Pride and Prejudice
Value For Money
Pride and Prejudice

User Reviews
Value For Money
Amazing Work
I would say that it is really really amazing work. Yes, the language is quite difficult to understand but for that, I'd recommend watching the movie first to get a better knowledge of the plot. It gives is a peep into the lives of people during that time. It makes us aware of the differences and the various mentalities of people.
Value For Money
This Is The Best Movie
I watched this on Netflix and let me say that this is the best movie I have ever watched. I like watching romantic movies but they just don't seem to connect to you and this movie really makes you feel like you could be in this person's spot .I don't know how to explain it but I almost cried when I found out it was made in 2005 and won't be having a sequel anytime soon. I completely recommend this movie if you like being touched in the heart, if the producers and directors ever read this PLEASE MAKE A PART TWO AND EVEN THEN JUST KEEP MAKING MORE BECAUSE THIS MOVIE IS HONESTLY LIKE A GIFT FROM GOD TO ME!!!
Value For Money
I generally liked the book. Well, to be honest not so much at first but gradually as i explored the inner themes of love, marriage, pride, and prejudice represented on a vocal level in the novel, I developed an attraction to it. Different aspects of satire, mockery, and sarcasm were quite well-expressed. Different characters I found interesting to analyze like the judgemental Mrs. Bennet and Elizabeth Bennet. Certain relations between characters, though complex, I found fascinating
When I Watched This Film The First Time, I Didn't
When I watched this film the first time, I didn't know why it's famous. But few days ago, I saw it again by chance. It was brilliant! The story was simple_ love story of young lady and gentleman.
I've never seen this film.but,i became to see this one because,you recommended me!
Amazing Film
Pride and prejudice is one of the best films I've ever seen. The actors are very good. There are scenes with beautiful landscapes, and the music is amazing.
The only downfall is that the end is predicatble, but this film really moves me and I recommend it.
Value For Money
I Was Forced To Watch This Film By My Flat Mate. I
I was forced to watch this film by my flat mate. I think you have to be a girl to understand it. It was lost on me.
Good cinematography, and Kiefer Sutherland was good, but I couldn't really follow the plot.
Value For Money
I Fell In Love With Matthew Mcfayden, And The Cine
I fell in love with Matthew McFayden, and the cinematography was amazing.
Value For Money
While It Will Never Satisfy Those Rabid Jane Auste
While it will never satisfy those rabid Jane Austen fans who demand that every last syllable of the book be brought to life onscreen, there is a great deal to like about this latest film adapation of PRIDE AND PREJUDICE. It features gorgeous art direction and cinematography (including a couple of long, intricate camera shots that snake their way impossibly through crowded scenes), not to mention a strong cast led by a charmingly feisty Keira Knightly (a revelation here as Lizzy) and which also includes the likes of Donald Sutherland and Judi Dench. I've read about the protests from some P&P/BBC fans who believe that Colin Firth is the one and only Mr. Darcy, but Matthew MacFadyen is more than up for the challenge.
Complaints? Only the obvious: condensing a book of this scope into two hours of screen time results in the skimping of much of that tome's rich detail and plotting. Remember Lizzy's comment to Jane that her love for Mr. Darcy "has been coming so gradually, that I hardly know when it began"? Well, that line doesn't ring quite as true in this film. Had I not read the text first, I might have found the pacing - and the couple's burgeoning affection for each other - a little too brisk for my liking. Things like Lizzy and Wickham's budding relationship, the visit to Pemberley, and the family crisis over Lydia's quickie wedding are painted with the lightest of strokes. Mr. Collins' engagement to Charlotte comes as a complete surprise since the two never even share a scene together before the wedding announcement (a single shot of the two conversing in the background or sharing an awkward look is all that would have been required to plant the seed for the audience).
Having said that, I'd argue that, in relation to the mid-90's TV miniseries, certain aspects of this production just feel more right. In this updated version, one can actually believe that Jane might be considered the beauty of the Bennet family. The Mr. Collins here comes across more like the nerdish, serious-minded clergyman that I had pictured while reading the book than his downright creepy-looking BBC doppleganger. The humble, almost ramshackle Longbourn estate in this adaptation gives you a better sense of the Bennet family's meager means and more keenly illustrates why the union of Lizzy (that 'young woman of inferior birth') and Ol' Moneybags Darcy would seem so ill-suited in everyone's eyes.
Don't get me wrong; I did like the BBC version, but if anything it clung too slavishly to the text. I don't believe that a successful film adaptation of a book requires a page-by-page re-enactment (I've said it before and I'll say it again: the LORD OF THE RINGS film trilogy is the benchmark by which all future literary adaptations should be compared, and Peter Jackson made all kinds of alterations to the books). Some of the omissions are entirely forgivable, even welcome; sure, Mr. Bingley's married sister and her hubby Mr. Hurst are nowhere to be found, but they served no real purpose in the book, so what's to miss? Plus, the BBC version has all that dancing! Yes, I understand the social importance of those balls to early 19th century England, and I'm sure all those dance steps are probably some metaphor for the intricate pas-de-deux shared by Lizzy and Darcy during their initial conversations; still, there are times when I felt like I was watching an 1814 version of 'Dirty Dancing' "nobody puts Lizzy in the corner!"
As such, an ideal film adaptation of PRIDE AND PREJUDICE would probably fall somewhere between the BBC production and its big-screen counterpart. Still, it's hard to imagine a two-hour version coming off much better than this.
I feel that Keira Knightly is in fact overrated. Her acting does not excite me and I did not find her Elizabeth nearly as enjoyable to watch as Jennifer Ehle's and feel she was rather undeserving of her Oscar nomination. On the whole the film was interesting and became more enjoyable as it went along. I thought that Matthew Macfadyen's performance perfectly displays Darcy's social & class problems and his beautiful emotional side. Judi Dench as Lady De Bourgh added brilliantly to the film. Overall I did enjoy this film though no where near as much as the 1995 BBC adaptation which I feel had the time to explore the characters and the story more fully.
Value For Money
Like The Previous Reviewer, I Was Dragged To See P
Like the previous reviewer, I was dragged to see Pride and Prejudice by my girlfriend. To be honest, I wanted to hate this film, however for some almost inexplicable reason I couldn't. After the first five minutes I feared the worst, a bunch of silly girls and ridiculous men were prancing around at a ball and I thought I should just go and top myself there and then. In fairness though it wasn't long before I started to get into it.
The best thing about this film is undoubtedly Keira Knightley, and I mean that due to her acting skills rather than my perversions. To my knowledge this is the first film where she is the lead and she handles it with aplomb. Knightley fits the Elizabeth Bennett role like a glove, she is the quintessential English rose, warm and engaing, witty and feisty but most of all extremely likeable. If Knightley had fluffed her part then the whole film would have been a waste, thankfully, this is the best I've ever seen her and this role should confirm her status as a Hollywood big shot.
While the Elizabeth character is ridiculously likeable, her foil, Macfayden's Darcy is suitably dislikeable. The words that spring to mind are miserable, stick in the mud, rude and basically about as dull as a dishcloth. It's a good job old Darcy is seriously wadded or we could have seen him popping in the 40 Year Old Virgin rather than Pride and Prejudice. Despite me finding this character completely unlikeable, this portrayl is accurate to how the character should be and this review is therefore not a pop at the actor who plays him.
The supporting acts are pretty good too. Mr Bennet played by Donald Sutherland is so good that we can forgive him that Candadian accent which creeps in now and again. Dame Dench is a total wench and you will find yourself hating the old witch in her role as Lady Katherine. The Bennet sisters are as silly as you would expect and Mrs Bennett is also excellent.
Overall, it's an alright film, some of the scenery is beautiful and the plot skips along nicely thanks to Knightely's lively heroine. If you get dragged to see this with your other half then it's not as bad as you will probably expect. Make no mistake though, I'd still rather have seen Revolver.
Value For Money
I Planned A Trip To The Cinema With My Girlfriend
I planned a trip to the cinema with my Girlfriend and on this occasion it was her turn to choose the film and when I saw that Pride and Prejudice had just been released I began to get that sinking feeling. In the past it has been one of my aims to avoid period costume dramas at all costs - the thought of 3 hours of bowing, yes mi lady and Mr Darcy kind of filled me with dread, but... you have to think ahead - my chances of seeing Land of the Dead would have been seriously diminished if I refused to play the game.
I read the reviews and they all seemed to be mostly positive, Keira Knightly although slightly annoying is pleasing on the eye which I thought should make the film go faster and I had stocked up on a large bag of minstrels to keep me occupied so I should be ok. Once the film had started I realised that I may have been a bit harsh. Instead of being boring the story was actually quite interesting - it was never going to be thrill a minute but I found myself happily going along with it all. The performances from all of the actors were very good, Keira was excellent and Donald Sutherland played his part well.
The costumes and sets looked to be very accurate - I tried my best but didn't see a single digital watch and the scenery and houses were amazing. The film also had quite a few funny moments, especially the over zealous mama trying her best for her children and although I have never seen the BBC production with Colin Firth my girlfriend says that McFayden was a good choice for Mr Darcy. This was always going to be a bit of a girls film but for all the other boyfriends, brothers, dads and husbands out there it is actually a lot better than it looks and you will probably be pleasantly surprised. My Girlfriend loved it and the film has already made its way onto her DVD wish list - recommended.
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