Mill Farm Riding School and Trekking Centre

Mill Farm Riding School and Trekking Centre

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Value For Money

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Mill Farm Riding School and Trekking Centre

Mill Farm Riding School and Trekking Centre
4.64 228 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Beats The Rest!

Mill Farm Riding School has gotten better and better, with the new refurbished school which is now even larger, and new jumping paddock and the small riding school, everything you need is there for you to enjoy. The staff are brilliant, and they even have a cafe now serving resonably priced food and hot beverages. The riding school has now been awarded the ABRS - Association of British Riding Schools, what other local riding school can top that! The horses are just fab, and eager to please from beginners to the more advanced, they have horses to suit everyone. All the instructors are so helpful and dont rush you if your nervous. I recommend this school to anyone looking learning to ride or just have some fun.


Mill farm riding school beat there horses I have proof of HARRY HARTLEY abuseing a horse I don't agreee with this as me and another customer have left and I shall not be going back I would not advise it and the owner HELEN HARRISON did not care about the abuse


Value For Money

Brilliant Riding School, Highly Recommend To Frien

Brilliant riding school, highly recommend to friends and family! Staff are pleasant, incredibly helpful. Their horses are amazing not your typical riding school horses, never seem or look tired. Fantastic trecking and had the most amazing jumping lesson in the new school today.


Value For Money

Fantastic Day Out!

Great staff, gorgeous horses. Had a fantastic day and went on a great hack and will be defintely going again. Will defintely recommend this.


Value For Money

Great Fun!

My 2 daughters have just competed in the Mill Farm Riding School show day, all the kids had the best day ever! They did in-hand and ridden showing, show-jumping, gymkhana games and completed the day with a chase-me-charlie. All the kids finished the day with loads of rosettes, trophies and massive smiles on their faces, all the ponies were immaculately turned out (part of the kids show preparations) and all looked happy, healthy and well loved, the ponies enjoyed themselves too. Brilliant, would definitely recommend


Value For Money

Great Riding School

My children have been coming here for a few weeks now and my son has started to help out at the stables. The staff are all lovely and really helpful. The lessons are very professional. I have been to other riding schools before where they don't really take any notice of what a certain child can and can't do or what he or she has learnt, where at Mill farm they move them into different groups once they reach a certain level, the staff genuinely care and want the children to do well. I would definitely recommend Mill farm to anyone that is thinking about taking up lessons or for riders that want to get back into to. My children thoroughly enjoy it and look forward to their lessons every week.


Value For Money

Great Riding School

My daughter had a great day at the Mill Farm Show yesterday. Thanks to all the excellent and supportive staff! The horses are well cared for and we have happily stabled our own horse here for over two years. I would recommend anyone who wants to ride to come here. It’s such a lovely yard with such a great atmosphere!


Value For Money


My daughter recently went on one of Mill Farms treks. Okay, it was a Groupon offer so we didn't pay full price, but even though it was cheap I really wouldn't recommend it ..... unless your idea of a trek is to ride along the roads of Hazel Grove! Hardly the trek they describe across rolling countryside! The school borders countryside and there are fields all around, yet it was road riding! Busy roads! Not great. Don't bother!


Sorry you misunderstood it wasn't the weather on the day it was the wet weather in the days/ weeks before

But the customer is always right is our policy so please contact us and we will endeavour to put this right and hopefully the girls will have a fun ride please quote ref hh55 and again please accept our apologies



If I may set the record straight. We used our voucher while it was valid! It was a dry day it had been all week! The helpers hardly spoke to the three children on the trek; my daughters helper was plugged in to her phone the whole time. You put my daughter on the wrong horse; she had ridden before the others hadn't. You caught up with them in your car and shouted at them for getting it wrong. Remember?


I am sorry your trek was not as you would of liked but due to poor weather conditions it was to dangerous for you to ride on the trekking route so a bridle way ride was offered but to be technical the Groupon vouchers all expired in September we did how ever go over and above to honour expired vouchers


Great Horses, Friendly Staff

Groupon booking is a nightmare (I believe booking direct is much easier and more reliable, but obviously I had a groupon voucher), but the horses are amazing. Not your usual follow-my-leader trekking plots, all the horses I saw looked fit and healthy. Those I rode and were in my group on the two occasions I have been here had spirit and get-up-and-go but also amazing manners and willingness to listen to their riders. On one visit we rode down bridleways that are also used by runners to end up riding in the middle of a running club/race. The horses are all clearly well trained, they dealt with runners sneaking up behind them and then shouting or even worse reaching out to touch them without warning perfectly. I was amazed none of them bolted (in fact they were better than horses I have ridden elsewhere that also do RDA work and those horses are supposed to be bombproof). The staff on the yard are all friendly and I am told the horses do a max of 3hours work per day (which would explain their good energy levels and fitness).

My only suggestion for improvement would be to add another level of trek in between the beginner and advanced, as I am sure there are many like me who are bored on the beginner trek (although I did enjoy the sceenery) because we can do more but worry on the advanced trek that we may hold others in the group back (although I was never made by the staff to feel that I was holding my group back).


Value For Money

Absolutely Fantastic

I went on hack today for 90 minutes and it was awesome!! The young gentleman that took us out was the nicest person I've ever come across he was so helpful with everything ensuring the whole ride felt at ease and in comfort the whole time!. We was waiting around the farm until it was time to head off and in the time We was there there wasn't a unhappy face about everybody was happy and smiling.

++++++ our trek leader took us onto the middlewood way and then onto a field which he called "the gallop field" all 3 of us really enjoyed the gallop and canters

Last of all the horses were fantastic and all looked so well maintained and groomed and all the tack looked as though is had only just been freshly oiled i would highly recommend mill farm to anybody wanting to go on a trek or have a lesson


Value For Money

Recommend To All!

Lovely place to ride, very child friendly and an extremely well run place. I have read the previous review and notice there's a lot of children at mill farm but just seems to be extremely child friendly and I am aware they have a designated play area where I have seen children play, I suppose school holidays create havoc for everyone!

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Does Mill Farm Riding School have a car park? I will be coming down the A6 with the thai fushion restaurant on my left or is there one near by?


There is parking available yes. We met them at a farm right on the A6 then we drove around 2 miles, following them as its quite tucked away, to where the stables are. It's probably a good idea to give them a call if you can. The signpost on the farm on the A6 is only small but if you use satnav, you should be in the right area. Once you're at the stables, there is sufficient parking. You'll really enjoy it, it's beautiful countryside and the staff are really very pleasant - as are the horses!

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