Extremus Dog Training Ltd - www.extremusdogtraining.co.uk

Extremus Dog Training Ltd - www.extremusdogtraining.co.uk

User reviews

Value For Money

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Extremus Dog Training Ltd - www.extremusdogtraining.co.uk

Extremus Dog Training Ltd - www.extremusdogtraining.co.uk
3.5 8 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Over 2000 Pounds Later When I Only Wanted My Puppy

Over 2000 pounds later when I only wanted my puppy to walk on a lead, he was taken ONCE outside of their boundaries of their house. Cruel and nasty people. Don’t leave your dog here.


If you continue your defamation campaign against our company for a training service provided to you and your dog back in January 2023 I will be forced to contact a solicitor for a cease and desist order. We have more than enough evidence to prove that we provided you and your dog a high level of service, yet even now, two years later you continue to voice your false aggrievances against us both personally and professionally, it needs to stop!


Value For Money

They Delivered Exactly What Was Required

Thank you extremus team for firstly looking after my 10month old puppy so well. Clearly happy there, he adored the handlers and videos of training sessions showed a wagging tail and smiling face.

Training achieved was a much calmer dog, total lead control, including getting past very exciting objects . This is a puppy who found dandelions exciting!

He respects the word No, and is a much happier dog knowing how to behave. I found their clear instructions to me full of common sense, thus making it so easy to follow and adhere to. I appreciated the regular videos, demonstrating how to handle my dog, these are good to refer back to.

A couple of weeks on at home , following their guidelines , has resulted in even more improvement.

I am Completely satisfied, they really understand dogs, (and owners!) , and i would really recommend their training . The happiness of the dog speaks volumes to me.


Value For Money

Engagement Training- Adult Show Dog

I have used extremus dog training, single session to address a minor problem, always good to get a professional opinion. This visit with Wellington, a 5 year old dog PWD, (this session wasn’t with the man who has always been helpful in previous dogs) the trainer was excellent. I wanted engagement advice to improve an already good relationship with my show dog. He had done lots of research on the breed and into the particular area I wanted advice on. The dog is very loyal to me so I wasn’t sure how he would react to someone else working him. He instinctively engaged and was comfortable, during the training he actually looked as if he’d forgotten I was even there! The dog was totally engaged with the trainer and barely put a foot wrong, gentle encouragement and loads of positive energy. Any corrections were verbal and body language which he totally responded to. Perfect session, loads of great advice to work with at home. I will definitely be requesting this trainer again for our next session in a few months. Well done finding such an amazingly good trainer.


Value For Money

Horrendous Experience.

Don’t go near these people. They will tell you you need to pay for two extra weeks to “ proof” your dog?

It’s nonsense.

Left a beautiful puppy with them and had to ask when he would be around cars and environment.

2 days before I came I had to ask when?

All o wanted was my dog to walk on a lead!

They took him into town on a Saturday morning two days before I was due to come.

Because I dared to tell the truth on Google they write that I constantly contacted them at midnight. Then said I would never be able to deal with him?

Utter lies.

My dog is now fully trained - not by there slip lead and an absolute joy.

Don’t touch these people with a barge pole.

No wonder so many staff leave them.


Value For Money

Highly Recommended.

Fantastic service from the team at Extremus. Very professional and highly knowledgeable. I was in desperate need of help with my reactive GSD, after just one session I feel much more confident in managing my dog and teaching her how to cope with pressures that influence her overt behaviour. Highly recommended.


Value For Money

Excellent Service For Clearly Knowledgeable Dog Trainers

Went to see them last week with our reactive GSD. The advice and guidance that they offered was fantastic and really helped us better understand how we managed our dog and herself. With their input we feel able to provide our dog with a much better quality of life, more training less walking will be our new moto and already in such a short space of time I can see tremendous improvement in her overall behaviour and drastically reduced reactivity. Wish I had found you both much earlier than I did. Definitely recommend Extremus. Keep up the good work both :)


Value For Money

Cannot Be More Disappointed

I cannot be more disappointed. I have booked a residential dog training back in August 2021, for the training to start on the 10th of November 2021. At 9:26 am, on the 17th of October (Sunday!!!) I have received an email  informing me that due to some Instagram pictures, showing my dog wearing an electric collar, he cancelled the training. When I tried to call him back the same morning, to discuss the concerns he expressed in his email, he didn't even answer the call, just hanged up (you can tell, when after a couple of rings call was cut off). I suppose Sunday morning is good to drop off bad news on your customers but not good enough to talk to them about it. I why did he wait from mid for August till mid of October to cancel it?


"I have just been doing a bit of research prior to our scheduled 121 assessment on the 10th November and had a look back through the Instagram page of your dog and I am a bit concerned about the use of the electric collar that you are using with him both inside the house and then when outside in public, now I do not have anything against electric collars as I do feel that they can be effective when used properly with the right knowledge of how to use them effectively to shape and manage certain behaviours.

My concern is that the collar has been used at one or more times incorrectly in the presence of other dogs or aspects of your dogs environment that he is reactive towards or for general control and management of his overt behaviour, if this is the case it does not leave our training system anywhere to go in respect of actually creating the right boundaries and understanding in the short 4 week period we will have your dog.

I am sorry but I do not feel it would be in ours or your dogs best interest to stay with us. We live in Wales where the Electric Collar is illegal and as such we would not have the required tools to override your dogs learnt patterns of behaviour and associations. My advice would be to find a reputable trainer that fully understand the use of the collar correctly that can help at the very least educate you on its proper use."

He has never tried to contact me by email, text or phone call, to ask: what kind of collar this is? How do we use it and when do we use it? Because if he had, he would have known that my dog doesn't wear the collar at home, he doesn't always wears it out side and that I'm not using electric shock on him, as he suggests. This collar also has a vibration and the sound. If he had any concerns, he could ask to see the dog to asses him one-to-one, to see if he is fit for the training. But this never happened either. It's actually looks to me, like he was just looking for a reason to cancel the training.

I feel like he has judged me and my dog, based on some Instagram pictures and has never even bother to actually meet us in person. It is very unprofessional, unethical and (to be honest) disgusting. I would have never guess I will receive such a treatment, after reading all the reviews.

Extremus didn't try to explain the reasons for the cancellation any further, but they did refund my deposit. Now I have to wait another few months to take my dog for a very much needed training.


It took me a few months as I very rarely check reviews on our business due to how confident I am that we would rarely if ever receive a negative response from one of our clients. Glad to hear that your dog is doing so well with another training company. Thanks


This is a review of my experience and not a product, I have never said that you training is not working.You didn’t trained my dog at the end. I can’t give you more stars even if I wish to (I don’t). You have agreed to the training just to cancel it in last minute, via email you sent to me on Sunday morning. You didn’t even bother to answer my call, just simply hang up!!! You have never expressed any concerns about the way I handle my dog, non of your team member ever tried to speak to me about it (or contact me in any way in that instance). You were wrong about my dog. We sent him to a different training centre and he is doing great!!!

I’m surprised it took you few months to reply to my review. It’s all done and dusted now.

All the best for the future.


Absolutely love how you can offer us a 1 star review after our refusal to take in your dog for training due to your own poor choices of management and equipment use. Giving us a one star and negative review without even having any experience other than an email reply of our actual services is a bit like giving a negative review of a product you just plainly don't like the look of but have never owned or used. As a professional company we are well within our rights to select who we help and who we don't any seeing this response of defamation from you regarding our company and its services is your answer to our refusal to help train your dog, then as far as we are concerned we made the right choice. Best of luck with your training goals.


Value For Money

Just Want To Give A Massive Thank You for Today's

Just want to give a massive thank you for today's training session, I have learned so much that I will be carrying on with all of the advice and guidance that you gave me today. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Thank you so much.

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