Autopsy - The Documentary (18)

Autopsy - The Documentary (18)

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Autopsy - The Documentary (18)

Autopsy - The Documentary (18)
2.5 2 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

You Must Take This Film For What It Is - And What

You must take this film for what it is - and what it isn't. It is as if you were present in the room for an actual autopsy. Do not expect a Hollywood production. It demystifies the layman's idea of an autopsy and gives a matter-of-fact insight into the proceedings. Because of the medical terms used, anyone without some background in this area will be totally lost. However, one is left with an appreciation and even reverence for this incredible living machine we use and abuse so freely and take so for granted during our lifetime. It also gives a unique perspective on how much this body is really just a suit of clothing we wear that is perfectly designed to interface between our consciousness and our environment. And that when we are "gone" it is exactly that, "we" are elsewhere and a surprisingly accurate record of our lives and habits are left behind in our bodies, ready to be investigated and revealed in an autopsy. It seems counter-intuitive, but I think this documentary actually helps one to make peace with death rather than bringing out the horror of cutting open a body. The footage itself is totally neutral, it neither glorifies nor butchers nor religifies the proceedings. The absolute absence of emotions allows you to add your own. What you take out of this documentary says more about yourself than it does about the human body.


Value For Money

Autopsy - The Documentary - Proudly Sporting A Bri

Autopsy - The Documentary - Proudly sporting a bright red sticker on the case exclaiming "BBFC Warning: Contains Sustained Medical Horror", the makers knew exactly what market they were looking for with this release. Yeah, ghouls and horror geeks! We've searched out Faces Of Death, Faces Of Gore and Traces Of Death to name but a few...and now we have Autopsy - The Documentary.

Ok, so we've seen it all before on a rather ropey tape copy, but never have we seen it in such pristine, bright, clean and sterile gory glory. The footage involves Dr. Thomas T. Noguchi, a student assistant and some chap who just stands there punctuating the procedures with "ahhhhhh's" and "uh-huh's"....oh and of course the corpse of a large old women. She keeps her dignity by the usage of blurring her face, nipples and genital area out, which is somewhat of a relief.

The footage takes us through the opening up of the corpse (which is possibly the most revolting part), followed by the removal of the various bits 'n' bobs from the inside. And what's that they use to crack open the breast bone? A pair of household garden cutters, surely not!

The various bits are weighed, dissected and mumbled about throughout (including the brain and spinal cord). Unfortunately, no real narration is given by our leading man, just a barrage of mumbled questions to his side-kick student pal who stumbles through his answers with a repeated nervous mumble.

The DVD has no extra features and the footage is all on one track - so no scene selection. This is a disappointment, as it would have be a nice (if not obvious) touch to add some medical notes on the procedures and possibly an interview with the Doctor involved. It runs for a rather tedious 50 mins (approx), and is released on Region 2 PAL.

All in all, I found the DVD mildly interesting, but it became tedious and dull after a while. With little explanation of what was going on, it was less educating and informative that one would hope.

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