Stephen King, Dreamcatcher
Value For Money
Stephen King, Dreamcatcher

User Reviews
Value For Money
Stephen King Does It Again With This Very Good Boo
Stephen King does it again with this very good book Dreamcatcher, plenty of twists to keep you hooked. Part horror and part sci fi. Book about 4 friends that help a young boy from Bullies only to discover that he has mysterious powers.
Value For Money
Stephen King, Dreamcatcher - There Comes A Time Wh
Stephen King, Dreamcatcher - There comes a time when you think maybe Hollywood should leave Stephen King to his chosen medium and stop tainting his work with pants films. Dreamcatcher wasn't so bad acting-wise (the guy who played Beaver was especially good) but they made this ridiculous ending that made no sense. The only films I can think of that did his books justice were: It, Carrie, Misery (but these were budget so no Hollywood hacks here), The Green Mile and possibly Shawshank Redemption (which didn't do the book justice but was a top ten film in its own right).
Anyway back to Dreamcatcher, well first, have you watched the film? If so, don't bother reading the book, its already ruined for you. If not then great you'll have a rollercoaster ride where you'll get unaturally attached to Peter, Jonesey, Henry, Beaver and an autistic kid who never grows up called Duddits.
The way King describes acts of childhood and growing up in Dreamcatcher is quite reminicent of IT, the fears it holds and how kids are more resilient than we adults like to think.
When these four saved Duddits from some bullies they received an extraordianary gift in return. Roughly twenty years later and they've drifted apart a little, calling each other now and again and acknowledging them with their code, SSDD, "same s**t different day."
As a reunion and because they all have a building sense of forboding all go on what turns out to be their last camping trip together. King's description of that winter in the forest will give you goosebumps, you can literally feel the snow.
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