NiQuitin CQ 24 Hour Clear Patches

NiQuitin CQ 24 Hour Clear Patches

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NiQuitin CQ 24 Hour Clear Patches

NiQuitin CQ 24 Hour Clear Patches
2.56 10 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Sticky Patch Doesn't Stick

Niquitin have had plenty of feedback about how their patch doesn't stick. They don't care and appear to enjoy tricking people by producing a one a day patch that needs reapplying several times a day. Profoundly disappointed both by the product and the customer service. Utterly useless. I recommend BOOTS NICASSIST.


Value For Money

Thank You Very Very Very Much. Your Products Chang

Thank You very very very much. Your products Changed my life forever! 


May Work If They Stick!

Somebody really didn't think things through when they designed these patches. Absolutely useless!  I have had to go out and by plasters to get the thing to stay in place. Don't waste your money.


Value For Money

Patches Don't Stick

I put on a patch, went for a walk and as soon as I got warm patch fell off so ..hats the point unless you want to just sit around.


Value For Money

Doctors Were No Help, So I Went To The Chemist. I

Doctors were no help, so I went to the Chemist. I started on Step one, which I thought was correct, no-one bothered to ask or check. After three weeks I had to go to the Doctors as I had developed really high blood pressure. Apparently the patches I was putting on were equivelant of 30 Marlborough Reds even thought I only smoked about 10 small roll ups a day, so I was sticking more nicotine on me than I should have. Alergic to the adhesive, but found they stuck on really well, left with little boxes all over my arm. Finished course now and am really pround of myself.


Value For Money

Did Have A Problem With Adhesive On Them For One O

Did have a problem with adhesive on them for one or two of the patches, but if you held them tight on your arm for 15 seconds then they stuck down well. First two weeks were hard but these helped tremendously.

Best thing I ever did. In two weeks time it will be my first years anniversary of quitting. Not bad after 40 years of smoking 20 a day.

Well worth the money. Would recommend.


Value For Money

What A Load Of Rubbish These Patches Are. 24 Hour

What a load of rubbish these patches are. 24 hour my a**. You're lucky if you can get them to stick for 24 minutes. In my opinion ditch the box (or don't waste your money in the first place) and do it without because these are a complete and utter waste of money. The only good thing is that I thought they were helping and have realised I've made it through to day 4 without them and through sheer will power alone


i agree mine were on fur less than ten mins and i had to celotape my patch on lol... dont no about helping me though a seem to still be smoking with them on heres hopin this will change


Value For Money

Great For Two Hours It Actually Stayed On My Arm F

Great for two hours it actually stayed on my arm for, bad when it fell off without me noticing which in turn led to me going down the shop, buying a pack of cigarettes and feeling like a failure. If you're going to buy these, do yourself and all those around you a favour and buy some sellotape and go nuts with it.


Value For Money

At The End Of The Day They Have Worked. I've Just

At the end of the day they have worked. I've just finished my program and I'm so pleased. They helped with cravings but you still have to want to give up to get through it. The only other thing I didn't find very helpful was the Cick2quit plan...not much support really...I thought I'd get regular txts etc for motivation but I had two the whole time....could of done with a little more really.

I've tried to quit so many time and using other branded patches, even tried hypnotherapy but no joy...these have really worked for me though!!


Value For Money

Top Tips For Quiting Smoking Niquitin

Top Tips for Quiting Smoking

Niquitin CQ Patches, the only brand that didn't make me queasy

Tea with Sugar Helps Alleviate the cravings, sugar is a natural opiate

A Hot bath helps sweat out that awful feeling when the cravings hit bad

Ginkgo biloba herb helps alleviate breathing problems and increases circulation - use in moderation

Incense helped to focus my deep breathing - something smokers do without thinking.

Self hypnosis tapes really put you over and away from the edge and last a couple of days - very good patch combo.

Yoga or some form of light cardiovascular exercise.

Pictures and media - get some off the internet to remind you of what your lungs will look like if you smoke.

If your a life long heavy smoker take a picture of yourself and compare it 6mnths to 1 year later, believe me there's one hell of a difference, especially around the eyes.


Here's the strange thing - up until about 1 week ago this seemed like a good review to write, but given that i've since given up smoking completely, without any farther cravings I realize that its total rubbish, so rather than leave it as it is I have this to add:

I read Alan Carr's book "The Easyway to Stop Smoking" and there are some points that he outlined which were very helpful, Like most smokers i've tried to quit before and "failed" however after reading the book I realized that smoking is more about psychology than biology, the patches only help prolong the belief that your "weak willed" or that you need nicotine to survive. Nicotine withdrawl is no where near as bad as that from cocaine or heroine and in fact only lasts a week at most.

I can honestly say as a 20 a day smoker I feel that I have quit for good - not out of sheer willpower but out of an honest assessment of what smoking was really doing for me - nothing.....

Get this Clear in your head "There is absolutely NOTHING to give up", there is no genuine pleasure in smoking. Its akin to banging your head against a wall so it will feel good when you stop.

Cigarettes only relieve the misery they create and "top up" the level of nicotine in your bloodstream - as time passes your body builds up a resistance to nicotine and so you need to smoke more and more to get less and less relief. You know that giving up is 100% the right decision - you don't have to worry that its not. Think back to that first cigarette, it tasted awful, smelled awful and make you puke your guts out, nothing has changed except that you've trained your body and brain to put up with poison. So why, why, why would you want to stick that poison to your arm!!!??. By using the patches what your really saying is:

"I can't give up on my own and I'm giving up something that really means a lot to me"

6 weeks and £100 quid later and you'll be right back where you started - craving another cigarette

I can't say I won't because I haven't gone 6 weeks yet, but I have tried the patches before and what I can tell you right now is that I AM A NON-SMOKER - Go read Alan Carr's book "The Easy way to Quit Smoking" and stop wasting your money, health peace of min and self-respect on a drug addiction you can kick in a week.



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