Nokia Snake 2
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Nokia Snake 2

User Reviews
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Snake !!
My fist mobile game.i enjoyed this game very much.my little brother also like it.
Value For Money
Value For Money
I Like To Catch The Froots, But The Bad Points For
I like to catch the froots, but the bad points for me are when the snake bangs, it stops and spins its head... Also I hate the waiting time on the game, dont understand why it takes so long for such a simple game... Although, Nokia Snake 2 is a nice game to play, there are many stages to it and now I have completed the mobile phone game I well recommend it.
Value For Money
Nokia Snake 2 Is The Best Mobile Phone Game Ever I
Nokia Snake 2 is the best mobile phone game ever invented. It's simplicity is what makes it so much fun. It takes considerable concentration so you don't get bored easily, and once you start it's hard to stop. You always aim at getting a higher point score than the game before. It's addictive! It really is.
Value For Money
Snake 2 Is So Much Better Than Any Other Mobile Ga
Snake 2 is so much better than any other mobile game. I don't have it on my mobile so I play on my mums phone. It is a great game which keeps me gripped for hours on end.
Hi, I'd like to say to Masterbuffy: You should be blissful that you've reached such a high score ( more than 3300 ). It took me over a year of playing Snake 2 to reach 3069! Maybe I used a mobile different from yours, but believe me, when I did, I felt as if I had conquered the universe.
hello friends,this is preetham,i wanna make highscore in nokia 1100. Do you have any tips to get me to highscore i.e,the game score should not start from 0, but that should start from 1000 or 2000 something like that.is there any secret codes something like that.... my high score in nokia is 3381. If you have any code or tips please dont forget to tell me.. bye
Value For Money
Nokia - Snake 2 Is The Best Mobile Phone Game Ever
Nokia - Snake 2 is the best mobile phone game ever!!!, got it on a 3310 which i have had for about 18 months now and need to charge every 2 days by how often i play snake 2. My top score is 2371 so bring it on if u think ur hard enough!!!!
Can't get above 2437 on the Nokia 1100 on the Snake 2 classic, on the challange can't get past the seventh maze.
Value For Money
Snake 2 Is The Best Snake Game Ever You Get Bonese
Snake 2 is the best snake game ever you get boneses and can go through the walls. And you can make it as chalnging as you want! All i can say is that i love it, it helps me pass time!
Value For Money
My Friend And I Are Obsessed With Snake, Our Highe
My friend and i are obsessed with snake, our highest scores is a little below 4000, we fear that our learning is being disrupted by our 'slight' obsession with the game, and we may end up homeless, but its all good, as long as we still have snake. please tell us your high scores we would really like to know what the highest score is, send it to [email protected] . Love christine and allie
Im very proud of my score and was wondering if any one else had achieved my score and just google search nokia snake... my score is 8235.... anyone else reached this?
2371 :(
I should have the highest score - I love it the most!
Hi friends I've scored 4450 in Snake II..in speed 9...in Nokia 3350 phone..let me know if any one is higher than me.
My highest score is 3950...same as u +- 10-15...but it's just not have been possible to cross the 4000 barrier. I have finished the whole game 4 times at least but always have fallen short. Why does the game stop giving high pointers in the last stages is beyond me.
Sounds cool!
Value For Money
I Think Its Really Good And Easy Though. I Like Th
I think its really good and easy though. I like that it shows the score and the little bugs help alot. But one day a weird looking bug appeared, it was a circle with a moving circle around that. I got no idea what it did to my score, does any body know? please e-mail [email protected]
Value For Money
I Think Snake 2 All In All Is Very Skillful And An
i think snake 2 all in all is very skillful and and it is good when people are bored
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