Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PS2)
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Value For Money
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PS2)

User Reviews
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets Is Unreal,
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is unreal, it's the best hp game
Value For Money
Addiction Level
The Graphics On The Harry Potter And The Chamber O
The graphics on the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets game for the PS2 are rubbish, and the game is boring.
I wouldn't recommend it.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets - The Game
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - The game is fun and entertaining. The graphics are good, flying is fun and there are a lot of mini-quests to do even if you finish the game. It's really short, though, I finished it in a total of 5 hours. It doesn't follow the book that well, but it's not too bad. The load times are very long. I spent half my time loading. The castle is big, but I imagined bigger. Otherwise it is okay.
Rubbish! Get A Better Game Than Harry Potter
Get a better game than Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, please i'm begging you.
Again it is a let down from the brilliant books which were spoilt by snobby kids acting in a useless film.
Dont get it!
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, The Game
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the game is very faithfull to the book. I would recomend this game to any Harry fan. You can learn more about the wizard world. It's fun and challenging.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets Is Great F
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is great for all ages,in fact I took over the game from my children! During the game you cast spells, fly your broomstick, play Quidditch, collect Famous Witches and Wizard Cards, do tasks and collect different items along the way to help your progress. Among these items are Stink Bomb Pellets that distract opponents and the Non-Explodable Luminous Balloons which are also used as a distraction. Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans are found almost everywhere & are used at Hogwarts to buy useful items. Chocolate Frogs,Pumpkin Pasties & Cauldron Cakes are all used to give Harry energy & can also be found everywhere. In this game Harry has a much better broomstick, the Nimbus Two Thousand, which is much faster than the last one but you do get the chance to practice quite a lot before you do the flying tasks & play Quidditch. The Quidditch game is much better than in the last game & a little more difficult, but great fun! In this game you also get to do some Gnome Throwing which is fun!The characters all move more smoothly in this game, plus there are more characters. You get to explore inside Hogwarts and the grounds, such as Hagrids Hut & the Dark Forest, & one of the first things you do in this game is fly a car! This game does follow the story of the book and it is great when you see the characters 'come to life' such as Professor Snape & Hagid. It is great for all ages and does become a bit addictive! I can't wait for the next one!
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