Sainsbury's Earl Grey

Sainsbury's Earl Grey

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Sainsbury's Earl Grey

Sainsbury's Earl Grey
3.67 3 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


All Good Things Come To An End!! Sainsbury's Blew It Here!

Sainsburys used to have the best Earl Grey teabag anywhere...their own brand, literally the best anywhere!! Well, lo and behold, something made me notice in March 2012 the box shape changed. Hmmm....interesting. I then opened my next box and tried it...and to my great disappointment, but not surprise, it's rubbish! They used to have the best tea of any of the stores. Of course, I finally had the chance to phone to ask about it and make my complaint, only to find out, "we've changed suppliers." No kidding!! Of course, we all know why, the billions that they are making in profits are not enough, so they have to see what other product they can get that is cheaper regardless of essence, rubbish...who cares about the customer. It's all about making those fat cats fatter. Well, gotta say, no more Sainsburys Earl Grey for onto the quest to find out who was their original distributor so I can find out where that tea is distributed. I want that tea back!!!!! C'mon, those of you who loved that tea as much, please let them know!!! Maybe we can get them to go back to their original distributor!!


Hello, My husband and I live in Toronto (my husband is British) and every year we would visit family in the UK, we would bring back boxes of the Sainsbury's Earl Grey tea. It WAS so good that my father-in-law would ship us 4 boxes at a time. We too noticed the packaging changed but what was even worse was that the tea we were so looking forward to, tasted like floor sweepings!! What a disappointment! Not only that but my 90 year old father in law wasted his pension money buying and shipping this trash, which resulted in us throwing all 4 boxes in the bin. I wouldnt even pass this on to a friend it was so bad. (It's pretty pathetic that we can now get better earl grey tea here in Canada). Up until now we had considered Sainsbury's adhering to higher standards but now its nothing more than pound shop tea. If anyone does find the supplier we would love to know as well!


trying to find the supplier...and I am determined...will let you know when I find it! you can't keep me from a great cup of earl grey! I miss it every day! :)


Completely agree. We drink 4-5 cups a day and really loved Sainsbury's Earl Grey until the change. The new tea is insipid and unsatisfying. If anybody finds out who the old supplier is, we would love to know.


Value For Money

I Live In The Us And Wish I Could Find This Tea He

I live in the US and wish I could find this tea here. Sainsbury's is absolutely the best Earl Grey I've ever had. I've spent more money on brands that didn't taste anywhere near as good as Sainbury's. This is absolutely the best!


Value For Money

Sainsbury's Earl Grey Tea Is Readily Available. Ma

Sainsbury's Earl Grey Tea is readily available. Makes an excellent pot of tea, provided it is left to brew. Just a bag in a mug can be very refreshing. It's the only brand of Earl Grey I buy.

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I have been buying Sainsburys Earl Grey tea for around 25 years now. However just lately I have noticed that it is considerably weaker. Don't get me wrong, I don't drink strong tea at any time, but it now so weak that I almost need 2 teabags per cup. Not happy! Has anyone else noticed this?

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