Asda George Children's Clothing
Value For Money
Asda George Children's Clothing

User Reviews
Value For Money
I Love The Clothes At Asda But Just Wish You Had A
I love the clothes at asda but just wish you had a bigger range of clothes for boys between age 18 months- 3 years as the boys section is so small compared to the girls section. Also I think delievery should be free for clothes even if it's just if you buy childrens wear when spending a certain amount. And why have you taken the katie price range of the shelves???? I loved her underwear as being large on top I find it hard now to buy stylish bra's in your stores as the michelle range has only my size in bras that aren't attractive, katie price's range had a wider range of cup sizes and the bra's were well fitting, sexy and stylish for a young person like me.
Value For Money
I Have Just Been Looking Online At Kids Asda Cloth
I have just been looking online at kids asda clothes.
My daughter is 12 going on 13 and the kids clothes go up to age 12.
The adult clothes are more to buy and do not fit a child with no curves.
They say children growing up too fast well everywhere you go counts anyone over 11 as an adult when it comes to paying, fed up.
Value For Money
I Am Sick Of Pink Pink Pink, Asda Is The Only Stor
I am sick of pink pink pink, Asda is the ONLY store that does baby/kids clothes in lovely styles and modern colours and at affordable prices! I LOVE the ranges and would buy the lot for my little girl if I could!
Well bloomin' done Asda!!!
Tania from the North East
Value For Money
Bonjour Asda, I Visited One Of Your Stores To Purc
Bonjour Asda, i visited one of your stores to purchase my christmas outfit and to my shocking discovery there was hardly anything that LOOKED half decent. I enquired at your customer service desk about why there was so little stock and she looked me up and down and said in a abrupt voice 'I DONT CARE' I was astonished, i only asked why there was so little stock and the woman behind the customer service.
Value For Money
I Really Feel Shops Like George Children's Clothin
I really feel shops like George Children's clothing at Asda, Tesco, Primark etc should think of the age range in their clothes. My child is in to age 6 but is only 4 years and still would love to wear the young child appropiate designed clothes instead of her looking like she is ready for a night out. The next range are too old for 6y. They should start from age 8 or 9. It is really frustating and I know lots of parents are fed up of it.
Value For Money
I Purchased A Pair Of Boys Jeans For My 6yr Old..t
I purchased a pair of Boys jeans for my 6yr old..the first time he wore them, he fell over resulting in a hole in the knee of the jeans. Yes he did fall over but show me a 6yr old boy who doesn't..I think they should be able to take a bit of wear before giving up!
Value For Money
Asda Is Far Better Than Tesco You See What You Are
Asda is far better than tesco you see what you are getting for your money and also i have been to the asda in england as well and there staff are always happy tesco staff just cant be bother to help
Value For Money
In General, It's A Good Idea To Offer Good Quality
In general, it's a good idea to offer good quality clothing at more affordable prices, especially for everyday wear but come on ASDA (& Tesco & Sainsbury's) look at the children in your stores.. how obese are they really??
Value For Money
As We Were Leaving The Country, And France Unfortu
As we were leaving the country, and France unfortunately doesn't have Asda, we decided to stock up on Asda's wonderful range of clothes for kids, as well as the odd item for myself. They really have considerably good value for money, for every age bracket, including mine. I will miss you Asda. Au revoir.
Value For Money
I Really Like The New Asda George Line For Babies.
I really like the new Asda George line for babies. They are affordable and adorable. The only thing I have a problem with, is I purchased 5 pairs of jeans, different sizes, and I am fighting to get them on my 6 month old (whom is breast fed). Most babies are breast fed, I would rather see jeans a little loose on my baby not so tight,that even the baby hates wearing them!!
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