Minolta X-700
Ease of Use
Photograph Quality
Minolta X-700

User Reviews
Photograph Quality
Ease of Use
Value For Money
I Recently Bought The (x-700) From A Yard Sale Wit
I recently bought the (x-700) from a yard sale with the zoom lense and the flash for $10.00. Have not tried it out yet....BUT when I look through the view finder I cant see anything (and yes the lense cap was off...lol). So I took the lense off to find the MIRROR inside is in the UP position. What I want to know is IS that normal?? or did I buy a nice broken camera??
maybe there's no battery and the mirror is in the middle of it's cycle. the model (I own one) DOEs have an instant return mirror and should go dowm after exposure.
As far as I know, the mirror locks-up when the batteries go out, so try a new battery (or new set of batteries, not sure)
I don't know much about this Minolta, but I had the same issue on a Canon ae-1 program about a couple of years ago, the new battery did fix the problem; and no, that ain't normal, the mirror should be always down, I hope this helps a little bit, just my two cents.
Photograph Quality
Ease of Use
Value For Money
These Are Manual Focus Film Based Cameras Of Which
these are manual focus film based cameras of which there are many lower level models such as the X- 300 and X-370s models
the X-300 models are called seagulls in asia area while are centons in europe
the X-700 is programme-manual and aperture prority SLR camera with the now minolta bayonet mount. the new sony and old minolta auto focus lenses will not fit
why do you need one? they are small, light, run on cheap button batteries for years, very cheap , with lots of photographic control and with oodles and oodles of very cheap quality lenses around
i have brought bodies with the great f1.7 50mm for as little as $20.00 on our local version of ebay
I found this review helpful because...Ican check all information regarding my Minolta SLR
Photograph Quality
Ease of Use
Value For Money
Over-rated As A 'real' Camera. Program Mode Suits
Over-rated as a 'real' camera. Program mode suits absolute beginners and that's about it. The supposedly inferior X500 is a far better camera (most informative finder I've seen in an SLR). I like Minoltas - their lenses are amongst the best and make it worthwhile buying into the system. If you're on a budget, the X300 is a fine 'entry level' camera. Higher spec. XD series (aperture AND shutter priority AE!) is very decent, and there's always the XE, built in collaboration with Leica, don't you know...
Photograph Quality
Ease of Use
Value For Money
The Most Coman Problem On All X700 Is The Capcitor
The most coman problem on all X700 is the capcitors that were used in the olden days. The dry up then crack then they can not hold a charge. You have two of these in each camera. One for the circuitry and one for the shutter only. They are easily replacable and found on Ebay everyday. Onmce the old ones are out your camera should work fine again as it did the last day it was used. Having a CLA would help for most if used outside alot or in dusty conditions
Photograph Quality
Ease of Use
Value For Money
Minolta X-700 Was One Of The Best Cameras Ever Mad
Minolta x-700 was one of the best cameras ever made. Had a very low serial No. # " got it at the PX while station in Korea 1984. First 1000 made all black case.
Photograph Quality
Ease of Use
Value For Money
Don't Have A Review At This Time. I Was Helping Fr
Don't have a review at this time. I was helping friends move furniture out of an apartment, their family member was moving into assisted living, and different areas of the apartment had piles going to the dump, good will, etc. I noticed in the good will pile a tripod - still in the plastic wrapper. I asked if I could have it and was told sure. Then noticed a nylon bag, Tamrac. Asked if I could have that, sure. When I got home, inside was a Minolta X-700, with a 1262XXX serial number, Cosina 35-135mm lens, and the standard Minolta 50mm lens. I am getting ready to buy some batteries and film, try out the new find!
Photograph Quality
Ease of Use
Value For Money
I'm A Die-hard Fan Of The Srt-101 And Srt-102, But
I'm a die-hard fan of the SRT-101 and SRT-102, but if I had to select one single manual camera, I'd go for the X-700. But then again, as I mention in the bad points, I would still carry my SRT-101, just to make sure, if the batteries fail, I could still take photos without batteries with the SRT. The same applies to digital, no batteries, no photos, so when out on a photo session, I make sure I have extra batteries, and my faithful SRT-101
Photograph Quality
Ease of Use
Value For Money
I Have Had The Minolta X-700 For About 16 Years An
I have had the Minolta X-700 for about 16 years and it is still going strong. Never had any problems. Not being used as much with the introduction of digital, but there will always be a place for 35mm SLRs.
Photograph Quality
Ease of Use
Value For Money
A Super Camera Even 20 Years Later. By Far The Bes
A super camera even 20 years later. By far the best I could recommend if you are looking for a manual camera where you still have to learn a few technical points to make a photo. The program settings are also great, simple to use and produce super results. Get one! Just be sure the metering system is good and you are sure to be pleased... unless you are lazy or a digital convert.
Photograph Quality
Ease of Use
Value For Money
I Have Used The X700 And X570 For Over Twenty Year
I have used the x700 and x570 for over twenty years. They have been reliable and produced good results, I found them to be as capable as the professional competion. The x700 system is as extensive and provide as many options and accessories as any produced during its run. Lenses from 15mm to 1000mm, numerous zooms and several speciality lens enhancement system. The full system allows you to just about anything photographically that you desire. I have gone to digital but still shot my Minoltas from time to time and I would not hesitate to buy another good used x700 or x570, accessory, (Although I have nearly all that were produced) or lens at any time. There are also many third party lenes and accessories that give good results. A positive experience for me.
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