Garmin nuvi 250
Clarity of Instructions
Ease of Use
Map Accuracy
Garmin nuvi 250

User Reviews
Ease of Use
Clarity of Instructions
Map Accuracy
Value For Money
Terrible, Terrible Product
I've never bought a worse piece of technology than this. Everything about it is poor.
If you can get over the poor menus and inputs and can wait sometimes 15 mins to find a satellite then you probably won't get over the fact that it can simply be wrong. From poor route choices to country lanes instead of A roads and twice it has just taken me to the wrong place when I'd entered the correct postcode.
I can't trust it so now use google maps which is far superior in route choices, usability and traffic accuracy.
There are some positive reviews and clearly it does sometimes work - but the sometimes is the key. You often won't know until it's too late. Avoid this product!
Ease of Use
Clarity of Instructions
Map Accuracy
Value For Money
Can't Find Satellite.
If it can find a satellite it is fairly good-I have been directed right to the hotel door in France. However on many occassions it cannot locate satellite and yesterday we were approaching our destination before it acquired a satellite.
Value For Money
Ease of Use
Clarity of Instructions
Map Accuracy
I Have Had This One For Two Years And Have Had Pro
I have had this one for two years and have had problems with freezing and not being able to find satellites.Then one day recently it froze completely and now does not work.I have downloaded updates 3 times and it still does not work.I have been on the Garmin website which I find almost as confusing as the
nuvi.I am from UK and there does not seem to be any help with repairing only in the states.I have sent 4 emails and have never had a reply.It's now in the bin.What a waste of space and I will never buy a Garmin again.
Value For Money
Ease of Use
Clarity of Instructions
Map Accuracy
Cannot Understand The Negative Comments.i Have A N
cannot understand the negative comments.I have a nuvi 250 which gives instructions which are almost too quick in succession in city conditions. It gives the local speed limit, my speed and a fairly accurate and regularly updated ETA.I adjust the map scale to suit the the type of motoring I am doing My only criticism is it sometimes takes you off a motorway ,usually to avoid traffic when it would probably be less stressful sitting in the traffic. Have just travelled 2000 miles around France with only a few hitches. Compare this with trying to find rural out of the way places by map.
Value For Money
Ease of Use
Clarity of Instructions
Map Accuracy
Agree With Other Posts Here, The Garmin Doesn't Di
Agree with other posts here, the garmin doesn't differentiate between any other road apart from motorways and will regularly take you 'off road' to cut a corner (irrespective of fastest or shortest mode settings) which proved very frustrating sround cornwall (lanes with grass growing in the middle and hedges huging each wing mirror either side)
Also takes an absolute age to locate satelites.
generally easy to operate and clear instructions when co-operating on decent roads
Value For Money
Ease of Use
Clarity of Instructions
Map Accuracy
Garmin Nuvi 255 Garbage. After A Day In Alto
Garmin Nuvi 255
Garbage. After a day in Alton Towers, I needed satnav to help me get back on to the M1 towards Leeds. My Garmin took me in the complete wrong direction, down an un-made road (and I mean un-made). Grass in the middle of the road, broken cattle grids and wildlife I'd never seen before. There was nowhere and no room to turn around so I just had to follow the satnav's advice. After about 20 minutes we ended up being surrounded by huge rockfaces and a sign telling us that we were now in the 'High Peaks'. In total in took me approximately 40 miles out of my way; added an hour on to our journey, and wasted a shed load of fuel. One other problem with this device is that it does not tell you (on the display screen), how many miles you have to go to reach your destination, so when it does get you lost, you are well and truly screwed.
Also, it does suffer from the following:
Freezes in the middle of a journey.
Tells you that you are driving at 28mph, when you are actually stood still at the traffic lights.
Tells you it's reached its destination when you are actually still a few miles away.
Top Tip: Buy a Tom Tom or print out the directions from the AA or google maps websites instead.
Dolly, Leeds
Value For Money
Ease of Use
Clarity of Instructions
Map Accuracy
I Have Had This For About Two Years And It Kept Te
I have had this for about two years and it kept telling me to update the maps. To be honest I had noticed that things like roundabouts etc were missing on certain journeys. So I steeled myself and sat down at the computer to update. What a palaver...so complicated...and at the end a bill of over £150 to update. So have chucked in the bin and bought a new TomTom which is much easier and only cost about £20 to update. BIG TIP! Find out how much the updating costs before you buy.
Value For Money
Ease of Use
Clarity of Instructions
Map Accuracy
An Outstanding Piece Of Kit. I Used This In Februa
An outstanding piece of kit. I used this in February to drive to the French Alps and the unit never missed a beat. It picked up on all the motorway slip roads in France, and all the instructions were clear, had good prior notice and never once left me wondering which way it meant for us to go. I would have no hesitation in recommending this little beauty.
Value For Money
Ease of Use
Clarity of Instructions
Map Accuracy
I Thought For £180 Quid I Would Get A Better
I thought for £180 quid I would get a better product than my previous Navman. I was wrong. My old Navman was £99. and very good. I would not recommend this nuvi sat nav as it often sends you ona wild goose chase, has painfully tedious menus, entering destinations for example is tiresome. The voices are poorly programmed with speech impediments and poor pronounciaion. All in all rather poor and to be avoided as there are some really good systems out there for the same money or less. Avoid.
Value For Money
Ease of Use
Clarity of Instructions
Map Accuracy
My Garmin Nuvi 250 Is Always Loosing Sat Signal My
My Garmin nuvi 250 is always loosing sat signal my other GPS a Mio very rarely ever looses signal I would never ever buy another Garmin product for the one i have is a piece of rubbish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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