Holland Damp Proofing www.dampproofing.com

Holland Damp Proofing www.dampproofing.com

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Holland Damp Proofing www.dampproofing.com

Holland Damp Proofing www.dampproofing.com
3 18 user reviews

User Reviews


Holland Damp Proofing New Company

We recently purchased a property with this system installed which quite clearly has not worked. We attempted to contact the company as there is supposed to be a lifetime guarantee, but found phone lines discontinued, no reply to e-mails and post returned as 'addressee gone away'. Following enquiries I found that the company have applied to Companies House to cease trading, although their last accounts show that they have considerable funds available to them. Having checked records it would appear that the Director of this Company is also the Director of a similar business set up in 2012, trading from Knutsford in Cheshire. At present I have applied to Companies House asking for Holland not to be struck off. I would suggest that anyone else with problems does the same. However as this is / was a Ltd company I think the chance of any compensation is slim, next port of call probably Rogue Traders or Watchdog.


Hello, sorry not to reply sooner only just seen the post. Don't know if it's the same company but the Holland Damp Proofing system is also known as the Schrijver system. Search Google and you will find lots of comments about it. The house we purchased already had the air bricks fitted but after a very short time discovered what appeared to be damp. As Holland had gone out of business we had a local company to assess the problem. We were told we did not have rising damp and that the problem was caused by condensation. Following their advice we remedied the problem by moving a radiator and using mould resistant paint. They suggested that if we wanted to paper the offending wall to line it with an insulating polystyrene which comes on a roll. All very simple, cheap solutions which have worked fine. Apparently condensation problems are quite common especially on exposed external walls like ours, rising damp is very uncommon but some of these companies will give this diagnosis to sell their products.


Hello, Is the company you dealt with also known as Frank Schrijver .?

This company are originally from Holland and install air bricks from the outside using no chemicals. I have them coming next week to give me a survey and an estimate. if it is one and the same company I will cancel them. So glad My daughter found your review!! regards


Further to my last review I have since had a reputable damp proofing company carry out a survey to see what could be done to get rid of the damp and to find out more about the Holland installation.

Expecting the worst I was pleasantly surprised to find out we did not have any damp at all. As the wet and mould we had was on an exposed and cold outside wall all we had was condensation. When the wet wallpaper was pulled off we found the plaster underneath to be completely dry and mould free. It appears the solution was to have painted walls with breathable matt emulsion, to install a heater on the offending wall and if required to get a dehumidifier, although so far this does not seem to be required.

As far as Holland Damp Proofing UK are concerned it appears that they either deliberately or incorrectly diagnosed rising damp and installed a completely unnecessary and costly airbrick system. I was told that too often some companies are convincing customers to have expensive damp courses fitted when there really is no need.

I appreciate that it will not be the same for everyone but apparently with houses built in the 60's and 70's, especially bungalows like ours this is quite common but easily rectified, so if anyone has this type of problem it may be worth considering that it is just condensation and not damp. But please take advice from a good company and don't be pressured by a hard sell.


Did The Job!!

I had Holland install their damp proofing in the bay of my Victorian terrace a year ago (I live next to a river so am VERY damp!) and have given it time to dry out and gone through a very wet winter! The damp has gone! Now I'm going to have it installed at the back of the house. I would recommend this system to anybody who had problems with damp - no mess or redecorating, and it was completed quickly and without any fuss!


another true comment removed from the site. Our friend in Cyrprus hopefully will get the truth through to the Cypriot consumer.


there was one company and one became two. The system is the same . There could be a slight modification but the process is the same. If you are looking for a damp system avoid this, it really does not work. I have extensively reached the process and it can not work. Consider this, if you fill a bath with water, you get rid of the water by pulling the plug, basically you are making a hole in the bath. The water drains and the bath dries. But if you put the taps on full ( the source of water ) the bath will never drain and dry until you switch the taps off. The same applies with this system, until you find the source of the water the damp will never dry. The water will always be drawn to the brick, just like the plug in the bath. Stop the source of water and the wall will dry, there is no point in putting the bricks in. A good DPC will act as a dam against the source of water.


Keep well away from this type of system. It does not work. We have had a good dry summer. Your property has had time to dry naturally. If we have a wet cold winter your damp will be back. Please do not waste your money. Victorain bays suffer from condensation especially if they are glazed brick and solid wall. Consider some form of ventilation system.


if u still have any doubts look at the reviews on mybuilder.


Different company same method. I called Frank Schriver as i thought they may be connected but they denied it. They claim to have the U.K franchise for this product and offered to send a surveyor out to look at the problem AT AN EXTRA COST. Guess what the answer was.


Don`t Bother

Had the system put in place 2011. Have had revisit 2012 as our damp got worse!!! They could not understand why. Just had building work done and Holland let all the debris created from the fitting in the cavity in our walls thus bridging the chemical damp course and creating MORE damp. I have spent the last 3 days trying to get in touch with the company they are not answering my calls or voice mail and their website is down. Has anyone managed to get a reply if so could you post how please as my emails just bounce back


I have just been contacted by Companies House to say that the request to be struck off has now been suspended until 20/06/2014. The Director of Holland Damp Proofing is now trading as Holland Maintenance Services Ltd from 3 Minshull Street Knutsford Cheshire WA16 6HG. Unfortunately no telephone number or web address, wonder why?


They are in Cyprus now and trade as Dr Damp Cyprus, you can contact them on.



martin Kennerley was an employee. The real fraudsters are Evert De Graaf and Beverley Pasquill. They have set up exactly the same business again under the Dr Damp name...

Same people, same product, same con...


more comments and the truth removed from the site. Yes, I also smell something dodgy. I think the review centre has questions to answer. Why remove the truth from the site? Why, give in to threats when all that has been said on the site can be supported. This company has left hundreds of people mostly the elderly with a problem that in many cases is worse than before the system was installed. Rogue Traders and Watchdog have been informed let us hope they take action and expose this bad medicine.


Seems like we have no redress. However be good to stop anyonelse falling for this. We should all write to Rouge Traders and Rip fo Britian with a bit of luck put their new company out of business


Review Of Holland Damp Proofing

We had the system installed but it did not work, Holland would not refund our money. I called in a chartered Surveyor who said the process actually cannot work. I then contacted the PCA who said it’s not a recognised process and has no accreditation. Always use a contractor who can provide a BBA certificate for their process unlike Holland NO BBA NO British Standard.


there is no point naming people on the site. They will remove your comment and all associated. Keep your comments relevant to the product and it will stay on the site and hopefully get to the public. I will continue to comment, unfortunately my previous comments will now be removed. However I will not give up until the product is exposed and removed from the market.


Martin was at Holland Damp Proofing but the left the company because of reasons with Evert. Holland has shut up shop and no is Dr. Damp


I will make my enquiries as something fishy is going on! The person saying Martin Kennerley doesn't have a connection with holland is untrue as he dealt with me at the time, not saying he's with them now but he was in April! How do you know all this info as you didn't give me a straight answer before.


reveiw centre, it is for you to protect the public. By removing the truth from your site you are not protecting you are allowing the product and service to flourish. More innocent people especially the elderly will be taken in by this very flawed and untested dampproofing product. If the product worked it would have BBA BSi CE it has nothing other that many many hundreds of unhappy clients.


0808 208 2442 is this the new Holland Damp phone number ? can anyone confirm?


So Far So Good!

We had Holland Damp Proofing come round to our property and issue a FOC survey, the information we felt was accurate and informative with no pressure to have the work done.

We decided to proceed and had the works carried out on our property a month ago along with some other making good works that were also required carried out by others. Hopefully this will cure the damp problem in the property but only time will tell but so far so good!

We did have to call Holland Damp Proofing back as a couple of the bricks installed were not up to scratch (one was chipped & some mortar was loose on another). From my call to the aftercare sales team to the works being rectified took no less than a week & I felt was handled in a very professional and caring manner.


are you sure you are a bona fida customer or an employee of holland damp!!!!!


Believe Me Folks

I feel very sorry for all the people that have use holland damp


Do Not Waste Your Money

In less than a year the damp was back. There after care service is shocking to say the least. I had t0o wait till over a year for someone to come back to the property. The tech who replied told my tenant the problem was becuase they had a dog!!!

Need less I am expecting to get anything else out ofthem. Nearly £800 to treat to internal walls which have come back worse than before. Don't do it. I would be more than happy to show you the before and after photos. I wish I had gone down the proper route as this would have been far more effective.


I hope this Holland company are brought to justice, no after care etc, people have been ripped off,



Im sorry to hear that you are unhappy with your experience.

Clearly we need to ensure that our customers understand what our system is designed to do.

If we have failed to clarify the capability of our system I can only apologise.

Looking back at our records I can see that our representative reported two separate issues with your property; rising damp and condensation.

The system was installed in August 2011 and our scheduled visit in December 2012 confirmed that the rising damp issues had been rectified as we would expect.

However, it was clear that condensation remained a problem. Our system is designed to draw rising damp from walls and is not a solution to condensation.

I believe this point was reaffirmed during our second visit.

Your specific property requires greater ventilation.

You have no form of extraction and therefore issues relating to condensation will persist.

Drying clothes inside, steam from showers and baths and even kettles and irons will create condensation.

This encourages the formation of mould and mildew in houses that are not well ventilated.

Whilst we sympathise with you, no damp proofing system would cure the specific issues you have with condensation.

However, we have agreed to visit you again in July 2013, free of charge, to assess the specific problem and advise measures to combat condensation.

If you wish to discuss this further prior to our visit in July then please call our office.


Terrible Service, Completely Misleading, Never Use Them

They were all smiles and helpful before we paid in full, but after the installation the walls in our house were much worse!!!!

They kept sending a templated answer to say it 'would cost 100 pounds to send someone out as that was their 'policy' and their 'after' customer service is laughably bad.

Am considering reporting them as they are a terrible company.


this guy is in Cyprus, how can that be good customer ? They have many hundreds of people waiting for the service engineer to turn up.


We are sorry to hear you are not happy with the service received from our office, we do have policies regarding recheck visits which we will gladly explain to you. Please would you contact our office so we can deal with the situation as soon as possible, i would also like to hear from you myself, please call freephone 0808 155 2571 or email [email protected]


Holland Damp Proofing UK


No After Sales Service

Holland were very quick to come and give an estimate and started the work within days. Work was done efficiently. It is now a year since we had the work done and it seems to have helped with the damp issue. However trying to get any response that made any sense is an impossibility. They say they will refund if it is not satisfactory before the year is up but they will not come and check until after a year.


this guy is sitting in the sun in Cyprus.


Hi im sorry to hear you have experienced a problem with having a recheck carried out on your property, can you please contact our office. I am glad to hear that the system has worked on your property as ultimately this is what we want to achieve. You can contact me directly also through the office or by email.

Kind Regards


Holland Damp Proof System Worked Well

We have had our 1920s property for 16 years and it was only the last 4-5 years we have had damp problems in the house. Being unsure what was causing it we had 4 companies out to look at the damp, 3 wanted to use the injection system and Holland with the special damp bricks. What was surprising was that the only company to show the evidence of other issues outside aswell as inside was Holland. They we extremely thorough and looked for the main cause before diagnosing the problems. 19 months on and the system has dried our walls, the damp smell has now gone and we do not experience the problems we had before. Holland Damp were very professional and we would recommend them to anyone who has the same problems we had.

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Does anyone know where I can find a contact phone number for this company? Thanks

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