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Value For Money

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4.67 30 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Magic Cream

What does Sudocream not fix! I don't go anywhere without it, so good for getting rid of spots and for helping cuts heal quick.

I have really sensitive skin and it's one of the few products that I can confidently use without worrying about a bad reaction. I think it's one of the most underrated beauty products, back to basics people!



Thanks for leaving a review! I think I might buy some now - I've been considering it for a while.


Value For Money

Acne\folliculitis\chemical Burns

In my journey to get rid of a year long issue with folliculitis on my chest, I stupidly used undiluted tea tree oil and my skin rebelled with burns, scarring, and worse break-outs (btw tea tree is really great for acne and bumps but you have to dilute!) Anyways, I stumbled upon this cream and after slathering my chest for 3 nights straight, my burns are healing and not inflamed, my scars look less red, and it has even dried out new break outs! I bought it simply for the chemical burns, I never thought it would help all three issues and in such a short time period! I'm so grateful! This stuff is a godsend!


Didn't Really Help

We'll I picked some spots on my face and made them inflamed and sore I applied sudocrem but didn't really work as I hoped


Value For Money

Absolutely Perfect

I heard about these different treatments to help acne as I had acne that I absolutely hated.I used to cover it with makeup and found I broke out more and got more spots.Then I went to my GP for some medication.That just made my skin really dry. So when I gave up I just left it. Then at school people started noticing it more so I took action. I tried everything,toothpaste made my skin dry,lemons made my skin thickly and took a while to set in even potato slices didn't work. UNTIL I found sudocrem.

I didn't need to waste money as I had one at home. I had a pocket sized one as we'll. AND!!! LISTEN CAREFULLY,,,, IF YOU LIKE MAKEUP IT DOUBLES UP AS A PRIMER I WOULD GIVE IT A 8/10 as a primer... You can even use sudocrem for grazes,cuts,rash,eczema,bedsores,sun burns,minor burns ,chilblains,surface wounds and acne.

I RECCOMED IT SO MUCH ALTHOUGHT THEY DONT GO OVERNIGHT YOU CAN SEE THE DIFFERENCE.IT DOES WORK!!!!!!!!!! Just apply a thick layer at night or the daytime and wait for the minimum is 4 hours (overnight will work more better) then wash of and gently dry with a clean towel. Thanks for reading.


Value For Money

Sudocrem Is A Must Have!

SUDOCREM is a must have!

I use this stuff religiously! Mainly for spot outbreaks. I apply a thick layer at night, but a towel over my pillow and wash it off in the morning and my face feels super soft! It truly is a miracle worker, especially with sore grazes or cuts. Since I am always falling over, It is a handy product. You can pick it up from practically anywhere in the UK and it is cheap! So give it a try!

Beauty tip - If you are a swimmer, apply a thin layer to your face afterwards as chlorine is bad for your skin. Obviously rub it in though, unless you will be walking round with a white face. :)


Value For Money

Suffering Since I Was 15 Years Old

I have bought everything, changed my diet to goats milk etc etc, contemplated laser surgery and quite frankly given up that i would be stuck with these spots until old age, however, read a review about sudocream and gave this a try, well only need to put a small amount on chin nose or individual spots and within a week they seem to have cleared up. I apply foundation every day to cover these areas and really can get away with just a light amount. Also i can go swimming again which i always loved but my confidence was so low i would worry everyone would look at my spots when the water washed it off.


Value For Money

Miracle Cream!

Most people believe that sudocrem is only useful for babie's bottoms and nappy rash.

Not the case.

Throughout the years, I've found myself constantly returning to and reaping the rewards of Sudocrem.

I've used it on eczema, cuts, sunburn, and spots.

And it's worked for them all.

So I'm sure you could find a use for it.

I even use it all over my face as a night cream when my skin's feeling a tad dehydrated.

Honestly it should be found in every medical cupboard or dressing table.

Don't be put off by it's thick white texture or medicinal smell

Just rub in and reap the rewards.

(Always remember to rub in as walking around with white patches on your skin is never a good look)

About 3 pounds for a decent sized tub, found in chemists, supermarkets and beauty stores.

It's definately value for money


Value For Money

I Think Sudocrem Is A Great Spot Fighting Ingredie

i think sudocrem is a great spot fighting ingredient the only down side to it is its very oily and cloggs your pores which cause more spots but i would reccomend a product i use called simple anti-blemish moisturiser this and sudocrem combined will leave your skin looking and feeling very clear after a few weeks :)


Value For Money

I Love Sudocrem

I love sudocrem <3 i use it everyday, if i had a lay in day, i'd have shower and layer a layer of sudocrem on my face ( like a face mask) once it's sunk into my skin ill wash it of with walm water and put on moistriser as sudocrem can make your face go slightly dry. it's good for my spots as im a 15 years old girl and get very spotty skin. if i have the odd spot ill put a dab of sudocrem just on the spot area and sleep with it on, in the morning the redness will go down and the spot will appear less visable.Hope this helped, Gemma Boxall xxx


Value For Money

This Works Best On Open Spots - When I Put It On O

This works best on open spots - when I put it on overnight I found it really dried out spots that were red and crusty/leaky (gross, I know!) but didn't make much difference to deeper ones that hadn't surfaced yet.

As other people have said, it makes your face white so it's definitely for night time use, and unless your hair is tied back it'll be greasy in the morning.

Definitely worth a try, especially as it's so cheap!

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Can you use Sudocrem for acne?

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