Black and Decker GL720

Black and Decker GL720

User reviews

Value For Money

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Black and Decker GL720

Black and Decker GL720
1.55 47 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Shredded Plastic Drive Cog.

Bought this as a quality strimmer to last but after very occasional use once or twice a year, the plastic drive cog has lost teeth definition. The drive belt is fine. Great shame lovely easy to use strimmer otherwise.


Don't Buy This, It's Going To Have A Terminal Failure

Great quality product apart from the plastic drive gear which will melt, break the drive belt and render the machine unusable. Black and Decker offer no economic repair and various forums are full of similar tales of woe. A ship spoiled for a hap' or th of tar.


Value For Money

Black And Decker Rubbish

Plastic drive pin broken after light use , now have to buy entire motor for 45 quid or throw all this plastic black and decker junk, not good for the environment!


Value For Money

Black And Decker Rubbish

Plastic drive pin broken after light use , now have to buy entire motor for 45 quid or throw all this plastic black and decker junk, not good for the environment!


Value For Money

It Safe And Very Good Hand Machine

I have bought this machine in 2006 and still I ma using some of the parts like belts,spool cap, spool had been change but still the machine is in very good condition.

Only problem is that company had discard this machine why? they should continue with this machine and they can still modify this machine in much better way as i have modify my machine when i could not able to get spare for spool and cap so i have change the entire thing and is also become very lite then before.

My advise is to the company to start this machine it will go well.


Value For Money

Design Fault. Avoid Or Waste Your Money!

As everyone else, bought in B&Q and after strimming for about 15 mins every time I cut the lawn it failed the next summer. Took it apart and the drive belt was shredded. Bought a replacement but after 10 mins the same happened again and now the plastic cogs have melted. Drive cog from the motor is made of cast aluminium. WHY MAKE A CHEAP PLASTIC ONE TO DRIVE THE SHAFT?! Don't buy this product, it will let you down! B&D have been selling it for at least 6 years with this fault. Rip off Britain!


Value For Money

Beats Anything I Have Ever Owned

After horrible experiences with petrol strimmers i decided to Buy a Bosh, it cut one square yd and failed then I noticed made in China, I replaced it with this marvelous Black and Decker, it edges an acre of lawns cuts a small sunken lawn and will even have a go at long grass although the strimmer wire does not last as long, the spools are easy to get cheap and last a long time. Ive had it three years now still going strong, I much prefer it to the petrol Styl which would never start and the Ryobi of which I had two both only lasted 6 months. The Black and Decker would not be one of those rare things would it MADE IN BRITAIN TO LAST Well Done!!!!!!


Value For Money

Bad Design Fault

Simply read the same for Sofia 384 posting re the Black and Decker GL720 strimmer. For five years it's been a very good tool then the same faults occured i.e shredded belts! I worked out it was used 5 hours total running time each summer season i.e 25 hrs in total at a cost of £50 new. £1 for every 30 minutes used! value for money? Certainly not! I won't be buying Black and Decker anymore!


Value For Money

Bad Design Fault.

Have had this machine about 3 years,up until 4weeks ago it was brilliant.Then as with so many previous owners the belt broke!I took it apart,having found the HIDDEN screw,(WHY DO THAT?)to find the belt shredded to bits.The plastic belt runner also looked the worse for wear!!.The metal one was as you would expect in mint condition,you have to ask yourself why not manufacture both of these out of metal.I proceeded to order a new belt which arrived promptly and duly fitted said belt,all was fine for about 5 minutes when you've guessed it the cutting end stopped spinning.I thought i may have not fitted it properly but having taken it apart again found my new belt in exactly the same condition as the original one....shredded!!!!.I wonder if this is a design fault or a plan to keep us buying a new product every few years.It seems we do live in a throwaway world.B&D please take note.


Value For Money

Obvious Fault

I have had mine for about 3 years and then as many have described the belt broke. Replaced it at a charge of around £6. Used it once for light strimming for about five minutes and as with most other customers belt shredded yet again. Not bothering with Black and Decker ever again.It is a shame as it cuts quite well.

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