Microsoft Front Page 2000
Value For Money
Microsoft Front Page 2000

User Reviews
Value For Money
In Standard Ms Fashion, Microsoft Front Page 2000
In standard MS fashion, Microsoft Front Page 2000 squeaks by as a WYSIWYG website creator, but has many bugs and little or no support. Avoid this software in favor of better free editors on the market such as FirstPage 2000. Under any circumstances, stay away from its forms which are practically impossible to implement correctly, so much so that third party forms handling companies have sprung up (like EasyForms.com) to bypass FrontPages handling (or rather non-handling) and have become a necessary evil if you choose FrontPage to help create your site.
Value For Money
There Are Lots Of Individuals (novices) Out There
There are lots of individuals (novices) out there who want to have a simple website easily managed. Front Page and its WYSIWYG (usually) makes it easy to produce a half decent website. Yes if you are a programmer there are better programs to test your abilities but do not dismiss it completely some good websites have been produced with it.
Value For Money
See Above Bad Points. The Program Has To Be "acco
See above Bad points. The program has to be "accommodated" like many microsoft programs (proprietary). It's look is cheap, something like an AOL clone version they are using today for their "homepages" and if one doesn't have code to change just about everything (studying HTML now, also java harder) then it's sad to have to deal with lack of innovation and initiative on the part of a lackluster program for "suits" and people that just want their name in lights.
Front Page is what you want it to be. If you are smart enough it allows database connectivity, with relative ease. I recommend it beginners or professionals that are not looking for a pretty interface, but want to get the job completed in a short time.
Value For Money
I Use Frontpage 2000 For Maintaining Several Web S
I use FrontPage 2000 for maintaining several web sites, one of which has over 200 html pages. I use the best features of Frontpage 2000 ie the WYSIWYG editor, hyperlink and file manager and the search and replace tool for updates.
Value For Money
Beginner Will Find This Program Excellent, But The
Beginner will find this program excellent, but the fact is that FP2000 it is a true coder's nightmare. The best way to have complete control over you codes is by writing it yourself or to use a good WYSIWYG like DreamWeaver 3.0.
Value For Money
This Html Editor Is A Text Programmers Worst Night
This HTML editor is a text programmers worst nightmare,. Never try to import stuff from other editors OR view the resultant pagesd in anything but IE 5.0 otherwise you WILL be disappointed.
To us dirt programmers FP has always been the scourge of the area and as yet has not lifted itself too much higher.
I Remember A Year Or So Ago, Being Forced To Use F
I remember a year or so ago, being forced to use FrontPage 98 by my employer. I remember being very close to quitting, because I thought it was the worst program I have ever used. Then along came Frontpage 2000, and I though to myself, "Oh no here we go again!"
But now, I have been using FP2000 for several months now, and I have to tell you, it is the best editor I have ever used, and I have used ALL of the popular editors, form Allaire Homesite to Sausages' HotDog.
FP2000 allow syou complete control over how your HTML is formatted (No longer reformatting your code every change). You can see your HTML tags RIGHT ON the finished page, this is really awesome, as you have a GUI as well as HTML Coding.
I recommend everyone go to the microsoft frontpage web site, and download a 45 day evaluation, what have you got to lose?
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