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Value For Money

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4.22 1,012 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Helped A Lot

Its a very good working solution to quit smoking. Helps to reduce craving and that irritating feeling you feel when you try to quit.


Actually Helps

I had a smoking problem for a very long time and wanted to quit. I tried champix which really helped me reduce my cravings of cigarettes.


Value For Money

Incredible Results

I have quit smoking cold turkey, with Ziban and now with Chapix. The product is incredible. My dreams were wonderful.


This is best product to quit smoking. GetSetWild is an online store provides sex toys for men, women. This sex toys products really help in quit smoking. Try once you will believe that its really work. Try to explore here:


Value For Money

It Works But Be Aware Of Side Effect

I also wanted to quit cigg like many of us here. I am on 7 week of treatment.

I have tried to quit many times before and after some time I have always started again. but this time I feel I can quit. 21 days without cigg. I did not quit in second week like is recommended. i did not have nuseance or digestion problem but afer 5 week I started to feel really weird and mood swing a lot, my blood preassure went up, very weird dreams, very sleepy, prickly sensation across my body like experiencec of electric shocks, numbing sensations of my all 4 limps, high pulse, anxiety, stressed, being not sure of going out, being paranaoid that something will happen bad to me, I even thouggt that my husband want to ge rid off me. after consulTION WITH MY GP we change dose to 0.5 not 1 mg and I felt ok and continue to take them. this medication is very good bur you have to be aware of symptoms and listen to your body and mind.


Value For Money

I Slept All The Time

I persevered for two weeks hoping things would improve but by then I was asleep most of the time and felt drugged when awake. I could not keep awake. The notes said that it caused sleepiness in one out of ten people. I started the tablets when I knew I didn't have to drive. I got progressively more drowsy until I had difficulty staying awake at all. That's when I stopped taking them. It took two days for the effects to go away.


Would Not Recommend

My experience with champix was extremely scary and I think it has changed me forever. I had taken then before for a few weeks and the only side affects were the dreams. Eventually I went back on the cigarettes and decided to give them another go which was possibly the worst decision I ever made. I am a 28 year old girl with life struggles like everyone else. First week was really sick, tired and having crazy dreams which I could deal with. Week 2 noticed serious mood swings but once again tried to ride it out. On Saturday night I went out and got drunk but was having such a good night when my mood just dramatically changed for no reason. I had trashed my house, cut my hair, etc. I woke up having a panic attack thinking I would die! It was like an out of body experience, I was like a different person and the rage I had felt for no reason I could not understand it until I went online to read so many people with experiences just like mine.  I honestly believe champix should be taken off the market. I understand it works great for some people but it is not worth the risk of people's mental health. I am so lucky to be alive and I just hope I don't have any long term affects but it is an experience I will never ever forget.


Thank you for writing this. I thought it was only me who was suffering. I tried Champix and had similar reactions. Day one first tablet taken at 11am, that night woke up with sweating and funny dreams that woke me but can't remember what they were about. Day two same again 11am and that night, hardly slept, hallucinations that were strange and ruined my next two days, slept fitfully for two nights, kept waking and felt miserable during the times I was awake, you mentioned suicidal and I found those symptoms too. I was on a serious downer. I had asked my Dr to prescribe me Zyban as I had used them years ago to stop and I did very successfully using them until a death in the family put paid to my cigarette free days and back on it again. My Dr refused to put me on Zyban and said he wouldn't prescribe them for stopping smoking and I told him I had tried the Champix and I have thrown them in the drawer and will never take them again.


Value For Money

So Far, So Good

First I read loads of reviews. I am on day 18 and stopped smoking on day 10. I have not had so much as 1 puff and after smoking for over 30 years I never thought I would be able to go even one day without having a cigarette. I do have mild urges to smoke sometimes but these pass very quickly and are getting fewer. No side effects except I have had mild headaches for the past 3 days - but nothing that is unmanageable. They may not even be related to Champix. They are not magic pills and you do need willpower and I am determined. Feel better, don't smell of stale smoke and have more money - win, win.


Plz Start Now

i am a heavy smoker for the last 25 year. i planned to stop for only one main reason, either to stop it now while i can (sure with the help of Champix) or suffer alot of diseases which eventually will force me to stop i made up my mind and now i am 30 days smoke free person. neverever will think to smoke again. champix is an excellent product, and i recomend it to every smoker. till now no side effects at all. now i wake up daily fresh, active and am able to breath very well. i hit to gym daily. folks, hitging gym along with quitting smoke will make u really feel u r still alive and clean human being.

i pray for all smokers rlly to stop smoking and start a healthy life...its never too late guys.. stop smoking now plz or later u will be forced to stop it. Champix is a real good choice.

wish u all life full of joy, happiness, and good health.


Value For Money

No Warnings...??

I tried champix last year, I was determined to give up so got it. Although the doctor told me how it works there was no verbal warning beyond feeling nausea.

After taking it for a week I started to suffer with severe headaches, I can honestly say I wish I had thrown the stuff away then but no, after 4 weeks of things getting worse and I still hadn't been able to quit smoking I approached the chemist for any information on the drug. I was shocked that they had to go online but strangely couldn't print it off. They rattled off a brief side effect list, but it didn't stick.

By this stage I was suffering severe head aches constantly which in turn caused the tinnitus I suffer with to be extremely severe, had lost weight from not being either able to eat or to hold food down. I was unable to concentrate on anything so was more or less like a zombie. I rarely left the house unless I absolutely had to.

At the end of the 2nd month I threw the stuff away I could not function in any normal form and friends were getting concerned with me, Then I finally managed to go online myself to check the drug out (NOT EVERYONE HAS ACCESS TO THE INTERNET especially on a fixed income), had I have had this information prior to taking it I WOULD NOT have even ask about it.

Why are there no warning on the packaging or giving out with the drug at dispense, having read the warnings online I could relate to everyone of them, including the suicide one, not because I thought about it but the severe head pain I suffered was intolerable.

Now I see they are advertising this stuff on tv, I seriously hope they have proper information of side effects with the drug now.

I also hope that after reading Queensland court ruling that, all suicides have to be tested for the drug varenicline,


Value For Money

Quitting Smoking With Champix

I am in week 7 right now taking Champix. I smoked my last cigarette on day 16. They did really tasted disgusting and I didn't want to get get used to the new (gross) taste, so I said to my self over and over again and still do, they cigarettes makes me feel super sick. It works. Of course still sometimes craving, especially when nervous or when the adrenaline goes up. But I stay strong and I know I can do it, especially for the reason I want to quit. My husband and I are planing to have a baby and I really wanted to get rid of the poison in my body before I get pregnant. This gives me power and strength not to give up. I know, there are a lot of different reason to quit smoking, but this one was the best for me. I tried patches and gums before, it didn't really worked, because I like the taste of the cigarette not so much the habit person. Yes, I know it was all just in my mind :-) See, how powerful it is? I needed to try Champix, a pill that makes cigarettes taste yucky. I believed in it and it worked. No side effects, just a head ache here and there. My mood is better than ever. Tip: before you start taking Champix prepare your self and close people around you on what could happen, your behavior changes, your moods and so on. You need all support you can get, people that clear your mind. Keep in mind, if you have severe side effects, tell your self " This is just the pill, is not me"

The best and hardest thing I did so far in my life!!!!! Thank You Champix

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I really want to quit smoking.  I started taking Champix a week ago. As a heavy smoker about twenty-thirty a day. I have cut smoking down to about fifteen a day but I am very disappointed with myself. What should I do?


I'm a 39 year old, 20-40 (60 on a bad day) a day smoker for 20 years:

First few days seemed to slow me down smoking which I liked. On day 5 my closest friend suddenly passed away at the age of 19 years old. I have continued taking Champix but also the fags too as my body has enough going on. They must be working as the day I got the news I only smoked 8 fags all day. My issue now is I am in week 6! I have been told I can take them for 24 weeks if really needed as my grief wasn't something I could avoid. The last few days I have started physically throwing up within 10 minutes of taking the pill. Should I quit them and start again when I am stronger or continue this awful misery? 

I hate smoking but I hate throwing up too.


I took Champix about 6 years ago and had a bad reaction to them. Does anyone know if the same thing would happen this time or are reactions different each time?


I'm on day 8 today. I stopped on Saturday night and wanted one last night. I had one this morning and I have taken the stronger tablet, and feel nauseous. I have in my head that Saturday was too early and now, as I really wanted a cigarette yesterday that they aren't going to work for me. Is this true?


Do the side effects ever subside or do they continue throughout use? I'm experiencing extreme nausea and some fatigue. Other than that, works great for quitting.


They do eventually go. I took just one tablet and this really helped me with the sickness feeling. Will be 2 years this month for me..... Good luck


I am going to the doctor today to ask for these. I am reading good and bad reports and am a bit wary regarding the depression and nightmares you get with these. What are your experiences?


thanks guys will keep yous posted.


How much does Champix cost?


Hi I am a first time user of champix and after reading lots of reviews I am feeling disappointed in myself, most reviews state that by day 4/5/6 people have stopped smoking but I am on day 12 and still smoking 20 a day and no urge what's so ever to stop yet. I thought champix would help me stop after trying other methods. Is it worth carrying on when they are not having an affect after 12 days?


I've quit one time with the patch for 5 years. That was 10 years ago and, I started smoking again. Now, my aunt that used to smoke 2 packs a day, quit with Champix 5 months ago. It's been 4 weeks for me and I've cut like 10 cigs a day! Should I take Champix 3 times a day?


Dont increase the dosage. More pills will not mske you smoke less. Rather get your head right also. STOP BUYING! And make the following your motto in life: NTAP. (Never Take Another Puff!).

Champix is the best to stop smoking, but you must also trust it to work. As ling as you buy cigarettes, carrying it with you and take every possible opportunity to smoke, you are not giving Champix the fair chance it needs.

Another tip I can provide: when you feel like smoking, drink a glass if water. This helped me also, as I never felt like smoking after having a glass of good healthy water. I am clean niw for three years and don't crave even a little bit.

All the best with toyr efforts to give up smoking. Believe me, it is worth everything!


Has anyone tried to wean themselves off at the end of the course, and how did you do it? I am starting the third pack today, and don't want to stop dead at the end and risk any kickbacks due to the nature of the medicine. I thought I'd reduce to 1 a day first week. 1 every other day second week and then every 3, 4, 5, days the subsequent weeks. If anyone here is a doctor or GP I would welcome your advice.

Julia Barton

My husband and I took Champix nearly 3 years ago. He'd smoked for over 30 years and I, just over 20 years. I'd never tried any medication before, just willpower. I didn't take the tablets for the full course as I felt nauseous taking them. I was nervous coming off them early, as I thought I'd want to smoke again. Anyway, I had my last cigarette on day 9 of taking these tablets and probably stopped the tablets after 8-9 weeks altogether. It's been nearly 3 years for my husband and I. We have never had any cravings since and can't believe how wonderful these tablets worked for us. I wish you all the best and hope it works for you too.

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