Cloudmark Spamnet
Value For Money
Cloudmark Spamnet

User Reviews
Value For Money
Used With Outlook Express Cloudmark Spamnet Clears
Used with Outlook Express Cloudmark Spamnet clears 99%+ of Spam from the inbox.I have found it simple and reliable.
Value For Money
I Wonder Why I Recommended Cloudmark To My Managem
I wonder why I recommended cloudmark to my management. It destroyed my entire pc experience and got lot of bad name in the organisation as recommended it to buy. After that I tried server based cloudmark but it still failed. Spam were still hitting everybody. I had to shift to an Indian antispam server based product (spamjadoo) with FREE trial, No software installed on PC, saves pc resources, web based control and almost no spam. Rather my email server was having less load because of no spam coming into the network.
Value For Money
In This Day And Age Of Relentless Morons Who Have
In this day and age of relentless morons who have nothing better to do than to plug up inboxes with gobs of useless e-mail, there is simply no better ally to have than Cloudmark desktop. I've tried at least 5 other major spam blockers, e.g. McAfee, Norton, etc., and they all threw good leads into the trash. Something a small business can't afford at all. I was crying the blues until I found Cloudmark. I typically get 500+ spam per day. Believe me, there's nothing more disheartening than Monday morning with 1200 spam in the inbox, and an untrustworthy spamblocker to an entrepreneur! Cloudmark is now my trusted friend. ZERO, count them, (0) zip, nada, ZERO false junkers in two years of service with several hundred thousand spam sorted and thrown away. This is no BS. I've had a few hitches when transferring accounts to new computers, but the CustSupp has been excellent. Bear in mind, I'm careful about my blocks, I remove my name from any legitimate news posts I may have gotten onto, I don't subscribe to many newsletters and as a result, I have tremendous success with Cloudmark. For the pennies a day, they really put the boot to spam.
Value For Money
I Felt, Given The Age Of Some Of These Reviews, I
I felt, given the age of some of these reviews, I would add a more up-to-date one. In doing so, I have to acknowledge many of the comments shown be earlier users. However, Cloudmark Desktop, as it is now called (The current version is 4.3 or 4.4 in beta) has moved on a long way. Sure, it is possible for spammers to (temporarily) mess up the system, but the trust system is such that these are identified very quickly. My mailbox is CONSISTANTLY between 98-99% clear of spam all the time. In 16,000 emails, I have only been able to add 263. That's a pretty good score in my book.
In addition to the Outlook bar, there is now an anti phising toolbar for IE. This is still in the early days of being developed, so has a few problems, but be assured, if you have a spam problem there is NOTHING better on the market (providing you use Outlook or Outlook Express that is). I have tried them all and this is the only one that gives me ALMOST 100% spam free email, and ALMOST no false positives. (About 50 or 60 in the same 16,000 messages referred to above. Most of those were newsletters which had been incorrectly blocked by users).
In short, if you don't have lots of newsletter type services, then you should enjoy an almost spam free email box. If you do, there may be the odd 1 or two marked wrongly, but I would rather have one or two than the amount I had before. I regularly got over 200 spam emails a day, and it used to take hours to review them before deleting. With Cloudmark, I rarely get a false positive.
Value For Money
I Used All The Betas, And This Works The Best Of A
I used all the betas, and this works the best of any spam system, but actually subscribing was my worst mistake. After paying for a year, I had to swap my hard drive and reinstall outlook. Then it wouldn't work, and said I was already in use on another machine. No response from customer service, and all other automated help puts you in an endless loop. So I have to buy it again (which I won't), or switch to another one. Which is why I'm looking at reviews.
Value For Money
The Performance Of Cloudmark Spamnet In Outlook Is
The performance of Cloudmark Spamnet in Outlook is very poor. Of 1703 spam emails received in January, Spamnet missed slightly over 42%, and the average per day didn't indicate any decreasing trend. On the other hand, there were about 30 false positives during the first 5 days, and almost 0% after that.
I believe that Cloudmark knows about the issues, but we are recommending other products for Outlook until they fix them.
I am rather surprised by the figures in your review. I have only been operating SpamNet for about three weeks but the success rate is between 90 & 95%. I am more than happy with this result as it is far superior to any other product I have come across.
Value For Money
Having Suffered From Large Amounts Of Chinese Spam
Having suffered from large amounts of Chinese spam for a long time now, I have at last found a solution that works effectively. Cloudmark's spamnet software uses the same filesharing technology as that used by MP3 sharing websites but used to share info on what emails are spam.
The outlook toolbar gets new icons to allow you to contribute for the occaisions when you are the first to get the spam.
11 out of 10 - highly recommended
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