You’ve Been Framed

You’ve Been Framed

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You’ve Been Framed

You’ve Been Framed
3.14 8 user reviews

User Reviews


Down With Harry Hill

I really loved watching ybf, but find harry hill very annoying and offensive, so its no longer something I watch out for.


Harry Hill Is Vile For Family Tv !!!

Iv been watching you've been framed for years along with family and friends, and ever since Harry hill took over I find his comments offensive, discusting and not very thought out, he constantly offends people and makes fun of there household and surroundings, I could mention a lot of slimy revolting and vile comments about kids and there patients rather than the funny thing there doing!! but we have all heard them before... I am just FURIOUS that he has just signed a 2 MILLION pound contract with ITV.. And will be doing voice overs for the next TWO years.. You've destroyed you've been framed for kids and adults alike.. It's a great shame I carnt view it anymore due to such meaningless hurtful personal remarks


Harry Hill Should Get Fired

I love you've been framed and have done for as long as I can remember but I am so fed up with Harry hills sometimes disgusting remarks. I dislike this man already because I just don't think he's funny. Just my opinion, don't mind if you think otherwise.but I think it's vile with the things he's said. There was one episode where there was a rather overweight girl getting onto a swing and he made a comment saying something along the lines off shouldn't have ate so many pies. She looked about 12... If that was my daughter her confidence would have been knocked so much and I know she would have cried her eyes out. He always makes sly comments about overweight people. There's no need for it. I've also heard him mock a ginger girl and even make a religious comment which could be offensive to Christians. It was a video with 3 dogs eating dinner and he compared the food to the body of Christ! That could easily offend someone religious, I figured that out and I'm an athiest. The show would be funnier without him narrating in my opinion. I really hate him.


Just Watched You've Been Framed Tonight In The Epi

Just watched You've been framed tonight In the episode one of the girls dancing bent over and her trousers split The comment was Good job that didn't happen in Gateshead ???????

I am from Gateshead and found the comment to be very offensive It implied all girls are available to any drunk walking along the streets

This is meant to be family humour No one in my household is laughing DISGRACEFUL and offensive

N Fox


Some facts about the north east and of course Gateshead

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This Programme Is Creepy - What Kind Of People Lik

This programme is creepy - what kind of people like watching children, or anyone else for that matter, hurt themselves?? It's the comedy of bullies. Sounds harsh but ain't it true?


I Think That Ybf Is So Funny Hahaha! Has Anyone Se

i think that YBF is so funny hahaha! has anyone seen that one when that duck tries to get to his feet before people can get wacked by a basebat hahaha!I didnt like some of the bits because there not funnylike one a woman was dancing and it wasnt even funny my friends watched it with me and my friends are willis,william,drew and finn and it was funniest ever YBF and it was on for an hour have any of u seen that bit where that baby was in the tunnel and harry said westlife have got a new hit and that babys eyes went wide open beacouse he was curius i think (i dont now if he was curius or what i dont know?) i just think its so funny so ive got to the top reviewer so ill write in a nother couple of days of weeks so please comment and ill write later in the year kk byeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You've Been Framed Was Hilarious When It First Air

You've been framed was hilarious when it first aired years ago. We previously hadn't been able to see peoples personal and embarassing moments caught on camera and it brought unique comedy to the TV.

I think the presenters styles have changed over the years though. Beadle wasn't funny and Lisa Riley certainly wasn't, then they got some unknown bloke of the street to present it and he nearly killed the programme. Then came along Harry Hill with his own brand of humour, what an excellent choice! The clip he's commenting on might be someone falling over at a BBQ but Harry's making fun of the blokes moustache instead. Talking of which, some of the clips are totally lacking any comedy value (Women on motorbikes who are unable to let go of the accelarator, or an old man who's trousers fall down at a wedding).

Jeremy Beadles show also featured him trying to crack a joke and you could here the "audience" clapping and howling with laughter. The camera would then pan to the crowd and they would all be sat straight faced like labotemy patients. The most obvious use of canned laughter I have seen (except for on Last of the Summer Wine).


Despite The Loss Of Jeremy Beadle A Long Time Ago

Despite the loss of Jeremy Beadle a long time ago now, the show contiues to go from strength to strength, the show has ditched the studio audience format(probably that Jonathan Wilkes's fault), opting for a voice-over approach to presenting the nation's favourite "caught on camera" bloopers and mis-haps. I initially believed this was purely a cost-cutting exercise and was worried we may lose You've been Framed as the competition for viewers seems to increase every year. But the skills of Harry Hill are the perfect marriage for how this show is now broadcast. Harry's unique brand of delivery and timing really serve up a treat the whole family can enjoy together. The show is broadcast on ITV1 and is usually aired on a weekend tea-time. My favourites include people falling off bicycles, tarzee's that snap resulting in injury and of old Grannies falling backwards off deckchairs. When I was a lad me and my brothers would tape each other jumping off the shed roof or doing "no handy" on our BMX's at breakneck speeds down the Greenway, we never got on the show as our efforts were deemed to be "stage managed," although our Mark has since had a clip aired as he was chased and attacked by a gang of angry sheep whilst taking a short cut up to Eston Nab. Brilliant, not to be missed.

dan dude

well i didnt see jeremy beadle and i dont even now who he is,really!Im ten in 2011 so anyway i didnt watch it when he was there on the show i only started watching it in and im not joking i really did


Hi Mike, I feel I must disagree with one part of your review: Harry Hill.

Harry's quirky style of humour and trademark bald head, spectacles, and oversized collar make me angry. I simply don't find him even accidently amusing. He would be doing the general public a more worthwhile service if he returned to his first love - medicine. The guy's a trained doctor.

Jeremy Beedle will always be remembered for the hand he played in the success of this programme, (no pun intended) but for me, watching Lisa Riley blatantly read, possibly some of the worst one-liners ever written, from the relative comfort of a auto-cue, has to be the funniest period of You've Been Framed. It was that bad, it was good!

Did you know that none other than Richard out of "Richard & Judy" made the pilot episode of YBF, which has not been screened to date!

Don't do anything stupid unless you're being framed! Bye!

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