Freederm Antibacterial Facial Cleanser
Value For Money
Freederm Antibacterial Facial Cleanser

User Reviews
Value For Money
To Hard On The Skin
I started using freederm when Johnson's clean and clear wiped don't seem to be selling anymore going to freederm was the worst mistake I've made I've been using them 2-3 days done a fantastic job at bringing the spots up I really thought I was seeing results so I gave them to a friend who I see every day we both use them as I was saying when the spots were coming up the problems started happening my face has rashes all over to the point where my skin is peeling off I'm uncomfortable to leave the house my face has started to burn and I could feel the heat off my face with my hand barley touching my face . My friend phoned me saying the same her face has broken out using them and wouldn't recommend them and neither would I .
I would have liked to know that they would leave me looking like this before I bought them or had something on the packet for sensitive skin types instead says it okay to use for all skin types I think you may need to re-look in to that
This has happened to me too, ive got sensitive skin, and i thought id try this to try and get rid of spots. But instead its given me a rash and made my skin very sore mostly on my cheeks. And is red and very dry.
I'm 13 and skin is starting to peel of my cheeks now and I'm really scared!! I have used these wipes for 3 days
My daughter has spent a night in hospital this week after using these wipes. She has had an horrific reaction to them and is currently on a high dose steroid tablet for four days after intravenous steroid treatment in hospital. A week later and it is only slowly getting better.
I would not consider her to have sensitive skin.
Be warned....patch test first.
Value For Money
Freederm Facial Wipes
right so i bought theese from a shop and wasnt very pleased i have a couple of spots and it gave me more than i had ?i wiped away all my black heads but left my face greasy ... i wasnt happy my friend recomended theese wipes ..but i do have very senseative skin.
Value For Money
Freederm Facial Wash ( Exfoliating Wash, The Orange One)
I bought this product just I think about 2 days ago, I know you're probably thinking that It's way too early to write a review, but when I bought it I've been getting more and more spots ! My face is itchy which is weird :l because usually my spots are not Itchy ! Anyway I have an oily skin and the product really isn't helping despite this I'll keep using the product to see if there will be any improvements.
It cost £6.00 & is not really helping !
The advert for Freederm was great but just another lie I suppose.
My normal Facial wash doesn't seem to be doing the trick anymore but when I first bought it was great ! For couple of months no spots xD
It's called Loreal Scrublet, but the orange one if you oily skin !
Anyway the product made my skin rougher than usual and it's just not right for me...so far :L
But erm ( TROLOLOLOL Itching my skin as I type >: naw good ) please don't waste your money on it if you have oily skin
Adios <3
i think this product is a pile of poop
Value For Money
Rapid Results, Skin Looks Smoother And Cleaner Than It Has For A Long Time
I bought freederm facial cleanser after having seen that one of my housemates was using a freederm product, and because my skin seemed to be going through a bad patch and my usual cleanser didn't seem to be clearing it. My skin reacts to virtually any unhealthy habit - a drunken night out, a few days of not eating as well as i normally do, late nights studying, stress, you name it, my skin will break out straight away. I started using the product a week ago and have to say i'm really impressed with the results. I had small spots all over my face but they have virtually all vanished without a trace, no new ones to speak of, despite the fact that my sleeping has been all over the place, and i've been pretty stressed out revising for the last exam of my degree. My skin is undoubtedly clearer, looks much fresher and the cleanser seems to have actually cleared out my pores in a way i've never seen before, my skin looks healthy, smooth and dare i saying it glowing when make up free which is fantastic and a real boost. I find that i can use the product in a few different ways with good results, i put a layer on and leave it for a few minutes to work while i run a bath, or go in the shower and wash it off, by getting my hands warmed up by the water and gently massaging my face with my palms. i also just put a layer on and wipe it off with cotton pads then follow with toner and moisturiser and this feels fresh as well. My skin is never tight after using it, as it is with other products, and my skin seems less oily and pores much cleaner in general and spots nicely healed very quickly. It is worth noting that I'm now 24 and while my skin can be sensitive, back in my teens I never found anything that cleared up the horrid spots i got then. For me this product has been great, I'm really pleased and although it's not cheap I will definitely buy it again. I would recommend this to people with skin like me, a bit oily and prone to outbreaks.
Value For Money
Rapid Results, Skin Looks Smoother And Cleaner Than It Has For A Long Time
I bought freederm facial cleanser after having seen that one of my housemates was using a freederm product, and because my skin seemed to be going through a bad patch and my usual cleanser didn't seem to be clearing it. My skin reacts to virtually any unhealthy habit - a drunken night out, a few days of not eating as well as i normally do, late nights studying, stress, you name it, my skin will break out straight away. I started using the product a week ago and have to say i'm really impressed with the results. I had small spots all over my face but they have virtually all vanished without a trace, no new ones to speak of, despite the fact that my sleeping has been all over the place, and i've been pretty stressed out revising for the last exam of my degree. My skin is undoubtedly clearer, looks much fresher and the cleanser seems to have actually cleared out my pores in a way i've never seen before, my skin looks healthy, smooth and dare i saying it glowing when make up free which is fantastic and a real boost. I find that i can use the product in a few different ways with good results, i put a layer on and leave it for a few minutes to work while i run a bath, or go in the shower and wash it off, by getting my hands warmed up by the water and gently massaging my face with my palms. i also just put a layer on and wipe it off with cotton pads then follow with toner and moisturiser and this feels fresh as well. My skin is never tight after using it, as it is with other products, and my skin seems less oily and pores much cleaner in general and spots nicely healed very quickly. It is worth noting that I'm now 24 and while my skin can be sensitive, back in my teens I never found anything that cleared up the horrid spots i got then. For me this product has been great, I'm really pleased and although it's not cheap I will definitely buy it again. I would recommend this to people with skin like me, a bit oily and prone to outbreaks.
Value For Money
I Found That Freederm Was Very Pricy For I Paid &p
I found that freederm was very pricy for I paid £5.50 for mine, (btw I don't know that in dollars). At first it was allright but then I started to get more and more spots. It sort of took away my spots but it took for ages and I think alot of pple would agree :L
I bought freederm because everyone in my class had really clear skin and I didn't and I just wanted to be like them. The ads for freederm made it look really good but obviously the people on the ads never had spots in the first place :/ I wouldn't recomend it to friends or family, if anything I would tell people not to buy it. One morning in school someone said to me, "You have toothpaste on your nose!" I remembered I put freederm on my face that morning so i realised the freederm made my face go white :( The only good thing it done was helping my oily skin. Please don't waste your money buying this, for a tiny 10g it's £5.50, it's a ripoff, it leaves white patches on your face and it takes ages for your spots to go away. DONT BUY IT.
Value For Money
I Too Suffered From Pimples And Blackheads And Was
I too suffered from pimples and blackheads and was told freederm was good. I thought it quite expensive but silly me, thought this made it the best.....WHAT a mistake. After using it solely (no other products) I found myself with a sore and painful rash all over my face. It made my spots MUCH worse. I stopped using it and in 2 days my skin was better. I have been on their website and there is no way to contact them on this site. I want my money back and want to let them know what a mess their product made of my skin. I have told all my friends and they wont be using this
Value For Money
I Purchased The Whole Range From Exfoliating Wash,
i purchased the whole range from exfoliating wash,to cleanser and moisturiser.Att first it was all grat and my skin was really smooth and bright.Eventually i starterd to seriously spot!an i never have pimples just got an infection from facial but what i got after freederm is a living nighmare.I dont even know if they are pimples or whatever they are.my skin breaks and its quite painfull.The breakout actually end up looking like ripe fruits and leave very black heads.
Its so disappointinf acuse i kept on until i had to accept and stop.this is so expecially cause i used over 100 dollars.
Value For Money
Non Irritating Gentle And Effective Cleanser. It
Non irritating gentle and effective cleanser. It does what is says on the label - how refreshing and unusual that is. It does not irritate eyes or lip area. Also not perfumed and not expensive. One of the best I have used and I have used everything from Chanel to Liz Earle. Finally found my holy grail, please keep making this.
Value For Money
I Purchased Freederm Skin Product To Treat My Sons
I purchased FREEDERM skin product to treat my sons eczema. On application his skin became very rashy and itchy. This in turn made him scratch it more and eventually some of the areas became septic requiring antibiotics to treat it.
On contacting Freederm requesting if they would refund the costs as their product hadn't worked and there was a 30day money back guarenttee, they started quibbling and suggesting I somehow applied the cream incorrectly.
To cut a long story short they wouldn't refund the costs, their cream made my sons worse and their customer care is rubbish. Tread with care if you buy this product!!
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