Maytag Neptune Washer
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Maytag Neptune Washer

User Reviews
Ease of Use
No Issues Last 7 Years
We enharited these when we bought the house and they have been working great. They must be at least 15 years old. Strange how they are considered to be the worst equipment ever produced. There must have been a model where they had done it right?
Ease of Use
Service & Support
Value For Money
Maytag Neptune Best Quality Machines
We purchased a Maytag Neptune washer and a Neptune dryer 20 years ago, in all that time neither has let us down and have worked perfectly the whole time never needing any repairs. No problems with mould or anything else. When they do eventually breakdown I will do my best to get them repaired in order to service us for the next 20 years. Wouldn't consider any other make of machine now having experienced these. Just hope that spares will still be around when these machines need it!
Ease of Use
Service & Support
Value For Money
Lasted 16 Years
Ours lasted 16 years....without one problem...and is still running but the bearings just started making noise. I don't know what else to ask of a washer.... (mic drop)
Ease of Use
Service & Support
Value For Money
Mold, Mold, Mold
Maytag Neptune frontload washer is not worth the price. Constantly trying to keep mold out of the washer and the smell is never ending. Customer service says to leave door open and the mold won't form. That is a real joke. Will never have another Maytag and it completely turns you against a frontloader.
No Good, Staffs Are Not Very Professional. There A
no good, staffs are not very professional. there are cheaper ones better than this!
Ease of Use
Service & Support
Value For Money
Maytag Neptune Top Load Washer
We purchased the Neptune Top Load Washer and the Front Load Dryer as a
set in 2004. We paid a lot for them planning on their lasting a long
time. From the first time I did launry I found I was unhappy with the ay the paddle side agitators worked. They did nothing but twist the
clothes into knots. Pants legs, shirt sleeves, etc. were twited to the point you had to work to untangle them. Even if you used the wrinkle control setting, it did not work. Now after nine years the last spin cycle will not operate properly and two repairmen have told me it is junk and to go back to the old fahion center agitator with hand dials in lieu of the computerized board for controls. I am very disappointed. I had
Kenmore products previous and they lasted us 23 years with only two small repairs that due to age had to be repaired. Thought the ads for Maytag told you the repairman is lonely because no one ever needs him. DUH!
Thanks for having a place to allow us to vent.
Ease of Use
Service & Support
Value For Money
Do Not Touch
I have had this machine for approximately 5 years. One year ago the motor went. It took weeks to get a technician. He arrived at an initial cost of £150 but carried no spare parts so had to come again another week later. He sold me a policy for a year to cover other problems. £250. 7 days after this ran out the heater has failed. I called Maytag and of course would have to embark on the same inital £150 then man come again and pay him for second call plus parts ir. well in excess of £250-300 for fixing. Given that within a year and 2 weeks this machine would cost £500+ to fix I am opting to buy a new, reliable machine and would NEVER touch Maytag again. there is nothing good I can say about it other than that it is large.
Ease of Use
Value For Money
I Bought My Machine Back In 2000 And Have Not Had
I bought my machine back in 2000 and have not had any problem with mold, perhaps because I always leave the door open, albeit water does collect in the bottom of the door seal. The only other problem I've had is the failure of the spin cycle to occur - maybe 5 times.
Ease of Use
Service & Support
Value For Money
Machine Is Constantly In Need Or Repair. Thank Go
Machine is constantly in need or repair. Thank goodness, we bought the extended warranty. Machine has been repaired atleast 6 times so far and am currently waiting for service now. Plan to buy a cheaper and more dependable Kenmore when the extended warranty runs out!!!! Very disappointed...paid 1300 for this washer.
Ease of Use
Service & Support
Value For Money
A Piece Of Cr@p. We Got The Extended Warranty (tha
A piece of cr@p. We got the extended warranty (thank god) and luckily everything that went wrong...and there was many things...got fixed free of charge. Finally the last straw came when the fabric softener wouldn't drain and it will cost over 300.00 to replace a circuit board. Now the place we bought it from is giving us a credit to get a new one as they are not going to bother fixing it.
I have a chance to buy a gently used Neptune set (model no.s MAH6500AWW and MDE5500AYW) for a reasonable price. Most of the bad reviews I read are from the early 2000s. This set was purchased around 2009. Can I assume that Maytag had most of the "Kinks" worked out by 2009? Does anyone have any recommendations? I love the features, but all of the negative reviews scare me.