The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PS3)
Addiction Level
Value For Money
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PS3)

User Reviews
Addiction Level
Value For Money
This is an amazing game. It controls very nicely and looks great. The best thing about this game is the amazing setting. The game really manages to suck you in and I love the extensive lore which powers the Elder Scrolls universe. Throughout your journey you will also find books and letters which provide a rich narrative. The main quest is nice but I had more fun doing sidequests and working for the various guilds and organisations in Skyrim. The only negative thing I can think of is that after a while you will have way too much money and you won't know what to spend it on. All in all this is one of my favorite games ever!
Yes this game is amazing. You described it very well. Also with over 300+ hours of gameplay, its a must buy in my eyes.
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Only For Those With Self-control..this Game Is Addictive!
Oh Skyrim, you are like the gift that keeps on giving.
Imagine a beautiful open-world RPG where you can do just about anything and the environment, community and characters will react accordingly. It truly is an achievement in programming and design.
You run around as a dovahkin, or Dragon-Born and pretty much complete quest or explore are your own leisure. And when I say own leisure, I really mean it. There is almost an infinite amount of content and questing available due to the way the game is designed, which means you could find yourself in Skyrim for hundreds of hours. Many have.
Sure you can complete the main storyline in 40 hours if you rush through it and ignored all the side quests, but that's the beauty...do as you will! Want to kill those guards and take their armor? Sure go ahead! However, there will be repercussions, as expected. What's more, the folks at Bethesda made the game modder friendly, so if you ever get bored just download some new content back you go!
Once I hit about the 100 hr mark, I forced myself to stop since my life was becoming pretty unproductive as you can imagine..and I had barely discovered even half of Skyrim.
The adventures are limitless.
Addiction Level
Value For Money
I Love This Game Too Much.
After a period of one month I developed an addiction to this game. I haven't seen the light of day in several weeks. I have also picked up the accents of many of the characters in the game, and prance around my house pretending to be a cat. When I talk to friends and family in the Falmer language they don't seem to understand me, I don't know what's wrong. The gameplay in the real world is terrible anyhow, the graphics however are pretty good. I feel I have now grown in love with the game, and can never give it up.
You Sir are epic.
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Thought It Would Be Better.
I was addicted to Oblivion for around a year, spent most of my gaming time on that, this game lasted a couple of hours and I got bored.
I'm sure it's a good game, but I can't help comparing it to past ES games...
Addiction Level
Value For Money
All Consuming Magical Fantasy
Never been an RPG fantasy gamer, normally driven by sport or speed. Unfortunately or fortunately my best friend got me a new copy courtesy of an extra-unwanted xmas gift and man I am hooked. Its like the equivalent of a gaming opiate, chill out, zone in and kill dragons. actually the dragons is the least of it, multi-layered is too simplistic a term, every decision will effect the ensuing action and further options, don't know how they manage it as there is obviously some sort of central plot/s but the variables seem endless. Graphics are stunning and atmospheric, nice sound track too. only complaint would be the occasional glitch or hiccup in the gameplay and the length of time it takes to boot up a new scene when you go through a door or fasttrack from one location to another but given the sheer size of the game the odd glitch is inevitable. Should be heavily marked with a relationship and work warning as it is so good a quick hour before bed/work just doesnt cut it. only problem is that I have now put every and I mean every other game to one side as I have no room, time of desire to do anything other than enter the world of Skyrim.
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
Beautiful-Action packed-Addicting game! From talking to citzens of the magnifcent citys to fighting monsters in the dark depths of skyrim nothing will disapoint! This Game has so many different charactor customizations your be a ogre, magician, archer or just a straight out sword slasher. As soon as the game starts you can see the beautiful landscape of this fantastic world to explore on foot or on your trusty steed. it seems like its a game of endless possablitys! Thousands of quests from killing dragons or trying to save someones love life it really is a game where you dont expet what will happen next. your can fight trolls on top of snowy mountings or foul mutalated beast/monsters in the dark depths of this enchanted world. choose what you want to speacialise in from sword fighting to archery or just making your armour. The detail of the landscape is phenomenal from bark on the trees to the cold stone of castle walls. However, my only problem with this game is the main quest plot is not very long and cn be completed fairly fast, but the endless number of side-quest really does make up for this. I would recommend this game to anyone that loves a thrilling action packed adventure across sunlit fields or the snowy peaks of towering mountains this really is a game that cannot be missed.
Addiction Level
Value For Money
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Review
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an amazing game and it truly deserves the title of Game of the Year of 2011. When I first heard about it, I was so excited. Then when I finally got it, I got more than I heard I would.
Let's talk about the things I liked. The three things I liked the most were the controls, the graphics, and the music. The controls are a huge improvement, especially for combat. It feels more natural that Oblivion, the previous game in the series, did. The graphics are also a major improvement. Oblivion had very nice environments, but the NPC's were a pain. In Skyrim, that's different. The environments are beautiful and the NPC'S are fun to listen to, to look at and are much easier to comunicate with. And finally, the music. The music has always been amazing in each Elder Scrolls title, but Skyrim is the king of music in the series. Sometimes I would stop in the middle of the game just to listen to the peaceful music that plays in the background. And the fights with the dragons are even more intense when that battle music plays. There's so much more to the game that it would take way too long to describe it all.
Now for the things I didn't like, which are very few. First of all, the difficulty is kinda annoying, mind you I've been playing on adept difficulty the entire time. Sometimes I'd have a lot of health while fighting a dragon and then he'd kill me in one hit. Second of all, there are a few bugs around the game, like in most games this huge, such as broken quests, going thousands of feet into the air when killed by a giant and mammoths floating around in the sky for no reason. But these are just minor things that don't ruin the game for me.
As for the addiction level. Well this explains the addiction pretty well. One time when I was playing it, I was up almost the entire night. I stopped playing at around 5:30 in the morning.
Now for the verdict. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, is one of the greatest games I've ever played on the PS3. It's addicting to play, to watch and to listen to. There is so much content in the game that it would take me possibly days to explain it all. Sure there are a few hiccups here and there, but they don't utterly destroy the flow of the gameplay. The only reason I didn't explain the story too much is because I haven't beaten the main storyline yet. I'm trying to get it 100% finished on my first playthrough. Skyrim gets a full 5/5 in this review and is really the greatest game of 2011. I would reccomend it to anyone who loves 1st person/3rd person RPG fantasy games.
You can download the latest version of this game here Free Of Cost http://www.broadcastuae.com.
Have Fun.....!
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Addiction Level
Value For Money
Skyrim : Annoyingly Addictive
Just wanted to say how much I love this game : Normally I play Football and stream video via my PC. But this game is very addictive indeed. Sadly my time to play it is controlled by external factors ......what's that dear ? .....coming ..... Circle, map, ...ooh look at the big snowy mountain....hmmm ..... Yeah Yeah Im coming dear!
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