Flymo Pac A Shred Shredder
Value For Money
Flymo Pac A Shred Shredder

User Reviews
It Will Break!
Casing will break just like my has,worked great until the whole body fails. I had two good seasons out of the shredder but it's now off to the dump. No after sales service from fly mo.
Value For Money
Not Made To Last
Initial impression was what a great piece of kit. Unfortunately after two seasons of chopping up my prunings, the hopper casing is a all cracked and has a hole, The adjuster no longer adjusts and no one is interested in doing a repair. Performance wise, it was quiet and did everything the description says it would - it just doesn't do it for very long. Would I recommend it to a friend? - i think you can guess the answer.
It Does The Job
Have owned this shredder for over 30 months with no problems experienced in service or performance. We have many palm tress which require regular pruning of large fronds. The FLYMO handles them with ease and produces a really useful composting material. A lot of tress in our country have thorns and the shredder has no problem dealing with such branches and large twigs. It is a bit cumbersome to move around but generally I would recommend the shredder to anyone thinking of buying one for branches, fronds, shrubs etc;
Value For Money
After Two Seasons, Shredding Twice A Year,so Used
After two seasons, shredding twice a year,so used only eight times,
it is only suitable now for the scrap bin.The housing supporting the adjusting plate for the cutting gear has completely fractured all round.
This adjusting plate is adjusted by one grub screw about midway to the plate with a hinged point at the top.It is on this plate that all the force of the cutting action is displaced.The housing which contains the adjusting screw is not structurally sufficient to contain this force so it fractures all round. What is really annoying is that although this housing is bolted to the motor assemblie it is not possible to purchase as a seperate item and you have to purchase the whole motor assemblie.
PLease send me an image of how you solved the problem.
Many thanks,
Had the same problem. Managed to repair it. Pictures of repair available on request at info at csproductions dot co dot za if you've got a vice and a drill. CS
Value For Money
Had One Of These For One Year Approx And It Is An
Had one of these for one year approx and it is an amazing piece of kit. Its a plodder rather than a high revving cutter and hence due to the design branches are reduced to a rough rather than fine mulch. If you have a big garden like me, buy one .... you won't regret it!!
Value For Money
Like Several Others Reviewing This Product My Flym
Like several others reviewing this product my Flymo Pac A Shred Shredder has broken. The casting holding the cutting plate has cracked all the way around. Additionally the machine is very heavy and cumbersome, and actually rather slow to use even before it broke. I paid nearly £200 pounds - a rip off.
Value For Money
I Bought The Flymo Pac A Shredder As A Birthday Pr
I bought the Flymo Pac a Shredder as a birthday present for my wife but having read through some of these reviews I felt I had wasted my money before she even tried it.......... We had recently taken down a 20ft high leylandii, put the trunk to one side for use on the log burner next year and were left with a huge pile of greenery. Today we have been in the garden all day (10 hours) and have shredded non stop, except when we broke off for lunch. The only time it stopped other than that was when we got a little over enthusiastic, quantity wise, in what we put in the shredder and choked the poorr thing. We only had to adjust it once all day. We now have over 30 bags full of well shredded leylandii that can be used for pathways and weed suppressant. It has paid for itself after only one use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is very easy to use and packs away nice and neatly. We store it in the potting shed with an upside down fish box on top of it to make extra work area. For a domestic shredder it is a great piece of kit. Please don't let the negative reviews put you off purchasing one.
Value For Money
Bought A Flymo Pac A Shredder In Feb 2009-used It
Bought a Flymo Pac a shredder in Feb 2009-used it twice for twigs
Got it out again this week June 2009- still does twigs but anything else just passes right through unscathed. The adjuster thing isnt working .I phone Flymo - most unhelpful - cut me off TWICE- kept repeating only the motor and switches are guaranteed anything else - forget it.
Its still under guarantee - apparently sale of goods act not recognised by Flymo.
Im taking it back to B&Q for a refund
Purchased A Flymo Pac A Shred About 16 Months Ago
Purchased a Flymo Pac A Shred about 16 months ago and at first it did everything asked of it. Removed it from the shed this summer to dispose of the garden waste and it wouldn't shred. All it produced was a long line of half chopped garden waste. After watching it work for a while I noticed that the plastic cover around the adjusting screw was pulsating in and out. Upon investigation I found that the motor housing where the adjusting screw for the cutting plate threads through was broken and a star shaped piece of aluminium housing had become detached. All that was happening was that the cutter was pushing the cutting plate in and out - Useless. Replacement motor 184 GBP !
Just purchased a BOSCH AXT rapid works weel, half the weight and 70 GBP cheaper.
I found this review helpful because...it agrees with my finding exactly
Value For Money
I've Had Two In The Last Month And Both Have Faile
I've had two in the last month and both have failed for the same reason. The machine uses a bladed cog, which cuts against a striking plate. The plate is adjusted with an Allen key so that it it is kept in contact with the the cutting cog. Unfortunately after a day's use with branches close to the maximum thickness the adjustment mechanism gives up the ghost allowing branches to pass between the cog and the plate virtually unscathed. The first one was replaced by B&Q. I took the second one to an authorised Flymo service centre and on their advice got B&Q to give me a refund. I'm now in the market for a machine that works.
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