Veet For Men Hair Removal Gel

Veet For Men Hair Removal Gel

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Value For Money

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Veet For Men Hair Removal Gel

Veet For Men Hair Removal Gel
2.86 11 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Not Bad, Not Perfect.

Whether this is just a marketing gimmick I don't know? Why is mens hair so different to women's?

Anyway, assuming their is a difference - or at least a difference in the likely areas of use, it is great that this is now a hair remover for men.

The product itself is a gel like substance which you spread over the area which offends you (or your loved one) and leave it to go to work - Be sure to read the instructions because it can be strong stuff. Remember, it is effectively burning through your hair so it need to back a punch.

Once you have left it on long enough you need to scrape it (and your offending hair) off with the widget they give you for this and then hop in the shower to get it all off.

Not a bad product and it will give you a whole new respect for women!


Value For Money

Application To Boll0cks

A stern warning to any potential customers.

Although it is a very good creme, application to your boll0cks is highly discouraged. My winkled ball sack now looks like a deformed pomegranate.

My wife is not happy and she has threatened me with violence (Quite harsh I thought)

The smell is fairly nice. Similar to the insolves of brand new shoes. It also runs out of the bottle very smoothly giving you accurate application for those hard to reach areas (Gooch and penis helmet)

A good product all round but please remember, only apply to insensitive areas.



Mr Green

I am a school teacher and find that looking my best it a must in all departments of the body, I like to look swarve, I consider myself to have a lot of swag so when I found out about veet for men I couldn’t contain my excitement. The package arrived on a Monday afternoon (after reading club) so I raced up the stairs and smothered it on my nuts! All I could compare the pain to is teabagging a hot brew, to say the least I WAS ON FIRE!!! My mummy came in to help me but nothing worked, ice, water, sudocrem, bepanthem, I resorted to soaking my goolie woollies in a bowl of chilled peas. All I can say is I now walk with more swag than John Wayne!


Value For Money

First Time Used And Disappointed . Not Working.wai

first time used and disappointed . Not working.Waist of money.Just good advertising.


Value For Money

I Decided That Enough Was Enough With The Hair On

I decided that enough was enough with the hair on my shoulders and buttocks. So after much research I decided that I wasn't brave enough to get a wax and didn't have the money for laser hair removal. I wet shave my face and it usually leaves it sore so I didn't want to risk this on my shoulders and buttocks.

I finally plucked up the courage to go in and buy Veet For Men in my local boots. Although it was a bit pricey it certainly did the job. My back feels strange being smooth and I like the fact I now don't have any hair on my bottom. Word of caution though, be careful around these areas. I ended up getting a little on my testicles and it stings like hell for a day or two.

I also got slightly carried away and ended up with it on the top of my legs, my mistake as now it looks strange. Going to buy a body trimmer to blend the hair in as smooth to hairy looks a bit odd. Left the cream on for around 6mins and for the courser hairs maybe 7 minutes and it worked fine. If your using it for the first time it may be an idea to trim first - I never. My shower was such a mess. I tried the blade which was rubbish and left me with a few grazes so I decided to use exfoliating gloves and they worked a treat.

I think I might get laser on my back and shoulders in the long run but Veet for Men is ideal for hair on my bottom. There is a lot of hair but it's rather quite fine so Veet will be the way forward for this area.


can i use it for groin?


how long did it take for the hairs on your back to grow back


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Value For Money

I Used This Down Below As They Say Dont, But I Lov

I used this down below as they say dont, but i love to break rules, lol

i have to say, i went from being stubble all the time till smooth, veet has made me complete, i love it annd will keep using it, and its good they have stuff for men now instead of women all the time.


Value For Money

Used This Product Just Now Was Very Very Very Good

Used this product just now was very very very good!!!

after reading a few reviews i was unsure how well it would work, even though its not recommend for pubic hair due to it being thicker i tried it out left it on for 4 mins and it was all gone left skin feeling smooth. would use and recommend. only down side is the smell. it doesnt have a very nice smell to it but i think thats a minor fault.


Value For Money

I Really Liked This Product, It Is Very Simple To

I really liked this product, It is very simple to use and worked like a treat. First of all i opened the bottle and applied where necessary and left for about 6/7 minutes. Then used the handy spatula to remove the hair. It was quick Easy and very useful! I would recommend this to anyone looking for a quick and simple way to getting rid of hair, as before i did the tedious chore of shaving and its not easy to get into the hard to reach places im telling you haha. But this gets my rating of 4/5! Well done Veet!


Value For Money

Hair Removal Creams Have Become Much More Popular

hair removal creams have become much more popular with men recently and i have been looking for different ways to remove unwanted hairs from my body. i used to just get it waxed and yeah it hurt a little, but not as much as people make out, so if uv got the money get waxed! however now i am a student at university so money is an issue! as my first year started i wanted to join the swiming society as i used to swim back at home (when i was able to get waxed) however now i have hairs growing on my back, chest and shoulders and i REALLY didnt want to go swimming like this so i bought this product from boots where it is 3 for the price of 2 and tried it out. i used the spatula thing to spread it out and only kept it on for as long as it said, then using the spatula i removed the hairs while in the shower. SORTED!!! however when i came out of the shower i realised that there were loads of hairs that the cream had not removed and even after rubbing them with a flannel they stayed in place! so i ended up shaving them. after i dried myself i realised that the hair the cream had removed you could still see and feel, almost as though it had just been shaved rather than using hair removal cream! so if you are looking for the totally hairless look then get waxed or maybe even try the wax strips you can buy yourself, but DO NOT use this product as its expensive and looks and lasts about as long as shaving!

while im on the topic... does anyone want to buy my other 2 tubes of veet for men? :P


Value For Money

Hairy Backs And Long Days Spent On The Beach Are N

Hairy backs and long days spent on the beach are not two expressions that go hand in hand. With the lovely weather right around the corner and the hairy pale back having spent a long winter under a jacket, I have to say that I was looking forward to swimming, but was somewhat intimidated by this as well. So, to this, I did what seemed right. I had heard about this mystical product that made hair disappear, and this was very interesting. I went out and bought a bottle, quickly came home, took a shower and tried it out. (Now if I'm actually here, it's for the reason that what I am about to tell you is true and very important, since I never write reviews...) I applied the cream exactly as it stated on the package waited for exactly 4 mins, not 3 because I wanted to make sure that it was all gone. After the long wait, I removed the product as directed and glanced at the final product. Hairless at last! But this did not come without anyway pain. I had an unsightly rash on my entire back, and I had the impression that someone had just pored a bucket of hot boiling water over my back. (... and yes, to all of you out there who are telling themselves that I should have done a small test before applying it to my entire back: TRUST ME, I did it) After two weeks, it had cured and I shaved instead of taking the risk of doing this over again, until today. I had not shaven in a while (4 days) because I'm very busy and tired and have not had the time. So I cracked out the old bottle of Veet and after a long moment of hesitation, I reapplied it. I did this only because I managed to convince myself that I had badly applied it the first time and that this time, it would not hurt at all. So I did it. One minute, two, three, four, and I quickly removed it. I am now writing this comment on my bed with my back covered in Soothenol, because I am having once again the same reaction and regret greatly having done it once again.This message goes out to those who are hesitant to use this product, and I have to say that if you do decide to use it, make sure you leave a good 3-4 days ahead of you for your body to heal, so you don't have to go out into public with your bod in a rash. I am a swimmer, and now have to go swimming with my back covered with a red aching rash and short stubbly unsightly hairs.Hope this helps,


i had the same problem!!! i applied it to my stomach area and i was burning and red for days!!! couldnt even touch the area!

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