Doubletake - Professional Makeover & Photo Shoot
Value For Money
Doubletake - Professional Makeover & Photo Shoot

User Reviews
Value For Money
How To Contact Double Take Studios
hi does anyone know how i can stop paying or double take studios as i bought 2 packages have paid for 1 nd am still paying for another but the studio in manchester no longer exists and i need to contact them.
thank you for the response..... that seems like a good idea. however i took a loan from ezi pay who who were recommended by a double take employee and was also authorized by double take studios. i also found out that at the time of me purchasing my photo shoot package in Oct 2011 they went into administration during Nov 2011.... they did not contact me regarding this..... At the moment i am still paying for something that i will never get from double take studios... i am scared what if i do contact the bank try stopping the direct debits i get into trouble! :O
i tryed to do this the other day as i thought it woz a direct debit i had with them, so i thought i could just go to my bank and stop it...but as its a visa payment.....i carnt stop this like i would a direct debit payment...the only option u have if to phone ur bank and tell them ur card is broken (snapped) n would like a new 1.....double take studios will not be able to take any more payments as its a new card, with diffrent security numbers on the back n carnt access the money because u have not sent it up with them with ur new card ...hope this helps x
Value For Money
A Bittersweet Experience
I went to Doubletake in Manchester in August 2010 with my cousin. I was replacing my other cousin who could not attend. I had been shocked at the fact that a huge cancellation fee would have to have been paid for non-attendance. the experience was marred by the fact the riots took place in the vacinity of our hotel the night before the shoot and when we asrrived at the Studio, we were stressed from this and found it difficult to relax. I have read some terrible reviews about this Studio and did not know they had gone into liquidation until I was phoned by another company today, ofering me the pictures i did not purchase at a fraction of the original price. My pioctures were good, but the prices extortionate. I found the staff friendly, but would never book anything like this again without shopping around. Groupon come up with these type of experiences at a fraction of the price.
Sorry typing error, it was 2011 not 2010
Value For Money
Ive Been Taken To Court!
I went to Doubletake Studios for a photo-shoot last year, not happy with the quality of photos or the service they provided but about 3 months ago a company called Oriel Collections (08442641360 based in Cheltenham) rang me saying they had taken over and i now owe THEM the debt…I explained how bad doubletake were and refused to pay. They said they’d take me to court…I thought I would have a case due to the shocking customer service so told them to do so…. Turns out the credit agreement and contract that you sign when your there is so cleverly written I didn’t have a leg to stand on, I now have a COUNTY COURT JUDGEMENT and had to pay Oriels legal fees which wasn’t cheap!!!! I’d advise anyone that is in the same position I was to pay it off asap and forget about the whole thing! NIGHTMARE!!
Value For Money
Fantastic Doubletake Experience!!
Ok so ive just been informed that Doubletake have gone bust, fair dos, just back luck! Though i came across all these negative reviews about the place and thought i would share my day that i thought was fantastic!
I bought my experience from Buyagift.com and paid £15 for a photoshoot for 2 with 2 complimentary photos.
So we arrived at the Studios in Manchester and straight away all staff were friendly and welcoming, we were offered refreshments and waited in reception to be called for our makeup. I must say the mini facial was great and i almost fell asleep!! The make up looked fab, far from what i can do! And my hair was also amazing, it felt so nice to be pampered!
I went with my sister and she also looked fab after the hair and make up.
We had no idea what to expect when it came to the photoshoot! Neither of us have ever done anything like it before. But the photographers were great, very friendly and encouraging. They didnt make us do anything we didnt want to and we chose which sets to use.
The one thing i must say that wasnt great was the wait time between having the photos taken and waiting for them to be done. Although we have plenting of refreshments to choose from and comfy sofas to sit on. We opted out of giving peoples numbers out and this was no problem.
When we went into the private viewing room the sales person was very friendly and talked us through all the packages (which we did think were very pricey). We told her we had a budget of around £100 each and she worked with us on that and gave us a fantastic deal!
We were amazed at the photos we were shown, far better than we imagined.
So i have nothing bad to say about this experience, apart from the fact we may not now get our photos due to the company going bust but we will just wait and see!
were was the building in manchester please
We went and had a lovely experience too, though we went mid october and are yet to recieve our photos, we've chased a few times and still haven't recieved them, they told us they have been dispatched (and prior to them going bust they were due on the 16th Nov) then I finally spoke to someone yesterday who said I might never receive them or get any money back, this is bitterly disappointing due to the fact we should have been near top of the list of being completed and now I might never see the photos or my money again, have you received yours? Claire
Value For Money
Worst Ever Photoshoot
Double stakes is one of the worst place that I have been to in my life. The staff are rude. The make up was ok which I can do myself at home. Its a scam and an easy way to make money.This company will not last everythng is budget then they make there money back by giving you the cheapest quality of pictures. Then asking you to pay extra for them to be edited. The photographers are not proffesional. They have cheap looking background all in order to get you exicited then brake your heart. I went with my boyfriend i'm six years younger than him and normally look younger in my photshoots i ended up looking like a mother with 6 kids at age 30. When I am 18. At the end they made us give them so much numbers all in order for a free goody bag. This was full of rubbish from the 99p shop.At the end we had a saleperson who was so rude and fake trying to ask put pressure on us to buy these crusty pictures.She even had it all planned out telling me what me and my boyfriend should pay. THEY ARE MAD AND ALL NEED TO BE REPORTED. I THINK THEY SHOULD BE REPORTED ON WATCH DOG. I cant stand them and they should be closed down. I think everyone should have all there money back.
Value For Money
Found This On The Website Today For Doubletake Studios.
Doubletake Studios Limited
Was placed into administration on 15 November 2011
The Company is no longer trading or able to honour any appointments
The joint administrators are Philip Armstrong and Geoffrey Rowley of FRP Advisory LLP
What to do if
You have an appointment booked
The Company has ceased to trade and will not be holding any further appointments. If you paid by credit or VISA debit card you may be able to recover any money you have lost as a result of the administration. We would recommend you contact your card provider to determine what assistance they can provide you.
You are awaiting delivery of an order you have placed
If you are awaiting delivery of photos, orders are being completed and it is anticipated that delivery should occur some time over the next two weeks.
You have a payment plan in place
If you are on a payment plan, you are still legally responsible for paying outstanding amounts. All payments must remain in place. Failure to do so may result in legal action against you.
You believe you are owed money by the Company
If you believe you are owed money by the Company you will be an unsecured creditor in the administration. There will not be sufficient monies available to repay creditors in full. However, if you paid by credit or VISA debit card you may be able to recover any money you have lost as a result of the administration. We would recommend you contact your card provider to determine what assistance they can provide you. If you are unable to recover any money from your card provider you can still claim as a creditor in the administration, however as noted above the chance of you receiving any money back is uncertain.
Any further queries should be directed to FRP Advisory LLP
10 Furnival Street
0203 005 4000
Value For Money
They Have Taken My Money
they booked my appointment for the 3rd dec 11, so i go on line and book the double money.. they then ring me up on the thursday and tell me they are having problems in the studio and they are cancelling all apointments and will contact me when its up and running, well im still waiting and when ever i ring them i cant get through as system is down and cant get onto the main web site.
i have been told they have gone bust.
well im seeking legal advice as i want my money back.
think before handing over anything to these companies
Well I must admit, I have heard they were going bust but too late cos I had my day on 8th november. They have used my card to purchase music downloads from a company called BEATPORT based in Colorado. Be careful and make sure that your cards are not used in this way. I have now contacted the Police and obviously my bank and are waiting to see what happens now. Good luck
Value For Money
Worst Pictures Of Myself That I Have Seen In My Life
The best idea will be just to throw your money into the litter bin or just flash your money down the toilet. At least you will not waste your time this way. I don't know how they do this but I looked ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE on all picures that they made. I fid not even suspect that it is possible to make pictures of such a bad quality. And they even demand money for such gabbage!
Value For Money
You'll Feel Ripped Off & Get Nothing
Makeup & photography were cookie cutter, that is, they do about the same thing for everyone whether it suits you or not. They put you in poses that look ridiculous and cheesy and are not suited for you. After the shoot, you're put into a room alone with a salesperson using very hard sell tactics hoping to wear you down. You'll be lucky to find even one photo that you think captures the real you and you'll likely look worse than you do in real person. My friends saw the photos and thought they all looked bad. They promise revisits instead of honoring refunds, but they do not honor either. You can end up paying a lot of money and get absolutely nothing for it. If this review site had been available and I would have seen that well over 2/3 of reviews are terrible & poor, I would have done myself a big favor and stayed away from doing business with this company.
Value For Money
A Genuine, Honest Review Of Double Take.
First off, I'd like to point out that I was the "guest" of the person who had been offered the free gift.
My girlfriend had been rung by Double take, who had told her they had received her number from a friend. Since it was the kind of thing she seemed interested in, she said yes there and then, and gave a deposit.
It wasn't until she told me, that I got a bit wary. I did some research, and I was hit by a wave of negative reviews. We couldn't cancel at this point, so we ended up going along to the day.
The greeting we had was warm, and the place was very busy for an 8.30 morning. We were offered drinks and refreshments, and were quickly told how our day was going to plan out.
The waiting was annoying, but what can you expect really?
The photographer seemed semi-professional at best, but she could tell when we felt uncomfortable, and everything we did was run by us first. If we didn't like the sound of a certain set, or pose, we were taken onto another that we did like.
So far, our experience had been great. The posing was fun, my girlfriend loved getting into her old prom dress again, and the staff were great.
I really expected for the day to go downhill from this point, as I had read that they were pushy with buying photos.
As students, we didnt have much money, but due to a double money offer we took, we had already handed over £50, which meant we had £100 to spend.
Right from the bat, I put my foot down and told her we didn't want to hear any prices over £100, and were definiatly not interested in monthly payments.
Her attitude didn't change at all, she was great about that and quickly ran through what size photos were affordable for £100 on the day.
She let us look through the photos on our own, and I must say the quality was acceptable. It wasnt as "professional" as I was hoping for, but then she showed me the editing(which you pay for).
We opted for un-edited prints, so they didnt seem as great as I had thought, but in all honestly, it was still a brilliant photo.
I don't think I'll ever go again, simply as that kinda thing doesn't suit me. I am a guy after all.
But the experience was fun, and not at all like I had expected after reading all these bad reviews.
My advice?
Just be aware of the T and C, and if you book an appointment, don't cancel or rearrange and just go.
Go with the intention of spending some money, and then you avoid the pushy talk at the end.
Yes it's expensive, but they do lots of deals I imagine, and the double money one was great.
I definitively would not recommend spending over £50 (£100 on double money), as it's simply not worth it after that.
Overall: A good day out. Dissapointed with the price, but staff were nice, and we were made to feel welcome, even after we said we wouldn't hear her sales pitch over the £100 price.
I should also add, we opted not to put mobile numbers down. I just said we were against giving out numbers. They were fine with that, said they even understand, and a lot of people do the same as we did.
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