Canon T90

Canon T90

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Canon T90

Canon T90
4.7 11 user reviews

Ease of Use




Photograph Quality


Value For Money

User Reviews


Photograph Quality




Ease of Use


Value For Money

Canon T90, A Manual-focus Camera Gem

This camera is indeed heavy, but the construction quality is superb. It will survive being dropped onto rough stone or cobbled streets. On these occasions, it is any attached lens which suffers, not the camera at all. The mode switch is easy to use, as is the metering switch. Spot metering is accurate and multiple spot-metering readings can be taken of the subject to be photographed. The camera even incorporates a highlight/shadow exposure compensation system to deal with a dark subject/light background or a light subject/dark background, as well as normal exposure compensation for light-emitting subjects before a bright background. There is a button which when pressed shows the aperture and speed which the camera will select. Perhaps one of the best features of this camera is the " safety shift " which automatically corrects the shutter speed/aperture combination selected by the photographer, if the selected combination is incorrect. The camera also incorporates multi-exposures on the same frame, and ISO override. The usual single-frame or continuos shooting modes are there, as well as a two-speed function for self-portraits. The data panel can be illiminated for low-light conditions or nightime.Film can be rewound automatically or manually. The continuous shooting mode offers approximately five frames per second, due to a built-in motor drive. Depth-of-field measurement is by the stopped-down method. The camera can be operated in both automatic modes and fully manual. I normally use this camera fitted with a Canon FD 50 mm 1:1,2 lens - a professional lens, and the combination produces excellent portraits in natural light without the need to use any flash. One can use 3 tele modes good for telephoto lenses and for taking photos at the fastest possible speed. There are three wide modes good for landscapes and large-group shots. The camera offers aperture priority and shutter-speed priority, as well as a fully-automatic program mode and a bulb mode. There are three metering modes : center-weighted average, partial and spot. The camera uses easily-found AA batteries : no problem. Shutter-speed priority can be selected from 30 seconds to 1/4000 of one second. There is also a viewfinder curtain useful to avoid stray light getting in the picture when the self-portrait mode is used and there is a strong light source behind the camera not blocked, as usual, by one´s eye.

Overall, I would rate this camera very highly in terms of features and exposure quality. It is a strictly manual-focus camera, and it accepts only lenses with the FD mount, but the FD lenses´ glass is optimum and such lenses can now be bought cheaply on the internet. Even the f 1:1,2 50 mm FD lens which I normlly use on this camera is not expensive, considering its superb low-light capabilities. Buy this camera if you love film, manual focussing, superbly-exposed potographs and a camera built like a tank to last almost indefinitely.


Photograph Quality




Ease of Use


Value For Money

Well Worth The Money, Even If They Are 2nd Hand And 20+ Years Old.

Have just bought a T90 with the 50mm f1.8 lens. It did not come with a manual, but by sitting down with the camera for about 30 mins I was able to work out the basic functions. I acquired a manual 2 days later, and have now familiarised myself with practically all its functions and capabilities. First review here criticises its weight. That is something you do not notice because of its design and balance in the hand. It has a really bright viewfinder, and although I am in my sixties,and no not wear specs for other than reading, I was able to focus sharply. AA batteries for working it - no problem, they are available everywhere. Before buying I was aware of the 'sticky magnet' problem, which is connected with the shutter firing. I have found that it can be caused by not using the camera and storing it for long periods. The answer to that - take the T90 out every now and again, and fire the shutter a few times. Also a unique idea by a T90 devotee - set the camera to 'B', press the shutter button, then remove the batteries. That will keep the magnets apart and prevent them becoming 'sticky.'

I am now awaiting the return of my first film through the T90, and from what I have heard, I will not be disappointed. To be honest, I am seriously on the look-out for another T90 body.


Photograph Quality




Ease of Use


Value For Money

Sorry To Buck The Trend But This Camera Is A Tank

Sorry to buck the trend but this camera is a tank and weighs a ton or two. If I have to carry such an imposing weight around, I'd rather it were in terms of lenses than AA batteries (plus a spare set just in case). If you are concerned with shutter priority type subjects - action photography - its great. For the rest of us where depth of field is critical its a pain as you have to work in stop down mode. Personally, give me and F1n new with the auto finder or an Ftbn and I'm set. Even Pentax, Olympus and Nikon bodies outshine the T90. Sorry! I've got one and hate it. It'll be on ebay shortly. A better, lighter and stronger body with similar frills is the OM4. DAG.


The T90 has both shutter priority and aperture priority modes. You don't have to work in stop-down mode unless you are using an adapter to mount a non-FD lens. I think this reviewer did not read the manual for their camera.


Photograph Quality




Ease of Use


Value For Money

I Owned A Canon T 90 Back In The Late 80 `s, Had I

I owned a Canon T 90 back in the late 80 `s, had it for around 10 years, no problems at all. What can i say about it that has not already been said, quite simply the Mercedes of the 35 mm camera world.

Its super comfy to hold,easy to use,has so many top class features, including the wonderful digital metering system.....

Anyone considering buying a 35 mm camera , should look no further than the formidable Canon T 90 .

Wonder if Canon could prouce a digital T 90 ?


FD nut

Photograph Quality




Ease of Use


Value For Money

Bought My T90 About 12 Years Ago. Its A Joy To Hol

Bought my T90 about 12 years ago. Its a joy to hold in the hand and its ergonomics seemed to have been copied by most of the cameras on sale today. Despite not being auto focus or digital (neither of which appeal to me) this camera can still hold its own. Another gem from Canon, it has just about every thing that you could need in a camera and I love it.


Photograph Quality




Ease of Use


Value For Money

I've Worked All Over The World With The Canon T90,

I've worked all over the world with the Canon T90, in all weather conditions they never let you down


Photograph Quality




Ease of Use


Value For Money

This Camera Lets You Get On With The Picture Takin

This camera lets you get on with the picture taking and allows creativity. Overall the Canon T90 is an excellent camera to use , a real joy.


Photograph Quality




Ease of Use


Value For Money

5 Frames A Sec Motordrive On Aa Batteries, Like Fo

5 frames a sec motordrive on AA batteries, like for the older Nikons you can buy AA's anywhere.

The Canon T90 SLR Camera has a bright crisp screen that is easy to focus with even when wearing glasses.

Brilliant metering for slide and black and white films, very close tolerances for best results.

Please read all the reviews on Canon lenses - the autofocus range is just the FD range tarted up.

Canon has and still is a world leader in optics, the lenses have good focusing "bite" which means they pop into focus very easily and are made out of more metal than other makes.

OK so it's not super fast with built in flash and all the bells and whistles, but if you are serious about photography and want to make a living out of it then these solid cameras and others in this range are the way to go.


Photograph Quality




Ease of Use


Value For Money

I Have 2 Canon T90's And Evertything Is Perfect; T

I have 2 Canon T90's and evertything is perfect; their exposure settings are within a half stop of each other and with my expensive EOS camera. Try holding one of Canons. Spot on ergonomics. With my 'cheap' FD lens and film choice I can easily compete with any current high tech SLR using film. Sadly, my DSLR has shown me the future!!


You said: "I had a T90 now I have 2! "I have 1 which I am looking to sell, you don't need a 3rd do you?

"Sorry!! Are there any?" In a word, NO


Photograph Quality




Ease of Use


Value For Money

I Have Owned My Canon T90 For Years. The Only Draw

I have owned my Canon T90 for years. The only drawback is the fact that there is no autofocus and I now don't find the screen easy to focus on as age is catching up on me. I now have an EOS 30 but EF lenses are not as good as FD's despite supposed advances in technology.

adrian beech

I would be interested in the 24mm, if still available - and it would be the Canon FD fit lens.Please let me know if interested, and how much?ThanksAdrian

adrian beech

I found this review helpful because... I too am ageing, and do find the lack of a diopter adjustment to the viewfinder a bit of a pain - I have had replacement lens in my eye, so it doesn't focus, and wish that the camera had adjustment. I am interested in finding out what equipment the reviewer has for sale, as he mentioned selling Could you please get him to email me? I know it is a while back, but still.......ThanksAdrian McTiernan


Hi kriptone,

Thank you for your quick response.

It´s funny that I became interested in new equipment for the T-90.

This is why: I woke up this morning, shutted the camera on and surprise: I got the EEEE/Help error, great. Have looked in the Internet, tried some tricks people report that haven´t work, so it seems to need repair and nowadays few people worldwide do so.

Yes, the UK is a bit of a trip, I have a friend in London, though.

But first, I have to see if I can make the camera work again or if it´s worth it sending it somewhere in the globe for repair.



hi ajrs

I am in the UK, which is quite a long way from Toronto! The 28-200 lens is a Mitakon by the way, and the 300TL comes with case and the off camera lead which enables dedicated features to be retained while flash is off camera. Offers in region of £100 sterling plus shipping cost for the flash and lens welcomed

Best Wishes



I have also a T90 and a AE-1. I would be interested in the 300TL flash and maybe the 28-200. Do you live in the Toronto area?

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