Kelloggs Special K Red Berries
Value For Money
Kelloggs Special K Red Berries

User Reviews
Value For Money
Kellogg’s Special K Berries Family Size Cereal
Wow! So disappointed! We purchased two boxes of Special K Red Berries cereal on June 22, 2024. At home, we compared these boxes to the other box that we still have at home. So, the older box is 1/4” wider, but 1/2” shorter, and there is 16.9 oz of cereal inside.
The new boxes are 1/4” nerronarrowerwer, but they grow 1/2” taller, and inside is 15.6 oz cereal ONLY!
Why are the boxes are getting taller, while there is less cereal inside? Just to fool customers or to lock more air inside?
So 16.9 oz : 15.6 oz. What next??? I bet 14.3 oz according to mathematics scheme? Hopefully, we won’t have to roll the top of the boxes down to cut on space if it will reach 1 yard tall in the future? When you grab a box with cereal, you easily feel that about 45% of the box from the top is empty, just air! So, why keep going up and up and waste the paper? Looks like not all people understand and take global warming seriously? Trees, that’s our life on this soil. Without trees, we will not be able to breathe and survive!
Value For Money
Should Be Named Special K Cranberries
Shocking that there is now almost no strawberry or Cherry content. Cereal now tastes very tart. Cranberries must be cheaper. I tried a cereal version and guess what more strawberries and cherries. Will not be purchasing Special K again.
Value For Money
Kelloggs Yuk!
I have bought Kelloggs Speacial K berries for as long as i can remember But my last three boxes have not been worth the money with very few berries in. The quality of this product is terrible and i will not be purchasing anymore.
The cheaper brands are beginning to shine now...top brands like Kelloggs are no longer worth the money.
Value For Money
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Value For Money
Not Like 40 Years Ago
Recently had a similar product from a different company while visiting my grandchildren. It tasted great with many strawberries in it. Remembering when I had the Kellogs Corn Flakes with Strawberries from years back, I decided to get a box. Combining freeze-dried bits and pieces, there couldn't have been more than 3 (small) strawberries in the entire box. May as well buy a cheaper, knockoff Special K and add my own, better strawberrie to it.
Value For Money
What Berries?
After first trying this cereal when it came out I loved it, but finding the amount of berries too little, only 3 bowls per box would contain berries, I started purchasing my own freeze dried berries online and mixing with plain Special K. This method, although delicious, was messy (freeze dried fruit comes in bags with lots of powder) and ultimately to much hassle.
The other day I decided to buy a box of SK Red Berry as the shop didn't have my current preferred cereal brand. I was disgusted, if not very surprised to find the amount of berries now even less than when I tried it a few years back. Literally 1 raspberry per bowl! All the berries in the whole pack would not be enough for one small bowl. I won't be purchasing again. What a rip off. I wonder if the apricot version is as bad?
Value For Money
New Special K Flavour Rubbish
This new flavoured Special K is absolutely tasteless and is not worth the price anymore. May as well buy cheap supermarket flakes as there is no difference now!
Value For Money
Almost Fruitless
Just bought a packet of the new recipe Red berries Special K. How disappointing! There were so few berries in the box I thought I'd picked up a packet of plain Special K. I don't mind the cereal being less sweet (better for the health) but I feel I've bought a totally different brand of breakfast cereal, even though it says kellogs on the packet. Please add much more of the red berries. That's why I buy it. This packet looks like a rip-off as there are so few. The reduction of sugars is not significant enough to make a difference. I'll finish the packet because I don't like waste but I will not buy another one until I see 'Now with MUCH more added fruit' on the packet.
Value For Money
Best Ever
Special K Red Berries is the greatest cereal of all time. I eat it far more than I should. It is like dessert to me. I just love it so incredibly much. Perfect flavor balance and texture.
People think that Special K is healthy, but cereal isn't healthy. It is just a box of a bunch of processed ingredients. So Special K (even though I think it is the best thing ever) is not going to help you lose weight. The point of the Special K Challenge is not that Special K makes to skinny. It's that you are skipping two meals a day. Obviously you are going to lose weight. It's not the magic Special K formula.
Value For Money
New Recipe
Oh how I miss the original small Special K flake., Just the right amount of sweetness without being an out and out sweet cereal. You changed the size of the flake and although the taste was 'different' it tasted nice. Add red fruits to the mix and, bingo, a nice adult cereal. Well now you ve changed the recipe but I m afraid definitely not for the better. Not a hint of sweetness and a very bland tasting cereal. Thank goodness for the red fruits, but they can t make up for change and you ve lost a satisfied customer.
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