Pfaff Select 4.2
Value For Money
Pfaff Select 4.2

User Reviews
Value For Money
My experience was great as always. I will definitely continue to shop here.
No Fuss? All This Thing Gave Me Was Fuss. It Broke
No fuss? All this thing gave me was fuss. It broke down after 1 month wow. Never again.
Value For Money
A Depressing Experience - Keep Your Packaging!
The Pfaff Select 4.2 Promised to be the simple, straightforward, no fuss straight stitching workhorse I had been searching for.
I will be totally honest! Pfaff do have a great reputation for great machines and are loved my many of my friends.
This said, I purchased a Pfaff Select 4.2 for this reason, it has a great LED light which most people forget to check, lighting is very important, and it was said to stitch beautifully.
However... my brand new machine "clattered" from the start, after three months of light design use i decided to ask for it to be serviced, this is just a warning to you all, i purchased this online from a shop in Birmingham, I live in London, they refused to take the machine back for service unless I had ALL the packaging. (it's in the small print) So please please keep yours.
People often forget that its not just the machine your investing in, it"s also the after service, and mine was lacking to say the least!
i love this
If you are thinking of purchasing another machine some time in the future, make sure you keep away from "British Sewing Centre."
They treat customers in the most disgusting way. We spent £999: 00, and after 4 months we are left with a sewing machine that has completely broken down.
To think, they even addressed it to the other side of the village, unbelievable. What sort of people are they?
Where are the people that should monitor traders like that and get them banned off the internet?
It would be a good idea to get the government to introduce legislated laws that kicks them out. We will always from now on go to the shops where you can physically return damaged goods.
We have had no end of problems with Internet buying, in my opinion many are rouges. We wish you well in your future purchase of a new or repaired sewing machine.
It seems to me that your machine was faulty - a "rogue" - and should have been returned. What a shame that awful Birmingham shop ruined your experience of Pfaff. "Distance selling" laws protect people who buy online as you did.
Every manufacturer produces an occasional "Monday morning rogue" through human error - but for a retailer to rip you off over one of these (at the expense of Pfaff's excellent name) is nothing short of criminal!
The small print about packaging is "unreasonable" and would not stand up in law.
Contact the Citizens' Advice Bureau who now act for the old Office of Fair Trading. Why should they skulk in the shadows, reputation in tact, and be allowed to get away with it? Report them to Citizens Advice.
As a consumer, when you buy from a shop, you enter a binding contract giving you certain statutory rights which the retailer is legally bound to fulfill. Unscrupulous retailers sometimes try it on by adding their own unfair terms hidden in small print. Your consumer rights remain the same! It's well worth getting the legalities explained to you as they occasionally change and have done so recently.
Your sewing machine was clearly "not fit for purpose" - a legal term which used to be called "not of merchantable quality". Tell the shopkeeper that, and watch his face change!
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