Aston Manor Brewery Frosty Jack's

Aston Manor Brewery Frosty Jack's

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Value For Money

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Aston Manor Brewery Frosty Jack's

Aston Manor Brewery Frosty Jack's
4.45 70 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Was Fantastic!

When I found it years ago, for the first time, it was the best drink to me. I can't drink spirits, so it was for me. Taste like lemonade, but with a little percentage. Unfortunately a few months ago it has been changed. Now there's more alcohol in it. I'm looking for any replacement. I'm sorry.


Very Refreshing Energy Drink

This is a mighty refreshing drink best consumed after hard exercise to boost your electrolytes and rehydrate. It has also helped me maintain my focus and shortened recovery intervals following training. I thoroughly recommend it.


Value For Money

World Peace And Equality.

This my friends is a drink of champions. No other way to describe it. The low price combined with the high alcoholic percentage is only two of the reasons that this is my drink of choice. Admittedly the first two to three swigs are rather on the sour side however after braving these initial portions the taste excels from here on, knocking the taste buds into orbit and your mind into outer-space. After half the bottle your inhibitions are completely destroyed and the common phrase "Every hole is a goal" becomes a reality. This cider gives you the confidence to talk to anybody about anything for as long as possible, and whatever their response you are immediately infatuated. I am truly confident that this single cider can eradicate racism, sexism and any other -ism you can possibly think of and create world peace and equality.


I Am Only 16 Years Old And On Weekends I Can Alway

i am only 16 years old and on weekends i can always depend on a 3 litre of frosty jacks, people diss it but they dont know it like i do. i can go out with £5 get drunk and still have money left for food. it may smell when you are kissing someone this is where cherry airwaves come involved, these are my fave chewies. please no matter what age you are go and buy a 3 litre of frosty jacks and get smashed. yeah boizzzzzz


I am wanting u


Value For Money

Complex Bouquet, Delicious Delicate Flavour .

Most people enjoy an occasional drink and most people enjoy saving money. So hats off to the geniuses at AMB for creating this truly marvellous cider that we all know and love! Suitable for all social occasions, perfect gift idea too! Ideal for Valentines day, weddings and dinner parties too. Don't be a fool and believe those slanderous comments emanating from the established brands and government about our lovely Frostry Jacks, they're just jealous of the quality and price. Heavenly taste that can't be beat. Enjoy you next glass or ten, with some chorizo sausage for a great time.


Value For Money

Only Half A Can?

Dear Frosty's

I'm a fan of your cider and regularly enjoy it (responsibly of course) but was thoroughly disappointed today when I opened one of them and it was only half full! Of course, I have no way of proving this as a photograh of a half full can of cider is just that.

Still, a response would be much appreciated to explain how a normal sized can, sold in Iceland, could go through your quality assurance checks and end up in my hand with not enough in.

Yours in unquenched thisrt,



Value For Money


It is for good reason this is known as the tramps champaighn. Let it not be forgotten that both Paul Gascoighn and George Best are reputed to tipple on this nectar when times are hard. There are times when you get on the drinking buzz with this stuff you can wake up in your own urine, happy in the knowledge that you've had a good morning/ day/ night. Tastes terrible but who cares after two pints. Cheers!!


Value For Money

Poor Man's Champagne!!

My husband and I having been drinking Frosty Jack's White Cider for years, and we are not drunken morans!! We get it really, really chilled and drink it with respect out of wine glasses, its delicious!! Its really cheap and affordable-god knows what we'll do if the Government put units upto 50pence, nobody will be able to afford it!!Anyway well done Aston Manor its great!!


I'm A Person That Likes Cider Over Beer, Cider Get

I'm a person that likes cider over beer, cider gets me where I want to be quicker and it feels more like an energized buzz compared to beer that makes me mellow and sleepy.

Frosty Jacks does that but the taste is very lacking, it doesn't have a strong after taste that makes me want to drink more, it's like a slight sweet taste and then a plain unfulfilling aftertaste.

I can drink this stuff but its not enjoyable and I try to avoid the taste by not breathing through my nose.


Value For Money

This Drink Is Uplifting.

What I chiefly like about this drink is its cheapness and high alcohol. I calculate this gives me more bang for my buck than most other drinks. I can get completely coma'd for £5.

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