Kooshies Ultra Reusable Nappy
Value For Money
Kooshies Ultra Reusable Nappy

User Reviews
Value For Money
Excellent Value For Money
A friend of mine first introduced me to these nappies when we were having an afternoon in the park. I had always gone for the 'big brand' ones but realised I could easily get the same comfort and piece of mind from these.
Value For Money
I Bought Kushie Classics 8 Years Ago And Have Used
I bought Kushie classics 8 years ago and have used them on 2 children unitl they were toilet trained and have just got them out of the loft in preparation for my third child! They look as good as new, no stains! I found they were a little big on the children when they were newborn but they soon grew into them. Leaks (which were few and far between) were minimised by using the wraps and booster liners (and putting a Kushies prefold in at night once they were much bigger and getting wetter nappies). I soaked them in a nappy bucket (only until I had a full load to wash) with bicarbonate of soda and this worked really well, drying time was minimised by putting a large dry towel in the dryer at the same time! - out of the 20 original nappies i think i only threw one out because it was so stained. I Would recommend to anyone to use them - I have looked at lots of differnet nappies and still think these are the best and easiest to use
Value For Money
Found Kooshies Ultra Reusable Nappyies Excellent F
Found Kooshies Ultra Reusable Nappyies excellent for the day time. Saved me alot of money. Give theses a try.
Value For Money
Not As Bad As Some Say, And Certainly Worth Having
Not as bad as some say, and certainly worth having a few about when child produces more solid offerings! Not ideal for newborns, breastfed babies or those who don't want to mess about with stain removal, but I'd still much rather use these than disposables, which I find leak just as much and are smellier!
Value For Money
I Have A Six Month Old Baby And Have Been Very Sat
I have a six month old baby and have been very satisfied using Kooshies/kushies. I like both their AIO's and the basic model.
Value For Money
Kooshies Ultra Reusable Nappy - Wash And Dry Sever
Kooshies Ultra Reusable Nappy - Wash and dry several times before use as this increases the absorbancy of the nappies. Do not use conditioner. I found my little boys nappy rash disappeared after using kooshies. At night time and periods of wearing the kooshies for a long time, the use of a biodegradable nappy liner is invaluable. Soiled kooshies can be soaked in water and teatree oil until you have a washer load. No need to seperate the kooshies from your normal washing - just pop them in in a 60 degree wash cycle and then either line dry or tumble dry.
Value For Money
Kooshies Swim Diapers-- The Best I've Ever Seen!!
KOOSHIES SWIM DIAPERS-- the best I've ever seen!! I love them and my 2 year old does too!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!
Value For Money
The Kooshies Ultra Reusable Nappy Was The First Wa
The Kooshies Ultra Reusable Nappy was the first washable nappy I bought and tried - because I found it in Sainsbury's. Unfortunately, it is the worst nappy on the market! So many parents must be put off cloth nappies by bad experiences with this one.....
It leaks round the legs, and takes forever to dry after washing, because the plasticy cover is permanently attached.
Much better - try a different nappy system, where the inner cotton soaking part is separate from the wrap - OK, takes 2 more seconds to put on the baby, but you wash and dry them so much more easily. You may have to use a mail-order or internet company to buy these nappies: try Tots Bots, Motherease, prefolds, or old-fashioned terries tucked inside a modern wrap (no pins!).
Admittedly it's summer at the moment so I may agree with the reviewer in a few months' time but I'm finding the all-in-ones dry in less than 12 hours provided I open them out, cotton side up, wrap-side down.
I have been using Kooshies Ultra with my baby girl and both her dad and myself find them fantastic. They do not leak unless they are not put on properly-make sure all liners are tucked in around the legs and waist. My daughter sleeps at least 12 hours a night and never needs a nappy change. She was breasfed exclusively for the first 6 months and her poo was plentiful and very runny but we had a lot less accidents with the Kooshies than we did with disposables on holiday!
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