Value For Money

User Reviews
Value For Money
Great Beer
Beck's Beer, a renowned German brand, has consistently delivered a top-notch brewing experience, making it a beloved choice among beer enthusiasts worldwide.
From the first sip, Beck's Beer offers a crisp and refreshing taste that embodies the essence of German brewing traditions. The golden hue of the beer is inviting, hinting at the quality within. The initial aroma is pleasantly hoppy, promising a well-balanced flavor profile.
What sets Beck's apart is its clean and smooth taste. The maltiness is perfectly complemented by a subtle bitterness, creating a harmonious blend that lingers just long enough on the palate. The carbonation is lively but not overwhelming, adding to the beer's refreshing quality. Whether enjoyed straight from the bottle or poured into a glass, Beck's maintains its integrity, delivering a consistently delightful experience.
Value For Money
Uk Brewed Dishwater
The export from Germany was one of my favourites, the version now available is awful, just nasty. I suspect the only reason anyone would buy this foul liquid is if they thought they were buying the proper export (as I did one Xmas, thanks Becks UK you tricked me).
Value For Money
The Best For 32 Years
I've been drinking Beck's for 32 years since I was in college and it was brewed in Bremen. I visited the Bremen factory in 2002 before it went "international" and became a local brew in the U.S. and other countries instead of an import, but it has not changed over this entire time as far as I can tell.
The taste and after-taste are perfect. Nothing weird, but a perfect lager. It really sets the bar for lagers as far as I'm concerned, and few beers can meet the Beck's high standard. It's a wonderful match for beef, fish, chicken. This is amazing because there are certain Japanese beers I love with fish, but not beef or chicken, some beers that match curries or spicy mexican foods, but I'd never drink every day like Beck's
The carbonation is perfect like a great champagne, nice and bubbly, but not overwhelming.
The head is perfect, not too much, not too little. Pour a Beck's in an ice cold mug and it rises thick, but doesn't explode over the top. Pour it in a room temperature mug, and it rises thick enough to cover the beer below, giving you a nice first, big drink.
The best part of Beck's today is it's $13 USD for a 12 pack at more than half the places in California that sell beer. That is great value for the money.
For a great all-around beer like Beck's, the only thing you can say is a negative about it is that it's not strong enough to stand up to spicy foods like curries, spicy mexican foods, strongly spiced indian foods, etc. But there are other beers for those foods.
Pour that Beck's. Look at it, smell it, take the first long drink. Feel the carbonation numb the roof of your mouth, the front of your tongue, then roll down your throat like a comforting friend. Then do it again, again, and again. From first drink to last drink of that Beck's, it's the same great, satisfying beer.
Yes, I'm writing this review while drinking my second Beck's tonight...
Value For Money
Excellent Lager
I can't tell the difference between the German and American versions. Outstanding. I don't understand the low scores.
Value For Money
UK stuff should be banned.
Value For Money
Inferior Fake
I used to enjoy Beck's, but hadn't bought any for a while. The bottle proudly advertised 'Bremen Germany' on the front label. What was inside was probably the cheapest tasting, nastiest beer I've ever tried to drink. I didn't have the receipt, so couldn't return it so simply poured it away. It should be zero stars, doesn't deserve one. I'd rather drink tap water if I was thirsty enough.
What is really annoying is the blatant dishonesty of the company. I'm normally a careful shopper, but I was fooled. The truth is hidden in tiny letters on the back, this rubbish is brewed in the UK and is a fake. I wouldn't have bought it had I seen this first.
Trading standards proudly claim to investigate fake goods and to prosecute. Why don't they chase this one? I suspect a clue would be in the 19th century joke about the publican who watered his beer ending up in prison while the brewer who did the same ended in the House of Lords.
I agree wholeheartedly. I drank Becks in college and it was good. I've had it off and on over the past 20 years and it was like I remembered. Last weekend I got a 12 pack and it was among the worst swill I've ever tasted. Absolute garbage. Somewhere along the line they were acquired by a big beer conglomerate and the recipe changed. I have an 11 pack sitting here if anyone is desperate
Value For Money
Now Brewed In Uk, Tasteless!
Bought 3 cases on special offer £10 each, should have realised something was wrong, now brewed in UK and tastes totally different , unless I can get imported Becks, I'll never buy the beer again, shame!
Value For Money
Becks Inferior Beer
since becks stopped importing from Germany it now tastes like dishwater
Value For Money
Foul. I bought this for the same reason many probably do: it was cheap, the word 'German' is a solid lure, and I was ignorant.
I know very little about the finer points of beer-drinking. Budweiser or Natural Light don't taste like much, but they'll see you through a social. Beck's, however, was the lowest point in my drinking career.
Flavor: Drinking liquid skunk weed marijuana mixed with a forgotten tuna fish sandwich.
I hate pouring anything out, but this was an exception.
My girlfriend described the flavor as "drinking water someone snubbed a cigarette out in".
Pros: The color of the bottle was fun and green, I guess.
Value For Money
Brewed In Germany
Was also a lover of Becks bier for years, worked not far from the brewery in Bremen. When I returned too the UK I continued to drink Becks as it was imported, but since it has been brewed here in the UK not the same, drop in strength and now tastes like washing up water. I'm now drinking Steinhauser from Aldi which is brewed in Germany, not a bad tipple, does the job.
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