Bob Martin Flea Spot On For Cats

Bob Martin Flea Spot On For Cats

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Value For Money

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Bob Martin Flea Spot On For Cats

Bob Martin Flea Spot On For Cats
1.2 181 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Tesco Bob Martin

Bought this from local Tesco for my cat, still taking ticks off him even after 2 sachets. Will not buy this again!!

Do not bother wasting your money.


My Cat Gone Bald!

Put this on my cat 2 days ago, used before and had no problem but this time I have found 3 prominent bald spots on my cats shoulders. They do not look sore but clearly aggitating my cat as he won't let me touch him! DO NOT USE!


My friend said this happened to her cat too. Poor kitty left with two bald patches


Value For Money

Do Not Use

Do not ever use Bob Martin for your pets pay a bit more and get the proper stuff


I could not agree more. Last week I inadvertently applied Bob Martins Spot On to my cat and within a few hours she became quite seriously ill, vomiting, diaorrhea and extremely distressed. This reaction, and her general malaise, continued for several hours. Thankfully she has now recovered but I am so incensed that this product is so widely available and so poisonous. A huge lesson well learned by yours truly. BUT when will this vile product be removed from the shelves???


Value For Money

Does Not Work!

Tried both the spot on and shampoo,still had fleas a few days later. would not use any Bob Martins products again


Value For Money

Do Not Use This Product

Used Bob martin Flea treatment for 6 months, then discovered the cat, and now my house is infested with fleas. Applied a dose immediately ( would have been due the monthly dose in a few days time) and called the vet. Was informed that Bob Martin treatment is notoriously ineffective and also potentially harmful to the cat. Purchased an alternative product Advocate but was told that this cannot be applied for another 2 weeks as the chemicals in Bob martin are very toxic and applying another treatment is too dangerous for the cat. I have spent 3 days spraying each room in the house to try and control the fleas and counting the days til I can apply the alternative product. I will also have to pay £279.00 to have the house professionally cleared of fleas.


Value For Money

Harmed For Life

Used bob martin all clear last October. My cat has never been the same. Sore and irritable. Do not use this Bob Martin product. Should be off the market.


Value For Money

Harmed For Life

Used bob martin all clear last October. My cat has never been the same. Sore and irritable. Do not use this Bob Martin product. Should be off the market.


No product should be on the market that can harm and kill animals. Too many cats have suffered using Bob Market products not just mine. Google it and you will see the pictures and reports of the suffering animals.


used bob martin all clear for several years found it as good as what gave me perhaps your cat was just unlucky and had reaction. I cannot take antibiotics yet most people can. could be same with your cat dos'nt mean it should be withdrawn


Toxic Poison...

Our 4 yr old cat has 2 fits in the past few months .....on taking him to the vet after the last seizure when he damaged his left paw..we were told it was most lie,ly caused by Bob Martin spot on flea treatment, as cat epilepsy is very rare. We worked out that the seizures had taken place within a few days of applying the treatment....

To say we were appalled is an understatement...the vets assured us that they were doing everything possible to try to get this vile product banned....


I don't know if the ingredients have changed as this is now 2020 but my 18 yr old cats has been having seizures since I applied it. I'm throwing the rest out.


Value For Money

Dramatic Hair Loss

I applied spot on at two of my 3 yo cats. One seems to tolerate it okay but second cat has lost half of her hair and keeps leaving balls of hair on carpet wherever she goes. I am shocked and very worried for her. Will need to take to hospital and check if she is alright.

Don't be buying it. I only got it because it is in Asda near to my house and clinics around me only offer injection, which I strongly oppose.


Value For Money


Applied the product as instructed and noticed instantly that it was burning my cats hair. Washed the product of immediately but it had left a huge gaping sore which was bleeding. Sulphuric acid does pretty much the same thing! I was was more than distressed to think I had put my adorable pet through such pain. And before Bob Martin tries to blind me with science...I am a chemist and I work in pharmaceutical research so please no excuses....your batch testing requires immediate attention......!!!!!!!!!!


Product is shocking and so is the review centre..... It automatically gave me someone else name and not the one I registered with!!!

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I've just put Spot On on my cat. I've just read reviews and I'm worrying now in case I've harmed her in anyway. What should I do? 


I put it on my cat and it did cause a small skin irritation but it is not a product that has a good name so I think in the future you should use frontline which is the same kind of thing but more forgiving to the cats system. We also get an injection for cat fleas from out vet each year.

You could try washing the martin one out but maybe too late. good luck

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