (this does work!) Yet who wants to have to do this every time it does it?!? It's a great pain and it just suggests that modems a bit cheap and prone to faults.

More serious, later after about having the modem for about 2 months started to get blue stop error screens. This was a serious problem as it halts windows, shuts it down and restarts you computer automatically, so if you were doing any work, it defiantly would not have been saved. I phoned the support line, which i have to say is not useful ! They did not mention up-dating the drivers at all, which was the "fix" to the problem ! They just put it down to hardware or my computer. But from reading many many reviews and comment from this site and others this is a common problem, caused by these modems and that a new up-date needs to be used to fix it.

Im still trying to find more good points about the modem .




The blue screen problems may be caused by over-long cables. I have read elsewhere that this modem has a heavy current draw so is on the edge of the USB specification. The total length of your cable (any extension + cable on modem) should be no more than 10 feet. You may have received an extension cable with your modem which takes the length to about 16 feet. This works with some mobos but not others.


Value For Money

Had A Lot Of Trouble With This Modem When I First

Had a lot of trouble with this modem when I first got it. It used to disconnect and both lights would go off on the unit. Only solution was a reboot the machine. This was all due to the modem and my VIA chipset. I took a bit of time getting the right BIOS and USB upgrades before the modem was stable, but all the instability was caused by my machine and not the unit itself. I think the SpeedTouch USB unit gets a lot of bad press due to problems with the via chipset and their incomplete support for USB.


I Was Given The Freeserve Broadband Boxed Set As A

I was given the freeserve broadband boxed set as a christmas gift, along with this modem. I had a lot of trouble with the device and so decided to uninstall it. Using the uninstall wizard, it failed to remove any of the device's drivers or software, but instead took a handful of window's .sys files off my system leaving me scrambling about in DOS for three days. I could not restore my system properly and was forced to shell out for win xp and total reformat the hard drive. I cancelled my subscription and recieved a refund. Steer WELL clear.

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