Mustek BearPaw 2448TA Plus
Ease of Set Up
Ease of Use
Scan Quality
Mustek BearPaw 2448TA Plus

User Reviews
Scan Quality
Mustek Be@rpaw 2448ta Plus Mmjggcmnmkgg Bnhc Xgfdj
mustek be@rpaw 2448ta plus mmjggcmnmkgg bnhc xgfdjhbhn,m hfvbfcgxbvc bnhfdtrsdhgv bnvcgfdyumgh vxgffrujkm,hnb chtyfr,jhbgkjbv duyg
Scan Quality
Ease of Set Up
Ease of Use
Value For Money
Cannot Keep It Installed Or Use It When It Is Installed
I only wanted it for films. 35 ml that sort of stuff. I keep dragging it out thinking I have a bit more info and/or ability but nothing changes.Negs that do scan just look like brown or green/blue.
Contacted help and got an email referring me to the website or the forums.
What does anyone think I have been doing all this time.
I've have lost track of how long I've had it but it must be about 4 years ago when I had to get another disc with web.exe from the supplier. This was the additional files needed for XP
Now all I keep getting is cannot contact or something the external web.exe registry key.
The manual buttons I know nothing about, there has never been any response from them at all..at all
I know its too late now to claim anything back but quite simply this scanner is not fit for purpose with regard to trying to scan negatives.
Peter King
Value For Money
Scan Quality
Ease of Set Up
Ease of Use
This Scanner Is A Con ! Wehave Been Able To Downlo
THIS SCANNER IS A CON ! Wehave been able to download a driver (Vista) but the device does not and never has worked. No reply from Mustek ,the thing is just scrap!!I would recomend ANY other brand ,like one that works.
The concept is good as was the sales blurb which my wife believed ,(it was a present) but despite all refuses to work,and worst no one will help.
I would have liked to know where Product support was,where I could claim on Warranty,and who were the U.K AGENTS
Value For Money
Scan Quality
Ease of Set Up
Ease of Use
My Wife Bought Me The Bear Paw 2448ta Plus Ii For
My wife bought me the Bear Paw 2448TA Plus II for Christmas, so that I could copy all our transparencies and negatives to PC.
If only
It is now May. I have installed and de-installed it 6 times, I have written 5 emails to Mustek, 4 with no reply, despite saying it was not a product that was fit for purpose. I have a problem number, BUT NOTHING ELSE. The documentation, support, and the transparency copy feature are absolutely useless. If you want a very good paperweight to sit on your desk, this is the one for you.If you want to actually use it as described in their blurb, forget it. I am guessing that the software driver for the transparency feature is missing, but who am I to guess?
Value For Money
Scan Quality
Ease of Set Up
Ease of Use
I Bought It To Scan Documents And To Use As A Nega
I bought it to scan documents and to use as a negative scanner.
It was easy to plug in and use, prints normal documents simply and thats about it.
User guide and manuals are mostly useless, and the negative scanner seems to be a waste. All the advertising mentions it as a great feature, but no information guides or online shows me how to use it. All my trials have failed, so its a useless gimmick. :-(
Dont buy unless you just want a simple document scanner and nothing more!
Value For Money
Scan Quality
Ease of Set Up
Ease of Use
Mustek Bearpaw 2448ta Plus Is A Very Frustrating S
Mustek BearPaw 2448TA Plus is a very frustrating system not at all user friendly. No information at all to help with scanning negatives or positives no idea at all how to save these images and im not an amateur when it comes to computers!!
Does Mustek Not Want To Supply Software To Us For
Does mustek not want to supply software to us for their BEARPAW 2448 TA PLUS missing film scanning software?
We have repeatedly wrote e-mails to MUSTEK for their missing film scanning software in BEARPAW 2448 TA PLUS, but never received their reply. We are very angry to their product (with defect software) and their service. Therefore I do not recommend Mustek BearPaw 2448TA Plus.
Value For Money
Scan Quality
Ease of Set Up
Ease of Use
I Bought The Mustek Bearpaw Scanner At A Moment Wh
I bought the Mustek BearPaw scanner at a moment when I was in a great need for something to scan b/w documents and the factor of color quality wasn ' t the issue; though over the years I wanted it to do things that were advertised to begin with, only to find that the commercial hype wasn ' t backed with good performance. Images scanned are sub-mediocre, the film scanning feature is quite useless (the scanner seems to do its worst, shutting down its transparency lamp before scanning for about 1 second, thus throwing out all calibration done prior to the scan of the actual image) and the overall impression is of a product for the casual consumer.If you need only basic scanning once in a while, it is a decent scanner. I found it useful for b/w scans and the black inner-lid prevents image leakage from the reverse of the paper, often found when scanning from a newspaper or some books using thin paper.If you are looking for something more professional, keep looking, this one isn ' t for you.
I'd Love To Be Able To Review This Mustek Bearpaw
I'd love to be able to review this Mustek BearPaw 2448TA Plus for you, but as I cannot even install the drivers I'm afraid that I cannot!
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