Bescherelle, Complete Guide to Conjugating 12000 French Verbs
Value For Money
Bescherelle, Complete Guide to Conjugating 12000 French Verbs

User Reviews
Value For Money
This Book Sucks!!! I Enjoy The Blue Bescherel
This book sucks!!! I enjoy
the blue bescherelle more than this.
The blue bescherelle is way new and hardcover only. This one comes in paperback!!!
I DON'T recommend this!! If you need a bescherelle, go on amazon.com and find the blue bescherelle. It is way nicer.
I check on Amazon.ca, and it is a paper back cover and not a hard cover. Is there another place where I can buy this book?
You Can Find Most Of The Verbs But Sometimes If Th
You can find most of the verbs but sometimes if the glossary tells you another verb that has the same meaning or ending to it. You might get confused of the endings. Also, they should have all the verbs conjugated not just about 90!
Value For Money
The Bescherelle Complete Guide To Conjugating Verb
The Bescherelle Complete guide to Conjugating Verbs is exceptionally useful. It does provide a comprehensive reference to grammar and I have been told that the French often use it themselves for everyday grammar.
I have been learning French for a few years now and this still remains the best when it comes to verbs. It saves me time and increases accuracy. It's become a dear friend.
Complete agreement. Correct verb tense has always been a proverbial thorn in my flesh when it comes to writing in a second language. This book is worth its weight in platinum for someone who is not a native speaker wishing to communicate in french on the internet.
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