Wagg Complete Dog Food
Value For Money
Wagg Complete Dog Food

User Reviews
Value For Money
Not Recommended!
We started our Labrador on this puppy food on the breeder's recommendation. She became extremely flatulent and quite pot bellied. The ampunt of poo she produced was phenomenal!!
We then discovered the recommended feeding schedule advised 50% more kibble than other makes. We changed her diet and solved both problems. She is now a well proportioned happy puppy.
Value For Money
Best Food For My Picky Eater Parsons Russell Terrier.
After lengthy looking at different dog foods, we was after some dog food which pur 1 year old loves to eat. We had her on Royal Canin for puppies at first which, even though she would pick at and eat, she would eat now abd again. We changed food to AVA vets recommended food which again kept her healthy and within limits but wouldn't really eat it properly.
We changed and mixed it in with the Wagg beef dinner and by gosh she eats everything now.
Even though the dog food might have a little less protein in it than the Royal canin and AVA, she loves eating this food. I'd rather have our 1 year old yeating all her food than leaving most of it and filling her up on a diet of biscuits and other protein based snacks.
Our dog now has this wagg food with high protein treats and I'm glad to say she's now at a perfect healthy weight. She actually seems alot more energetic I might add. Lol. The 4 stars is only for the nutrients could be a little better compared to the triple priced foods but I guess there has to be a trade off somewhere.
Value For Money
Appalling Customer Service
Had sharp plastic pieces in my dogs food,which stuck in my hand,this has been effecting my dog,and my requests are being ignored,my dog has had stomach problems,and I am having a private report done before making a claim via small claims,I am just waiting to see if a resolution is found,but they are ignoring my emails
Good Food For Dog
Wagg Complete Dry Dog Food has a wide variety of items at a good price, which is particularly preferred for dogs that don't have any complications, allergies, or special needs. Although it is reasonably priced, the trade-off is that it is unquestionably the highest-quality dog food available.
Value For Money
Upset Tummy
I have 2 small dogs 1 that will eat anything and be fine the over has a very sensitive stomach I've tried him on a number of foods and he's just sick tried him on this so far he's ok for now it is trial and error butchers chappy fourth glade all those have made my little pup sick he's 9 months old but wagg hasn't so far so far so good let's hope he's not sick I haven't tried him on this yet so hope he's ok with it xx
Value For Money
Only A Hundred Years Experience So Probably Don’t Know
My wife and I now have well in excess of one hundred years caring for dogs and as such we find it very difficult to understand the more you spend the better, rhetoric,it’s simply not true dogs require a balanced diet, exercise and love.
We combine this with Wagg food and treats, for our family of 3 Afghan hounds and a golden retriever.
I was told off one day by a well educated chap who explained to me in huge detail that Wagg was junk food for dogs, we met in McDonalds where he was treating his kids to lunch. I didn’t express an opinion, our newest arrival was collected from the breeder with a combination of raw food and expensive something or other after a few days he was happily weened onto Wagg. But like I say what do we know after all I shop at Lidl for our food.
So I say don’t be fooled cheap is not bad and expensive is not good Wagg is what we use for 4 large healthy dogs, I just wish I was as fit as they are
Value For Money
Absolutely Awful, Don’t Have Words To Describe!
Gave it to my furr baby, and, literally after a day of him eating it his whole character changed. He was totally anxious, kept jumping every time I touched him, he was full of gas so he must have been so uncomfortable bless him! He was so different and made me sad. I thought the only thing that’s changed in his life was his food, so we tested it. We have him another brand of food for a few days, and he was, completely back to normal. So we have him Wagg again for couple days after that to make sure, and he went downhill again, gassy, distant, and very jumpy. It was for certain the Wagg food that affected him, and I will never ever give him that food again, and will tell everyone I know to never buy it. I don’t know what ingredients are in there that we don’t know about, but the food needs to be banned in my opinion, awful!. We now give him Warrington's which is more expensive but so worth the money, he is his happy self, his stomach is back to normal and loving having my furr baby back to normal
Value For Money
Bad Food
This food contains all sorts of rubbish,it is cheap for a reason
Value For Money
2 Labs 11 And 12 Love It
I think dogs are very much like people, some food they like some they don't. My two love this been in it all there lives, good coats, good teeth and a steady bottom if you know what I mean. If I do vary there diet then they have a upset tummy. Now we have a little Shitzu and he's sold on it also. Rescue when he turned up tummy all over the place, started him on it and he's settled down Niicley also. The only thing I would say is the suggested amount on the bags is far to much no matter what size your dog is.
Value For Money
Dog Likes It, So Whats Your Problem?
I've tried different foods, some expensive some quite cheap, but we always refer back to this, he empties the bowl, so he must like it, its not expensive, he's healthy, a great coat, good teeth,there's nothing I don't like, but for some reason he doesn't eat the white biscuits in it, he always leaves them, a bit like a kid leaving the sprouts lol
We rescued an 8 week old pup last week - lurcher cross collie we think. He has had terrible diarrhoea all week, with some blood at times. Some days he’s gone to the loo every half hour. Vet just wanted to analyse. He was on James Wellbeloved. We stopped that yesterday and started him on boiled chicken and banana - on the advice from the rescue centre. Already he’s so much better. Would Wagg puppy be a good gentle good yo rein try gradually? And please, how gradually? Thanks