Mannatech Ambrotose
Value For Money
Mannatech Ambrotose

User Reviews
I Purchased A Recommended Group Of Products For My
I purchased a recommended group of products for my husband who has the onset of altzheimers .I began taking the "optimal support packets" because he was stubborn and wouldn't take them and I didn't want to waste my money.I had been having Pain and aching in my shoulder from bursitis ,keeping me awake at night so that I would have to get up an take ibprophen ,aspirins etc...I can't really say when I realized that I was sleeping through the night.
Value For Money
Inactive Distributor, Active Consumer
I have had RSD syndrome 3 times. The first time, didn't know it. Second time, I had it for six years, was diagnosed and treated for it. It is a very painful condition, and many of the tests involved are as well. I was on class II narcotics, and they had to keep increasing the strength of the medication.
I met a lady at church that introduced me to it. I am a class A skeptic, but I thought, "Well, nothing else is fixing the problem, what do I have to lose but more money?" I took Ambrotose and some other Mannatech products, and after about a year, the RSD was gone. I stayed pain free for six years.
Then it happened again. A lady ran a red light, my car was a total loss. The injury from the shoulder belt triggered the RSD again. Got on Ambrotose again, and beat it in six months.
I said inactive distributor - most people take it, then become a distributor to keep their cost down.
Value For Money
In My Opinion, If You Are Spending Money On Supple
In my opinion, if you are spending money on supplements, Ambrotose should be at the top of that list
Value For Money
-gmp ( Same Production Standard As For Medicine)
-GMP ( same production standard as for medicine)-Toxic free (not many things you put in your mouth are this pure)-It's food, not medicine! Proper nutrition is essential for healthy organs in your body.Now 3 years experience + Wife and 3 children - We love sharing Mannatech with anyone and everyone. Thanks for reading :-) [email protected]
I disagree with this review because... the taste of sugar alone (not even actually swallowing the stuff) improves motor skills. For a news review article on this see http://road.cc/content/news/4710-taste-sugar-enough-brain-boost-bodys-performance , I'll try and find the paper later in the unlikely event anyone wants to see it.So this benefit listed by the reviewer is achievable simply by rinsing your mouth with a solution of normal sugar in water, so there's no justification for an expensive product like Mannatech's. Sugar from your supermarket is much cheaper if anyone is actually taking this product for the benefits suggested by this paper.I am pleased that Mannatech are actually undertaking proper trials (which this sounds like, I can't access the proper paper as it's behind a pay-wall). It may just be to keep the customers happy so that they can be told trials are underway, rather than for any belief that the product has any benefit, but it's a start.Furthermore the paper referred to in the review is by scientists at Howard University in Wasington, not Harvard. Not that this makes any difference to the science, but it might annoy the scientists.
Value For Money
I Have Actively Been Using This Product For About
I have actively been using this product for about two months now. It has totally transformed my energy level and I am much more mentally acute. When you work with a lot of kids in a lot of different age groups, the more mental acuity, mental strength, and physical stamina you can get the better. I am a firm believe in what Ambrotose does, and the rest of the product line offered.
Value For Money
I Use The Capsules Which Is Very Convenient And Po
I use the capsules which is very convenient and portable. It is a lot better than taking over-the-counter vitamins; my body defintiely feels the difference. My brother and sister-inlaw introduced me to Mannatech products. The children's gummy bear vitamins are really great for chidren. My niece and nephew have benefited greatly from these vitamins.
Value For Money
You Can Try Them For 90 Days With A No Questions A
You can try them for 90 days with a no questions asked money back guarantee. So there is really no reason not to try them for your self.
Don't take my word for it, try them yourself and you'll feel more energetic and healthy.
Value For Money
My Mother, Age 49 Was Diagnosed With Polymyositis
My mother, age 49 was diagnosed with polymyositis about 2+ years ago, which is a form of rheumatism. She lost the use of her arms and legs for a period due to the deterioration of her muscles and/or joints. Her treatment for this condition has been taking methotrexate once a week.
About four month ago, she stopped taking the methotrexate and started taking this ambrotose supplement. Although I scolded her for going off doctor prescribed medication for some quack multi level marketed product, I have to say I've been surprised by the results. This is a truly unbiased review because I am such a skeptical person. My mother has shown vast improvement in her fifth month of being on this supplement. Her skin is radiant and beautiful, her teeth look stronger and whiter. Most importantly, she has gotten stronger and has more energy. Whereas before, she would be exhausted after any type of exertion (while she was on the methotrexate), nowadays she is very active - gardening, cleaning, cooking, meeting people.... activities that she hasn't been able to do (all at once) for 2+ years.
To sum it all up, I do think this product could be beneficial to people. My mother has been depressed for many years due to her ill health, but lately she has a passion to live again. She says that she would spend thousands of dollars, whatever she had to at least TRY something to make her health better. We're giving it a year to study all the side effects and to see if the lack of methotrexate will affect her in any way.
continue taking the Ambrotose, it helps for your overall health. One way I know this is when I STOP taking the product, I can tell by how I feel. It even helps allergies....trust me.
I found this review very helpful because... I have started taking Mannatech Ambrotose Complex a month ago and am still awaiting any sign of results, but have resignes to continue for six months at least.
This is called regression to the mean. Someone very ill is going to get better. It is not surprising that as an individual they assume that what they did immediately before they got better was responsible for the recovery. That is why we ignore 'anecdotal data' and instead look to clinical trails.Regarding Glycoman's comment - Glycoman doesn't understand what a placebo is. Two different placebos will have different effects unless they are presented in exactly the same way. It's quite fascinating. Green placebo pills work better than red ones, injections have a better placebo effect than pills, two placebo pills work better than one.I doubt that this particular case is purely a placebo effect (there will be some placebo effect, as there is in every treatment), I believe it is much more down to 'regression to the mean' as described above. We can't be sure until we run what are called double blind controlled trials. I believe that these have been running on this product for over 7 years now (they were meant to be completed within 3 years). So far the trials (paid for by Mannatech and headed by someone well paid by Mannatech) have published no positive effect for these pills. I would suggest that you probably shouldn't bother with a treatment which has not been found to have any beneficial effect, but it's entirely up to the individual.
I agree with this review because...if it was a placebo effect then the medication should have worked also and it didn't. Nutrition is the key folks.
Value For Money
As A Person Being On Mannatech Since 1996 For Fm A
As a person being on Mannatech since 1996 for FM and CFS, I would like to know what you are taking. I was part of the study done by Dr. K. Dykeman. I will not say I am cured. Let the Dr. do that and my Dr. say I no longer have any of symptons that I was plaqued with, including 30 of the 32. Please use the plus, ambrotose, and AO. That is not what they had when I started, but everyone reacts differently. Remember that these products do not offer a cure, but can possibly give you a better quality of life. I am not an active consultant (business wise) but would never be without the products.
Value For Money
Such Good Products That Will Make You Feel Great I
Such good products that will make you feel great inside and out. By working really hard on the financial benefits that the Mannatech gives by sharing it to others, you are on your way to the top! By the way, let me just highlight 2 words. That is if you WORK HARD! Still have fun doing it! If you love what you do, it will love you back! In addition, You will hear many allegations about Mannatech because the drug companies do not like this product as it is understandable and without any doubt have huge powers. But, do research the science behind it. It does make a whole lot of sense.
Mannatech products works well! Really recommend it.
I found this review helpful because I am considering how long to use these products before any results will be seen.
Can Ambrotose be taken with Azilect medication for Parkinson's and would there be any side effects?
I have SLE, sjogrums polymyositis and coeliaz and vasculitis i just want to know if this product will help me please.
I am anemic and want to know what product I should take. Can anyone help me?
What are the ingredients?
Can it help with irregular menstruation?
Will Mannatech Ambrotose help sort out a fibroid? The doctors have said it is to big to take out. We have been looking for something that will work. Does it work or is there something else that would?