Chappie Original Dog Food
Value For Money
Chappie Original Dog Food

User Reviews
Value For Money
My Dogs Love Chappie
My vet recommended that I feed one of my dogs on Chappie - he had had very low protein level, amongst other problems, and was put on a fish/chicken only diet for several weeks.
I read many reviews on Chappie, some glowing, some saying it was the worst food available. I can only say that he loves this food, both the fish wet and the dry varieties - I've never seen him so excited about meal times and I've fed him on some of the best and expensive foods over the years. I've also added some to my GSD's Autarky food, which he had rather gone off, and he too can't wait for meal times. So far no signs of the dreaded "passing right through" (always a problem with GSDs), so after 10 days on this food, both dogs are really happy with it and if they're happy .................
The tins of food are solid and not sloppy with added gravy/jelly
Value For Money
The Dry Food Is Good.
The by-products from the rear of these animals is important to me, as I have to pick it up.
This dog grub (DRY) is the best we have tried and the dogs are smiling. It may not suit every Mutt but our mad Springer and Lab are thriving on the stuff. Why pay more!
Value For Money
Why The Change To New?
Our Red Setter has been on a daily diet of Chappie Tinned food alternated with JWB or RCW dried food for many years. However, over the past few months she has been suffering from diarrhoea and flatulence and we have been trying to work out what has been causing this problem, initially wondering if perhaps as her twin sister had recently passed away whether in fact she was suffering from stress. My wife however was suspicious that the NEW labelled Chappie Tins could be the cause of our Setters’ problem and on discovering this forum and the similar experiences other dog owners; it would now appear that this may just be the case. Like others on this site we intend to register our dismay with the manufacturers of what was an excellent product and as has been stated by others, we cannot understand the reason to change a product which was working?
I have just found issues with the Chappie too , It smells awful - the chicken and rice - looks darker, actually smells as though it has been contaminated by the tin and smells like it has. Dog sniffs it walks away. when forced to eat it she was sick!!!! both timesI have thrown out so many tins. I am taking my tins back and have moved her onto chicken, and tined winnalot. They have definitely done something. Also in Glasgow for the last four months all the stores are out of the tins including Pets at Home and they say they might not get it in again - but wont give me a reason. I have emailed the manufacturer but they have not replied to me
Chappie Tinned Dog Food
What have they done to the tinned chappie? My collie X has been on chappie for nearly 2 years now but for over a month has gone right off the tinned food.
I used to swear by chappie as my dog has a sensitive stomache and it took ages to find the right food but now i am in a dilema again.
Please bring back the old chappie!
Value For Money
I have always fed my lhaso apso dog on tinned chappie, then the other day I opened a large tin of chappie and it was all wet and sloppy, my dog wouldn't eat it what have they done to it?????
Value For Money
Definately Different Ingredients.
I had a border collie who was sensitive to everything. Itching, Sickness, weight gain, swollen sore tummy etc. My vet recommended chappie and it was like a miracle food for her. I lost her aged 13 and now have a yellow lab. I bought chappie as I thought is was a wonderful trusted food. I noticed the packaging and shape/colour was different from how it used to be. He has been frantically eating grass and throwing up. He has runny eyes all of the time. none of which he had before the new packaging. It didn't dawn on me it could be the food as I have always trusted it. after numerous trips to the vets he is still vomiting most days. I came across this site and can't believe what I'm reading. My dog is experiencing all the symptoms that are posted on here. Why have they changed such a well trusted brand and how can they say that nothing has changed only the packaging. They have lost another customer as of today.
Value For Money
Old Chappie Back Please So Many Dogs Are Ill
Please why have chappie changed the food. I can't cope on seeing my dog like this!!!!! He's always been on chappie no problems before December 18th I thought it was the Xmas deco so I took it all down. No I had to take him to the vets during Xmas because he is scratching himself to bleed badly biting his feet legs in between legs he was bleeding all the time. The vet put him on steroids to help which they didn't so the vet put the dose up and up. I clean the house from top to down in case there was something in the house. Change his walks, so he could never come of the lead so I've was always on the path. 2 months of really upset seeing my dog like this. When went to buy a new bag of dog food and notice NEW IMPROVED NIPPLES you are having a laugh. I drove over 100 miles to small dog shops to find an old bag of dog food which I did only a small one. Whithin 3 days my dog was back to normal. What a Relief !!!! But then the penny drop what I'm going to do when this bag runs out!!!!! When I am back to where I started I have introduced 4 different foods dog but none of them are helping him!!!!! Please please change the chappie back dry and tin food before my dog scratches and eat himself. Yesterday he couldn't even walk because he has chewed all the skin of his paws. Please do something !!!!!!
I googled "dog food causing scratching2 and have just read this review. After a specialist Vet consultation in 2011, I was advised to feed my dog Chapppie. When Chappie was "improved" and it seemed to disagree with my dog, I managed to buy almost a years supply of the "old "mix which ran out October 2013. I was forced to buy the "improved" Chappie. After a few weeks I noticed my dog scratching, and it was getting worse as the weeks passed. I changed her food and itch disappeared. When Mars changed the "recipe" I wrote to egister my concerns but it fell on deaf ears. I do not know what I will now feed my dog. Original Chappie agreed with my dog, was low fat, high fibre which is what she needs. Biggr profits to Mars would appear to be more important than their customer!!!
Wagg sensative works for my dogs but i went through the same pain as you. Chappie tell me they have changed nothing they wont admit their mistake. I hope your sorted but if not try wagg sensative.
Value For Money
New Kibble...more Like A Bad Change!
I echo the words of everyone else, I've been feeding my dogs dry Chappie dog food for years. Not only the price was appealing but also found it to be the most suitable especially as my hungarian vizsla has a very sensitive stomach & is also a fussy eater. Since they have been on the "new" kibble both dogs now suffer from extreme flatulance, their motions are looser & they both eat great quantities of grass. My vizsla is not keen to eat it unless it has some left over veg stalks/leaves or something appetising on it. I will no longer purchase this as I cannot tolerate the awful sulphorous smells in my house day & night and have changed to Skinners Ruff & Ready which has 5* reviews. Sorry Mars Petcare you have probably lost yet another customer. Unless you listen to what everyone is saying you'll probably lose alot more!!!
Tinned Chappie Original
My latest pack of Chappie tins has a really disgusting smell, even when the tine has just been opened. It always used to smell fishy which was fine but now it smells like a tannery. Won't be buying any more.
Also my dog has now developed itchy ears, which he never had before.
Hi this is because they have changed the meat. I had my dog on the chappie chicken and rice because he had a bad stomach. It was always a light meat with a chalky texture. Recently it has changed it is faker, softer and as you say a bad smell. Apparently it now had wheat germ in it which I only discovered after it upsetting my dogs stomach
Value For Money
Bring Back The Old Chappie - If It Aint Broke, Dont Fix It!
I agree with most people on here, they have definitely changed the biscuits and meat whatever they say. My collie has a very sensitive stomach and has now been happy on chappie for a year. I recently bought him a new sac of biscuits and they were the new type, and the meat is the new type too. I wouldnt say it has given him diorrhea but its not great on a daily basis! And it makes him fart now which he never used to do....not so great!!!!
I really wish they would bring back the old kibble and meat...if it isnt broke, dont fix it!!
I have now had to go back to Hills dog food however this is VERY expensive and comes from the vets but it does seem to work with his stomach. A good alternative to chappie but NOT a cheap alternative!! Is very expensive to keep your dog on this. The vets say it is more of a short term fix rather a staple food.
Has anyone found another food that is suiting their dog now that Chappie doesnt? My collie is energetic and eats a lot of food so going to fresh meat and rice is an option but a very expensive one!
No reply, they obviously don't care. I'll look out for the Waggs and try my dogs with that. In the meantime, they have been getting boiled rice with added boiled fish or chicken. Not the cheapest alternative but a little of the rice goes a long way, and a pan full lasts a couple of days.
Did you get a reply, i sent them email had no reply at all.
Very dissapointing we now feed our dogs Waggs sensitive very good alternative.
I'm another dog owner who agrees with the unnecessary change for the worst with Chappie Complete. Neither of my dogs will eat the new formula, and I've had to add homemade gravy to even tempt them a little to the beef variety (I had to bin the chicken and rice, they wouldn't touch it whatever I did, and it smelt awful). Oh joy! today I found a 15kg bag of the original and they dove straight in when I fed them tonight. Also, I used to put a little of their allowance in their 'Kong' toys, so they had fun rolling them around to retrieve it, the new kibble is far too big to let me do this!. I've emailed the manufacturers and told them of the problems. Hopefully if enough people do this they will go back to the original.
Hi I agree. My dog was on chappie due to his sensitive stomach. The chicken and rice meat was always light and chalky. This new stuff is dark and mushy and upset his stomach which now leaves me trying other foods while my poor dog suffers
I am about to start my 5 month old lab on Chappie Wet and then move on to Chappie Kibble. At the moment he is on a diet of steamed chicken, eggs and steamed fish mixed individually with white steamed rice. This was on the vets advice because his faeces was very loose with blood and mucus in it. He has completed a course of antibiotics and canker but now his faeces are loose again but weren't to begin with.
My question is, am I giving him too much rice or chicken? He is fed twice a day and I would be grateful if you could advise me accordingly. His weight is nearly 1kg and apart from the poo problem he is healthy.
Many thanks.
I am just about to start my fox terrier on dry Chappie. Is the kibble the same size for both original and chicken? It is rather large for a smallish dog.