Bakers Complete Dog Food
Value For Money
Bakers Complete Dog Food

User Reviews
Using For Years Now
I have been giving this for my dog for years now. She likes to eat this one as compared to other foods.
Value For Money
Bakers Small Breed
I got my chihuahua cross from a previous owner she was 3 and had only ever been fed Bakers at her vet check vet said she was very healthy.
Value For Money
Can't Even Rate It
Poison for dogs - do not use please
With contents that include un-named cereals, meat derivatives, sugars, fats, vegetable derivatives, colourants, antioxidants, and preservatives.
The meat content is around the very legal minimum required by legislation
Also contains E numbers such as .....
E320 - has been found to be tumour-producing when fed to rats. In human studies, it has been linked with urticaria, angioedema, and asthma.
E321 - banned for use in food in Japan, Romania, Sweden, and Australia. The US has barred it from being used in infant foods. So bad McDonalds have voluntarily eliminated it from their products.
E310 - Banned from children's foods in the US because it is thought to cause the blood disorder methemoglobinemia
E172 - Banned in Germany
E132 - Can cause skin sensitivity, a rash similar to nettle rash, itching, nausea, high blood pressure and breathing problems. One of the colours that the Hyperactive Children's Support Group recommends being eliminated from the diet of children. Banned in Norway.
E102 - TARTRAZINE - A trial on 76 children diagnosed as hyperactive, showed that tartrazine provoked abnormal behaviour patterns in 79% of them
E110 - Sunset Yellow has been found to damage kidneys and adrenals when fed to laboratory rats. It has also been found to be carcinogenic when fed to animals
E104 - One of the colours that the Hyperactive Children's Support Group recommends being eliminated from the diet of children. Banned in Australia, Japan, Norway and the United States.
E171 - Banned in Germany
E153 - Banned as a food additive in the United States of America. Suspected as a carcinogenic agent.
Want to carry on feeding your dog poison???
I looked on the ingridients on bakers small dog no e numbers at all ! ?
Value For Money
Clean Bowl Every Time!
I dont understand the negative reviews on this product I have 2 pomeranians & believe me they are fussy eaters but I recently tried Bakers through a free sample and they quite literally cleaned their bowls! Initially thought, yeah, just another brand that they wont eat but they loved it for real! Shocked is an understatment!This works out better for me as I usually end up throwing some of their food away to replace with fresh stuff, so for me I find it cost effective! The small meaty chunks in it seem a particular favourite and were the first to go. Usually they pick out one piece of food at a time & take it to the mat to eat but with tis they stood and cleaned the lot! I'm impressed as I've tried every other food out there, think I'll be sticking with this from now on!
Value For Money
Bakers Meaty Balls
I have a 5 year old jack Russell I had been giving her all kinds of meat and she was turning her nose up to what was put down to her. I then went to the shops and got her a box of meaty balls and she scoffed them all up right away. I was told by my vet not to give her bakers as she has a sin alergy. There is no way I am changing her food her toilet is good and she loves them. She does drink more water but that is to be expected.
Value For Money
Bakers Is Very Good
I had my jack russel dog on everything from pedigree chum ceased, well beloved weinrights deli also butchers and Lily's kitchen she was turning her nose up to Lily's kitchen so I went to the shops and got a packet of bakers meaty balls and she has been eating them for mor than a year and a half. I put them down to her and she scoffs them right away. She is 5/half.i give her the beef meaty balls and I am going to try her on the lamb.
Value For Money
My chihuahua's love this food but it tends to turn their coats pink changed their food and fur returned to white put them back on bakers and they're pink again..I'm not going to buy it again
My Dog Ate It And Has Been In Hospital For 3 Days
Do not buy this. I ran out of my dogs normal food and so I let him eat this.By the morning he had terrible diarrhea by the afternoon his diarrhea was total blood and he was admitted in to hospital to be put on a drip and antibiotics. The vet said it was likely the food triggered this episode.
Any sudden change in food will make most dogs ill, you cant blame the Bakers!
Much Too Rich
Give my old retriever reflux.....so it's much too rich for him ...thinking of taking all my dogs off it.....we need something much more natural too feed our dogs.
Value For Money
Green And Smelly
If you ever wondered about what you get for your money, I just grabbed a box of Bakers at the local shop. My dogs normally have Burns or another premium brand. After one day on these emergency rations , they have green poop and the poop smells awful.
I guess you get what you pay for. The dogs will eat it but I'm not prepared to feed it.
Not another one!
What do people expect when they give their dogs a sudden change in food?
90% of dogs would get the trots and be ill.
Why didnt you just buy Burns for your "Emergency" rations???
Bought it yesterday for my six month shih Tzu as Id run out of his Royal Canine and hadn't time to go and pick up more. and waiting for a delivery, hes been sick twice and diarrhea too.. hes fine and playing about now but hes having no more BAKERS...
My jack Russell terrier will only eat Bakers, would never entertain any tinned dog food and is quite fussy. I don't want to let my dog eat this any longer after reading these reviews but need to find a very close alternative. We buy him the Bakers Moist meat balls. Anyone have any advice please?
Pets at home do an own brand that is not labeled as Pets at home but has been highly recommended as it is wheat free and very good apparently it's the wainrights stuff. Our dog has been fine on it ever since we swapped. He also likes Butchers tripe but that is wet food.