Malorie Blackman, Noughts and Crosses
Value For Money
Malorie Blackman, Noughts and Crosses

User Reviews
Value For Money
Inappropriate For Under 14 Aged Children
I read this book, expecting a nice book for a child aged 10 and a half. I was very wrong. The book includes a sexual scene in which the two characters undress each other and then, the boy starts to feel the girl's breasts, and rubbing all over her, then the girl does the same. Before that scene, the boy and girl get into bed together and hug each other, also doing inappropriate acts but in clothes. It mentions swearing and other inappropriate subjects for the age it was recommended for. But, on the whole, it is a good book for over 13s at least!
By Far My Favourite Book Ever
Noughts and crosses is the best book i have ever come across. From the stimulus to the characters, this book was perfection. I love how Malorie Blackman reversed the history. I think its really clever and gripping. I literally cried at the end of the book, that how emotional it is. I would recommend this book to anyone, no matter what age, gender, ethnicity or race... Read it!!!!!
Value For Money
Beautiful, Fabulous And Breathtaking
First of all lets talk about the bits i didn't like...and that's it. short? It defiantly is and that's because there is honestly nothing i disliked about it at all. Its one of those very rare books that keeps you drawn in from the beginning to the very end. The book has a bit of everything from Love and racism being its main themes to action and bits of humor. And if the end doesn't upset you in the slightest then your not human. I fully recommend you buy this book has soon as you can, be prepared to loses a couple of hours sleep because you wont be able to put it down,you will leave your own mind and instead you will be drawn into the minds of Callum and Sephy. Malorie Blackman does an amazing job at really making you feel the emotions that Callum and Sephy feel, when they feel sad, your sad and when they feel happy your happy, it is such powerful moments.
I full recommend that you buy this book as soon as possible, you will not regret it.
Value For Money
I Would Recommend This Book To Everyone !! I'
I would recommend this book to everyone !!
I've only just finished reading !!
It's really gripping novel and based on Romeo and Juliet.
Value For Money
I Am 12 And Only Days Away From Turning 13, It's G
I am 12 and only days away from turning 13, it's great book. A true story about how strong a bond can grow between two people. If you are looking for a fast-paced story filled with action and non-stop deaths, blood and gore than you have gone far of course. This story is great because of it's unique storyline, not too many things are going on and not too little. Try not to read the ending anywhere public, trust me it's a real tear-jerker.
I borrowed this book from my library but if I could buy it then I would. I would read this book over and over again, just soaking in the details until I know them by heart. I am not a frequent reader of books and I only read what my friends recommend. This book had managed to grab my emotions and play around with them like a puppet. I warn you, not all lover stories have a happy ending.
Overall this is a great book, I would give it a 4.8 if not a perfect 5. It took me around 8 hours to finish the book at my medium-slow pace. I suggest you read the book in full detail, every word, sentence and page counts. NEVER skip ahead, this book is worth every second you spend reading it. And NEVER turn to the last page or the entire thing is ruined.
Value For Money
I Have Just Finished Reading This Book Yesterday A
I have just finished reading this book yesterday and I've enjoyed it so much I thought it deserved a reveiw.
Malorie Blackman is a truly amazing writer who has written a truly amazing novel that I will never forget. Callum is a nought boy (white) and Sephy is a cross (black). In there world, which I must say is obscenley cruel, Noughts & Crosses purely cannot mix in any way, shape or form. But they're good friends. Very good friends. Crosses have a luxury life, just like Sephy does. Her dad is famous, and she has lots of freinds and money. One thing she is missing is her family bond though. Callum, he's pretty poor. A luxury to him is orange juice at dinner time. But he's close with his family, particually with his sister Lynette Mcgregor.
Then a bomb in the shopping centre happened, and life pretty much can't get much worse for niether of them. Callum's dad gets the blame, as he takes the blame for his son Jude. Callums sister commits suicide, his dad gets put in prison and later on tries to escape and well, fails. His brother goes missing and his mum is in pieces.
Sephy is hated, as people know her & Callum are in love. So she goes to move to a boarding school. She delivers a letter to Callum before she leaves, asking if they can run away togtether. But Callum is leaving himself, getting ready to start a new life with the LM..he recieves the letter a little to late as Sephy is just about to leave to Chivers boarding school. Callum runs and runs and runs to Sephys house, but its too late...
3 years have gone. Septhy is now an ambitious young woman aged 18 who tries hard in life. Callum is now spiteful, and full of hatred against all Crosses including Sephy.. she gets kidnapped by Callum and all the LM, but does Callum deep down still love her? Its not a fairy tale ending;
I'm not going to give away much more of the story, but I can tell you its the best book I've ever ever ever read. I'm currently searching for Knife Edge which is the next novel out of the series. Noughts and Crosses should definatley be made into a film. I hope they make one soon. I would seriously consider anyone reading this book, full of such racism, love and hate, unfairness. Every single page is a new leaf, more amazing and involving so give it a try. You'd love it, honest. ;D
Value For Money
This Book Keeps You Emotionally Attatched All The
This book keeps you emotionally attatched all the way through. Sephy is unaware of the exclusion of the noughts (white people, the book is set in the reverse situation) whereas Callum understands his placement in thier world. Noughhts and Crosses provenance is probably from the 1960s, but its set in modernish times. i thougth both characters were very stubborn which contradicted eachothers actions.
i didnt cry at the end because i was too involved with reading it so i couldnt absorb the ending properly. so take your time!!
Value For Money
This Book Is Amazing Iv'e Just Finished It And Can
This book is amazing Iv'e just finished it and cannot stop crying but whatever you do don't read the last page until youv'e got there im 12 and finally finishing it makes me realise how unfair society and people can be to one another you got to read the book Im crying writing this i feel all cried out sorry *sob* Please read it its amazing book by a fantastic author if your a whoose like me be prepared to cry at the end!
Value For Money
I've Read The Whole Series. And I Loved It. It Has
I've read the whole series. and I loved it. it has, drama, love, hatred, revenge, political terrorism. I would recommend this to anyone. but I must warn you girls, that do not read this in public, you don't want to be caught crying.
Value For Money
This Book Is Set Out About A Girl Called Sephy And
This book is set out about a girl called sephy and a boy called callum, sephy is a cross, and callum is a nought. And yes this is quite a racist book, and its set out about the western countries and how it used to be like, well kind of. It is also been said to be quite like Romeo&Juliet. I didnt think so myself personally, but some others do. This book is meant to be the nice one out of the series but is by far the saddest book I have ever read in my life, and dont know if I could even bear to try and read the next one which is meant to be the revenge one. The story plot is very long but basically everyone is against sephy& callum being friends, so they have to sneak out. And then bad things start happening to both familys but particually Callums. My favourite character in this book was callum, but it tore me apart when you read the suffering he went through. His sister commits suicide, his dad dies, his brother goes missing& his mum is getting very upset.
Another major thing that turns everything is when a bomb goes off, quite early on in the book.
In this book you might begin to think that everything will be happy, because of the amount of suffering that has already occured, but you are wrong. One thing that happens 10 seconds too late changes everyone lives, and especially theirs.
The ending however made me cry&cry&cry. At first I thought it was a joke at what happens to one of the characters for no reason, but the ending is very harsh, very very harsh. Personally I think that this bit was the saddest in the entire book by far. The characters have to make a choice, and I think one makes the wrong choice, but the one that dies, dies as a hero. I will always remember that character who I am not going to name :L
I thought I would write this because I wondered if anyone else had read it or heard of it, because it is for 12+ so i figured alot will be able to read these books.
This is just the first book I have explained about, but there is now 4 books and a novella which complete the whole thing.
The author Malorie Blackman is merely trying to tell us about things that can happen, what it was like, the usual. But I think her level of explaining comes at a different depth to anything I have ever read. Usuallly I dont even read much, but this book drew me in, because I had to read on to try and get the happy ending, but wow. Its very suprising what happens at the end.
I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to know the real tough life, & anyone who is ready to read this story but feel pain.
I have to say it is a very very good book, but im still not sure whether to read the next one or not.
The reviews are meant to be very good aswell, thats why i got the book. Even though this book is very sad I am going to give it 5/5 10/10 100/100 merely because it is one of the best books i have ever read in my life.
And im also going to say no, im not very good with sad things, and you are probably thinking that if you read the book you wouldnt cry, you are wrong. If you dont cry at the ending you have a heart of stone. Seriously.
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